10 Advantages Of Studying Psychology At UNED

Many students, after the entrance exams to enter the university, have to decide what career they will study in the coming years and what will be the profession that will determine their future work (although some people decide much earlier). Among the options available, Psychology is one of the most popular.

Those people who are still not clear about why to study Psychology or in which university to take the Degree you can read our articles:

    Study online or in person

    In recent decades, university education has experienced profound changes, especially due to the advance of new information technologies (ICT). That is why many university institutions specialized in this type of training have emerged.

    Deciding where to study often depends on our grades, but other times we make this decision based on the location or prestige of the university educational center.

    In Spain there are many universities that offer, within their academic offering, the Degree in Psychology.

      Studying Psychology at UNED: is it a good idea?

      Among the most prestigious and experienced online universities we find the National Distance University (UNED). It is a public institution that has its headquarters in Madrid, but has associated centers throughout the Spanish territory and different countries abroad. For example, Belgium, Mexico, Argentina or Switzerland.

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      This institution has more than 260,000 students. In addition to the Degree in Psychology, UNED also offers Master’s degrees, Postgraduate diplomas and specialization courses.

        Benefits of studying Psychology at UNED

        Since UNED is an online university, studying at this institution has advantages over in-person training. They are the following.

        1. No need to travel

        One of the main advantages of studying at UNED, and of online training in general, is that It is not necessary to attend educational centers, that is, you do not have to travel and it is possible to study from home. UNED’s experience means that its materials are focused on online teaching: with videoconferences, texts and other educational resources that allow you to study online and learn just like attending university.

        2. You can study from Spain and other foreign countries

        The UNED has agreements with many educational centers in different countries, so it is possible to take the exams in person. This makes it possible to offer distance training in most European and American countries. In this sense, a Colombian student can pursue a Postgraduate degree at this university and take advantage of its prestige in his country of origin.

        3. Flexibility in schedule

        UNED students can connect to the campus and use the educational material it contains 24 hours a day of the day. Video conferences are saved so that they can be played over and over again. Therefore, it is ideal for those individuals who prefer to study at unusual hours or who must combine their studies with other tasks. For example, work.

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        However, to carry out evaluations or to talk with the tutor, they usually have scheduled hours.

        4. Update and contact in real time

        Although it is necessary to make an appointment with the tutor, it is possible to connect with the teaching staff fluidly and immediately and from anywhere. Besides, Students decide when they use the educational material.

        5. Great training offer

        This university institution has several decades of experience. In addition to the Degree in Psychology, he also teaches different Postgraduate degrees (Masters and Expert Diplomas) in different specialties of behavioral science: Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Human Resources, Sports Psychology, etc.

          6. It’s cheaper

          Studying at UNED, being an online university, is cheaper than face-to-face university training. This happens because expenses are reduced. For example, in the facilities. Online education has a positive impact on students’ pockets.

          7. Great track record and experience

          The National University of Distance Education is one of the most prestigious university centers in Spain, which began its journey in 1972. It is a public university. dependent on the Ministry of Education. It has highly successful teachers in their specialty, and the educational content is of high quality.

          8. Mobility

          If you are a person who moves frequently or who, for example, works for a few months in a city different from the one you live in, it may be a good idea to train at UNED, because allows you to study from anywhere and at any time.

          9. Cutting notes

          Since the number of places at this university is unlimited, it does not have a cut-off mark. Now, it is a demanding university, in which it is necessary to be very responsible and have a great ability to study on your own.

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          10. Comfort

          Being able to study from home and at any time of the day makes studying at UNED comfortable. However, as mentioned in the previous point, it does not mean that it is easy, as it requires a high level of self-demand.

          Studying remotely is not for everyone

          Despite the advantages of studying at UNED, this university is not for everyone. The level of demand is high and the discipline that each one imposes marks success when it comes to achieving the degree being pursued.

          There are many students who have managed to graduate from this university institution; However, some people also realize, once enrolled, that the methodology does not suit them.