10 Essential Tips To Reduce Stress


He stress It affects many people, and it is not surprising with the lifestyle of Western societies. One of the pioneers in the research of this phenomenon was Hans Selye, in the 1950s.

Since then, Many experts have been providing more and more knowledge about what stress is and how it occurs.and different models have emerged to help people who suffer from it, such as Demand-control-social support model by Karasek and Johnson (1986), which states that the source of stress is found in the mismatch between existing demands and the control that the person has to face these demands, and that takes into account social support as a decisive variable that affects to this phenomenon both directly and indirectly.

Understand the characteristics of stress

Normally, when we talk about stress, we do so by referring to it as a problem, something that represents an obstacle when trying to enjoy a good quality of life. However, If we stick strictly to the definition of “stress”, this is not always a problem nor anything that harms us. The reason for stress is to prepare ourselves to react quickly to situations that we perceive as dangerous or as linked to a risk that must be avoided without stopping to think about it too much. It makes us enter an alert mentality, of quick reaction to something that should worry us.

But sometimes, we suffer too much stress or experience it for too long, without doing anything good for us. In cases like this, we must take into account the tips and strategies to reduce stress that we will see later.

Excess stress is usually a complex phenomenon, especially in the work environment, in which variables of the job and the organization come into play, but also the expectations of an individual and their ability to cope with complex situations.

Therefore, in extreme cases, it is necessary to go to an expert if you do not want to end up suffering from what is known as burnout or burnout syndrome. It is also essential to see a psychologist when stress is the result of a traumatic situation, which may require psychological intervention to reduce suffering and treat the problem from the root.

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10 tips to reduce stress

As we have seen, stress is, basically, the consequence of a survival mechanism that allows us to be more prepared for the difficulties and dangers to which our environment exposes us. In this sense, the simple fact of feeling stressed does not have to be seen as a problem, at least not in all cases.

Tips to reduce stress

Now, if you are going through a time in which you feel stressed, you have begun to notice that the situation you are in is too big for you and is affecting your day to day life, in today’s article, I am going to give you some tips so that you can reduce the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon.

1. Manage your time effectively

Poor time management is one of the most common causes of stress. Arriving late everywhere, having a full email inbox, studying at the last minute for exams, taking on many tasks and not finishing any of them, etc., These are situations that cause anxiety and lack of control..

Therefore, correct organization of time is the best way to prevent stress. If you want to learn to manage your time efficiently, there is a wide range of courses and workshops to help you keep your schedule under control.

2. Don’t be a perfectionist

Perfectionism is the belief that you should achieve perfection in everything you do. This might seem positive, but it can lead to negative consequences, for example: be more tense and distressed, not enjoy achievements or be more stressed.

In an article published in Infosalus, the psychologist Francesc Quer, secretary of the Section of Psychology of Organizations and Work of the Official College of Psychology of Cataloniastates that: “The person in whom perfectionism causes problems is subject to severe stress, presents anxiety symptoms and symptoms that hide high levels of stress.”

3. Practice yoga

Yoga is an ancient physical and mental practice that has been expanding throughout the world due to its benefits for both the body and the mind. It has more and more followers because It is a discipline that seeks well-being, inner peace and implies a lifestyle that commits to healthy habits..

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Nowadays, it is not surprising that the current pace of life leads many people to suffer from stress, causing psychological health problems. There are many studies that affirm that regular yoga practice is positive to combat this phenomenon. One of them is the research carried out by Thirthalli and Naveen (2013), which concludes that this ancient practice reduces the levels of cortisol, a hormone that is released in response to stress, and that is necessary for the body since it regulates and mobilizes energy in stressful situations. Now, if we have too much cortisol or it increases in situations where we do not need it, it causes negative effects on the body and mind.

4. Be positive

This sounds cliché, but it is true, because how you think has an effect on your stress levels. If you think negatively about yourself or the situation, your body reacts with tension. Regaining your sense of control and adopting a positive attitude in the face of stress can help you get through the most complicated situations. Therefore, try to see stressful situations from a more positive perspective. For example, a complicated situation can be seen as a learning opportunity.

5. Eat and drink healthy

On the one hand, stress usually causes us to alter our healthy habits, so in situations where we find ourselves stressed, we must try to lead a lifestyle that is not harmful. On the other hand, An unhealthy lifestyle causes us to have less resistance to stress.

Eating healthy allows you to be well nourished to deal with stressful situations. It is important to have a good breakfast, because otherwise we can suffer a significant drop in energy during the day. Replacing green tea with coffee and avoiding sugary drinks like Coca-Cola can also be positive strategies. Of course, you should avoid smoking cigarettes and moderate alcohol consumption to keep your mind clear and thus avoid an easy way out of stress. Drinking two liters of water daily helps you be more focused and in a better mood.

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6. Use humor and laughter

The benefits of humor and laughter are multiple, both physically and mentally.. That is why laughter therapy is used to manage stressful situations and to relieve physical and emotional tensions. Laughter therapy encourages the production of happy chemicals such as serotonin and also reduces levels of cortisol, the stress-related hormone.

7. Practice Mindfulness

The practice of Mindfulness o Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in reducing stress levels. In fact, there is a specific program called “Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program (MSBR)” that lasts 8 weeks and that, according to different research, improves the quality of life of people who try it, because teaches the skill of mindfulness and helps cultivate deeper levels of mindfulness and compassion. Like yoga and meditation, Mindfulness reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress.

8. Sleep better

Everybody knows that stress can cause sleep problems. But unfortunately, lack of sleep can also cause stress. Getting adequate sleep is necessary for the mind and body to be rested.

The feeling of tiredness increases stress, since it does not allow us to think clearly and can aggravate the stressful situation and affect our mood. Are you having trouble sleeping lately?

9. Practice physical exercise

Surely many of you have gone to the gym to unwind on more than one occasion, because after a hard day of work, there is nothing better than going to play paddle tennis or practice kick boxing. In addition to the physical benefits of exercising, physical activity also reduces stress.

Physical exercise increases the production of norepinephrine (norepinephrine), a neurotransmitter that can moderate the brain’s response to stress, and produces neurochemicals such as endorphins or serotonin, which help improve mood.

10. Harness the power of music

Music can have a profound positive effect on both the emotions and the body. If music with a fast tempo can make a person more alert, music with a slower tempo can relax the mind and muscles, helping to release the tension of the day.

Therefore, music relaxes and is effective for stress management. In addition, according to various research, playing an instrument also helps reduce stress and relieves tension.