10 Gestures That Reveal That A Man Likes You

gestures that reveal that a man likes you

Non-verbal language is one of the main areas in which attraction is expressed. Therefore, looking at the gestures that a person uses to communicate voluntarily or involuntarily with another is useful to estimate whether there is interest or not.

In this article we will see a selection of gestures that reveal that a man likes you although several of them are also true in women.

Gestures that signal that you attract a man

These gestures are not ordered according to a specific criterion. Read about them and determine if they fit your social relationships and conversations with men.

1. He leans forward frequently

Keeping your body leaning forward, especially visible when the other person is sitting, is another sign that denotes attraction.

It is a physical expression of the extent to which one has interest in the other person, since This position is the one adopted when you want to carefully examine something or someone, even if it is in a hidden way. This is another resource to keep distances short.

2. He touches his hair a lot

It is not just a sign that there is some tension or nervousness. Besides, On many occasions it is simply due to the desire to have the hair placed in the best possible way and correct small “defects” that may appear over time and when moving, for example.

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3. He looks at you straight

It seems like a minor detail, but it is not. It is relatively common that when talking to someone we do so maintaining a position that is not directly frontal with respect to the person with whom we interact, but when there is attraction involved, the norm is that the torsos remain facing each other, and not only the faces.

4. The use of controlled gaze

In normal conversations, we pay practically no attention to how we use our gaze: we simply look at the other person’s face, and that’s it.

However, one of the gestures that reveal that a man likes you is that he frequently takes conscious control of his gaze, and performs with it a tour of the parts of the face This can be noticed by paying attention to whether there is a progression in the positions that the pupils adopt, instead of staying more or less in the same place or moving but not staying for long in a different place than where they were before.

In the area of ​​attraction and sexuality, men are very visual, and that is why this gesture provides a lot of information.

5. Show your arms

Regardless of whether they are relatively muscular or not, showing off their arms in a subtle way is one of the ways many men express interest caused by their attraction to someone. The arms are not only a symbol of power and strength; They also express the ability to physically protect, something that has traditionally been associated with parenthood

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6. Pupils are dilated

This is not technically a gesture, since it is an automatic reaction that cannot be controlled at will, and it is also a typical phenomenon in both men and women, but it does not lose its importance. When faced with something that attracts us, the pupils of our eyes tend to dilate, probably to be able to capture in greater detail what interests us

7. He stays close

It may seem obvious, but we must not forget that proxemics, that is, the area of ​​distances in social relationships, is also part of what expresses attraction through gestures.

The truth is that helping to make the space that separates us from others smaller and smaller not only communicates attraction. Besides, makes it more likely that true intimacy will be created between two people (although sometimes it doesn’t turn out well and only serves to create uncomfortable moments, of course).

8. Synchronize your non-verbal language

Another typical fact that denotes attraction through gestures has to do with subtly imitating the postures, positions and rhythms of the other person. Furthermore, the surprising thing about this is that in most cases It is something unconscious which appears spontaneously and without having to do with a pre-established plan.

For example, if the other person adopts a communication style in which there are many gestures made quickly, the other person will also do this, although perhaps in a more moderate way. The same will happen if the person who generates attraction rests his head on the palm of her hand, or if he relaxes in the chair, etc.

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9. Show surprised expression frequently

Another gesture that expresses attraction typical of men It has to do with facial expressions of surprise When someone generates attraction, practically anything that makes a slight impression is experienced with more surprise than would be normal.

And it is not something conscious or feigned; really the feeling of surprise is there; It is part of the feeling of euphoria that comes from being close to someone we like.

10. Your feet point you

The fact that the tips of the feet are oriented towards the other person is one of those basic gestures to establish whether there is attraction or not. That is to say, that is not enough, but It is important to rule out cases and see where there really is little interest

The only case in which there could be attraction while this rule is not met is one in which nerves (or extraneous circumstances that have nothing to do with the conversation) make you want to end the dialogue as soon as possible.