10 Healthy Foods Rich In Magnesium

Few people are really aware of the importance that magnesium has for our health It is transcendental for almost all functions and tissues of our body. In short, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system, prevents inflammation and could even reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.

Research from Harvard University found that Daily magnesium consumption reduces the chance of developing diabetes by 33% and other research has concluded that it even helps reduce depression and migraine.

Although there are supplements for this mineral on the market, experts conclude that it is preferable to obtain magnesium naturally through the diet. In this article you will find 10 foods with a high magnesium content

Problems with poor magnesium intake

Magnesium is a mineral that the body needs to function properly, as It is essential to have higher levels of energy and strength regulate blood sugar and is key in different chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Likewise, it is necessary to maintain the correct level of other minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc. The heart, muscles or kidneys demand this mineral to function efficiently, and magnesium also contributes to the correct development of teeth.

The body can be seriously affected if the level of magnesium in our body is deficient. This can cause:

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Additionally, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine on a frequent basis can also negatively affect magnesium levels.

Recommended amount of magnesium

The United States National Institute of Health recommends daily consumption of magnesium in these proportions

Magnesium is found naturally in different foods. Although magnesium deficiency is rare, many people do not get enough of this mineral in their diets

However, the average adult can only get 66 percent of the recommended daily amount of magnesium in their normal diet, in large part because of the amount of processed foods we eat.

Foods rich in magnesium

The following 10 foods are some of the best natural sources of this mineral Incorporate them into your diet if you want to increase magnesium consumption.

1. Whole wheat

All whole grain products are a great source of this mineral, however, wheat wins the game. In 100 grams of whole wheat flour there are 167 mg of this mineral You can consume it in a delicious pasta salad, on whole wheat toast or with some delicious cereals for breakfast.

2. Spinach

Spinach is best known for its high iron content, but it is also a food rich in magnesium 100 grams of this vegetable contain 79 mg of magnesium. For consumption, you can boil them and consume them with potatoes and a piece of meat or fish, or, if you prefer, you can add some raw spinach leaves to a healthy salad.

3. Quinoa

Quinoa is an ancient cereal that has a great flavor and contains a high amount of proteins of great biological value, but this rich cereal also contains magnesium. In a cup of quinoa you can find 118 mg of magnesium

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4. Almonds

Almonds are a healthy snack that, in addition to having a high content of vitamin E, are rich in magnesium One ounce of this food provides 20% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium, that is, 80 mg.

5. Tofu

Tofu is a food rich in protein and one of the best alternatives for people who do not want to eat meat or fish. Half a cup of this product contains 37 mg of magnesium

6. Black beans

Black beans provide great health benefits and are also delicious. Without a doubt, a great source of fiber and also magnesium. Half a cup contains 60 mg of this mineral So they are not only ideal for their great flavor, but because they will provide you with benefits in many ways.

7. Edamame or soybean pods

Edamame is the name given to soybeans that are boiled in salted water and served whole They have a great flavor and half a cup of this food contains 50 mg of magnesium. It can be eaten as a dip, in a salad or with rice.

8. Avocado

Avocado is a food rich in a type of unsaturated fat called monounsaturated, so its consumption has great value for our health. But avocado is also rich in magnesium, and 1/2 cup of this food is 184 calories and 33 mg of this micronutrient 9% of the recommended daily amount.

9. Peanut butter

Peanuts are a delicious and healthy “snack” if eaten naturally. A delicious option to consume this product is in the form of peanut butter. You can eat it, for example, spread on slices of whole wheat bread to increase the amount of magnesium. Two tablespoons of peanut butter provide 87 mg of magnesium

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10. Dark chocolate

Cocoa is a great source of magnesium. Therefore, you should not feel guilty if you decide to eat a piece of dark chocolate. In addition to its rich flavor, a bar of dark chocolate without sugar gives you 28 mg of magnesium that is, 7% of the recommended daily amount.