10 Home Remedies For Toothache

Home remedies for toothache

Toothache can be quite an annoying experience for those who suffer from this ailment.

Regardless of the reason for this situation, it is something that affects us significantly. Sometimes this type of pain can cause fainting due to the intensity of the discomfort.

In this article we will review Some of the most effective home remedies for toothache As for calming this sensation, although to treat the cause you have to go to the dentist.

Home remedies to relieve toothache

There are many home remedies for toothache. Below we will see a list of the options that we can use and that they will give us the best results if we apply them well.

Depending on the degree of tooth disease, the level of pain that the subject feels may vary, but in any case it must be clear that these remedies are only a temporary solution and you have to go to the dentist to see what happens These home methods, although they effectively mitigate the pain, do not solve the problem permanently. After a while the pain will return, and perhaps to a greater extent.

1. Mix mouthwash and ethyl alcohol

Gargling with mouthwash and an alcoholic beverage usually provides relief from toothache, taking into account the properties of alcohol. What happens is that The gum absorbs this mixture and it mitigates the pain ; The higher the alcoholic strength of the drink, the better.

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2. Lemon juice or mint extract

These are easy to get, you probably already have them at home and there is no need to go out and get them. The use process can be a bit complicated, since it is necessary to apply exactly to the affected area in order to obtain the desired effect.

3. Black tea

With the black tea method it will also be necessary to apply directly to the affected area. First, one of these black tea bags is heated, as if we were preparing it for our regular consumption. The application of this liquid on the tooth generates relief due to tannic acid that contains this.

4. Garlic

This is one of the ingredients that provides the most benefits to our health in general. It is known that garlic contains a large number of properties that help our body in several aspects; For example, it helps circulation and is good for combating fluid retention in the body.

For toothaches, Chewing a clove of garlic for a long time relieves pain in this part of the teeth After this, you should gargle with rinse, not for the toothache, but to counteract the breath left by the garlic in the mouth.

5. The onion

Onion is par excellence a source of protection for our mouth. Chewing pieces of an onion for about three minutes a day helps keep it healthy from the bacteria that cause bad breath, among other things.

For toothaches, this home and natural remedy is used in a similar way to garlic. Chop a medium-sized piece of onion and chew it making it stay in the area of ​​the affected tooth.

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As we gently chew the onion, we will feel how our toothache progressively calms down.

6. Parsley

Due to its properties, chewing the parsley plant provides relief from pain symptoms caused by tooth problems. Its high iron content will also be beneficial.

7. Hydrogen peroxide

For this method We will need to have a cotton swab on hand, which we can wet with hydrogen peroxide and then apply it right in the area where we have the pain. Thanks to its antibacterial and clarifying components, it is effective in counteracting this ailment.

8. Cloves

With this ingredient there are two ways to use the method. Firstly, it could be applied directly to the gum where the affected tooth is; as a second alternative, We can boil water and prepare a gargle with cloves.

9. Cider or apple vinegar

It is another ingredient which we can apply in multiple ways, using cotton swabs and spreading vinegar directly on the affected area, or gargling with this liquid.

10. Cold application

Put some ice cubes in a handkerchief, and place that handkerchief on the cheek where the affected tooth is located; Never place ice directly on the skin. This solution works as a homemade local anesthesia, and it is very effective. It is one of the best-known home remedies for toothache.