10 Keys To Increase Your Self-esteem In 30 Days

One of the most frequent problems in my practice is low self-esteem Low self-esteem leads to a negative perception about oneself, and is a factor that can greatly limit us in our daily lives. The truth is that, on many occasions, patients do not know how to identify that they suffer from low self-esteem. Because?

Because low self-esteem leads to other types of problems that are the supposed reason why they go to the psychologist, problems such as symptoms of anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, stress, addictions, etc. and here are some tips to know how to identify what is happening to us and how we can solve it. It is easy to increase self-esteem, you just have to put a little effort into it.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the set of beliefs, perceptions, evaluations and thoughts that we have about ourselves, the assessment we make based on our experiences

What symptoms can warn me that I have low self-esteem?

Some of the main symptoms What can warn us that our self-esteem is not at its best are the following:

If you have felt this way on several occasions, The rest of your problems may come from having a low self-esteem Let’s try to solve it with some exercises so that you begin to value yourself and believe in yourself. You could be very surprised by your abilities if you make an effort to improve your self-esteem.

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How can I increase my self-esteem?

Many people wonder if there is a way to improve their own self-esteem. Obviously there is no magic potion, but we must be aware that only Each person can improve in this sense through perseverance and following some advice based on scientific evidence

1. Stop beating yourself up

We have to be realistic with both our virtues and our defects. We are not perfect, but the intention is not to be. The goal is to be happy So to achieve this we must accept the things we don’t do so well and learn from it. And of course, do not downplay the importance of the things we know how to do well, but value them as they deserve.

Let’s observe and be aware of the good that we have, of the good that we are, of the good that we do. Why keep thinking I’m a disaster? Where has this kind of reasoning gotten me?

2. Start thinking positively

Change your thoughts. The “I can’t” instead of “I’m going to try”, “I’m going to be successful” “I’m going to do well”. It seems like a cliché but forcing ourselves a little to look at the good things in life can help us get out of the negative dynamic. If we realize that we have many things to value, it is easier for us to get out of the negative loop.

3. Set realistic goals

And that you can fulfill. Goals that are relatively easy to reach. Little by little we can increase them, and we will see that step by step we are achieving what we propose. If we fail, let’s learn from it without blaming ourselves for our mistakes, since failing is a way of knowing how to do it differently the next time. Dare to face challenges.

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4. Don’t compare yourself

Each person is a world and you are the owner of yours. Focus on you In your life. By envying and idealizing the lives of others, the only thing we will achieve is to feel miserable. We all have something good to contribute, and it is up to us to find the right path.

5. Accept and forgive yourself

Write a letter in which you describe everything you don’t like about yourself, and everything you feel guilty about. Don’t leave anything. Read it carefully and see what you can improve. Say goodbye to that letter and tear it into a thousand pieces. From that moment on, start from scratch, with everything you have learned but leaving the guilt behind. Still You’re in time to make a clean slate

6. Give constructive criticism about yourself

May everything you tell yourself serve to improve, not to stagnate and blame you. Likewise, learn to handle criticism in a way that does not affect you.

7. Treat yourself with love and respect, always

You are the best thing that has ever happened to you, so show it to yourself. You have the right to be happy And to make others happy by spreading your optimism.

8. Give yourself time

Do activities that make you happy. It is the best way to find yourself and develop your skills slowly but surely.

9. Overcome your burdens

There are people who live dragging backpacks full of weight: jobs that do not satisfy them, relationships that do not bring them anything, habits that they do not like… To overcome all these burdens, it is necessary to take some control over the situation, think positively and try to change them.

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10. Every night before going to bed…

Think about the good things that the day has brought you the challenges overcome, the mistakes we have made and how we can improve.

Try, for 30 days, to put these tips into practice. You will see that when the month ends you will feel better and many of the symptoms you felt disappear. And remember, There is only one person capable of changing your life, and that person is you!

Learn to love yourself

In the following article we explain more interesting aspects about the perception you have of yourself, and how to improve in what you propose. We hope that these tips are useful to you and that you manage to continue on this good path that you have started today