10 Signs That Tell You When To Go To The Psychologist

Some people think that going to psychological therapy is a symptom of weakness. However, it is a brave decision that can help you become a more emotionally intelligent person and prepared to face the situations that arise in your daily life.

Psychotherapists are trained professionals who provide you with tools so you can improve your emotional well-being and quality of life.

How does the psychologist help you?

And making the decision to attend psychological therapy can change your life for the better, and gives you the opportunity to grow personally and emotionally. Likewise, it can allow you to overcome a conflict from the past or help you restore balance in your life.

Psychotherapy sessions are confidential, so you can feel comfortable and express your feelings and emotions as well as the experiences or thoughts that worry you.

The benefits of attending psychological therapy are the following:

When to go to psychological therapy

Making the decision to go to psychotherapy is not easy, largely due to the prejudices that exist around this practice. But Psychotherapy is a very effective treatment for many of life’s problems.and there are many studies that support its use.

Unfortunately, too often people let problems get the better of them before they get help. Since there are some cases in which it is necessary or highly recommended to seek psychological help, below you can find a list of the signs that indicate that you should go to the psychologist:

1. The past is constantly with you

Pain from the death of a loved one, a breakup, etc., are difficult situations to overcome and can affect us for a relatively long period of time. Sometimes we think that these feelings or thoughts will go away on their own, but that is not always the case. When this pain and discomfort becomes chronic, it is necessary to seek psychological help..

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You can read our article “Grief therapy: psychological help to face goodbye” to understand why it is not always easy to overcome these traumatic events.

2. You feel great discomfort, suffering or are sad most of the time

These traumatic situations can impair the normal functioning of a person’s life, and Suffering can become something that the individual lives with daily. To a certain extent, it is normal that, after a negative event, people suffer an enormous feeling of emptiness, pain and confusion, as it is part of the adaptation process.

Now, when these negative reactions last for a long time it can become pathological. Luckily, this sadness and inability to move forward can be overcome thanks to the help of a psychologist.

3. You don’t see the future clearly

While the past can haunt you and cause you suffering, it can also be devastating not to have a clear future. The lack of self-knowledge and zero expectations for the times to come affect motivation and general well-being. Psychologists can provide tools to know yourself better and know what your desires, priorities and talents are; and can offer you the knowledge necessary to design and plan your future realistically.

4. Existential crisis

The existential crisis can appear at any time in life. It occurs when a person has mental schemes that no longer serve them or are maladaptive, so they feel that they do not know the path they should follow in life, nor can they visualize the goals they must pursue to achieve personal self-realization.

This can cause a lot of suffering and can lead to psychological disorders if the situation is not resolved correctly. Psychologists can help a person find their own path in life, restructure their expectations, accept themselves and develop more effective and adaptive coping strategies that empower them in everyday life.

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5. You have no control over your life

Perhaps you have been suffering from anxiety for a long time and have realized that you have no control over your life: It is affecting you at work, in your relationship with others, when it comes to finding a partner.…Perhaps you have tried to reverse the situation by practicing physical exercise, reading self-help books or talking to friends, but the situation has not changed.

In these cases you should seek the help of a psychologist so that you can acquire a series of tools that allow you to find balance in your life again.

6. Constantly negative thoughts

If you have been noticing for some time that you have thoughts that prevent you from living your life normally. For example, you are constantly thinking about catastrophic situations, you are obsessed with some idea or you have some type of fixation. Psychological therapy uses very useful techniques to solve these types of problems.

7. You feel great aggression and anger towards your environment

You may feel an aggressive impulse or great anger towards someone or the environment in general.. In some cases this is a typical reaction to the frustration you feel, and it can be a way to avoid taking on your part of the blame, for example, regarding a bad decision you have made. Psychologists can help you better understand what is happening to you, be more realistic and accept yourself and the situations that affect you.

8. You are not well with your partner

Relationships are not always easy, and in many cases they do not go through good times.. We must not forget that, as in any interpersonal relationship, each member of the couple has their own vision of the world, their tastes, their needs and even their insecurities.

Unfortunately, few people seek psychological help to solve problems in a love relationship or marriage. The psychologist can help improve communication, learn to negotiate, reach agreements and learn tools to overcome difficulties in relationships, coexistence and sexual problems.

9. You feel stressed

Stress, especially at work, is one of the most frequent phenomena todayand can seriously affect psychological and physical health. Stress alters our lives significantly and affects our thinking and behavior, causing physiological, physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions.

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If you are experiencing stress and notice that it is affecting your daily life, fortunately, psychologists can help you put an end to this problem.

10. You have trouble sleeping

Unfortunately, psychological disorders associated with inadequate rest are very common. And it is surprising to us, since we live in a society very different from that of previous decades, where everything moves very quickly and technology has invaded our lives considerably. Bad habits, rushing, schedules that do not favor natural rest and other variables can cause us to rest many fewer hours than would be necessary, which has a negative effect on our lives.

According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), 25% of the Spanish adult population suffers from insomnia. However, there are other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, night terrors or behavioral disorders associated with REM sleep that affect the well-being and health of the person who suffers from it. Thanks to psychological therapy it is possible to overcome different sleep disorders.

Go to a psychological assistance center that can help you improve your well-being

If you feel identified with any of the previous points and have begun to notice that the situation you find yourself in is too big for you and is affecting your daily life, You should consider the need to go to a specialized center.

There are centers that also have an online psychology service, so you can carry out therapy sessions from the comfort of your home. These centers are specialized in the treatment of all types of problems: depression, anxiety, phobias, sleep problems, relationship problems, sexual problems, eating problems, substance abuse, difficulties in facing the stages of motherhood or retirement, schizophrenia and problems associated with aging, among others.

These centers can offer you solutions and can help you with the difficulties you are going through.. Now, although going to a psychologist is usually associated with a serious problem, there are many people who seek psychological help for other reasons: improving social skills, learning to know themselves better, maximizing personal development or improving communication with the couple