10 Signs To Detect A Bad Psychologist Or Therapist

Psychological therapy is useful to overcome many problems that arise throughout our lives.

But unfortunately, The bad practices of some professionals can be present in any therapeutic relationship in the field of health (medicine, psychology, etc.). Although, sometimes, it is the patient himself who is not predisposed to change and does not fully benefit from psychotherapy, it may happen that the psychologist or therapist does not do his job properly, harming the mental health of the patient. patient.

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Viktor Frankl, existential psychologist and author of the book “Man’s Search for Meaning”, coined the term “Iatrogenic neurosis” to refer to the negative effect generated (or worsened) by health agents, doctors, psychologists and therapists on the patient’s health. . And, despite the fact that a significant percentage of patients who attend psychotherapy sessions improve, Sometimes psychological therapy can be counterproductive (it can aggravate the problems that the person presents).

You can learn more about the life and work of this psychologist in our article: “Viktor Frankl: biography of an existential psychologist”

Signs that reveal a bad psychologist or therapist

But, What signs reveal the professional malpractice of some psychotherapists? What reasons can cause the patient not to improve due to the bad therapeutic and professional habits of some psychologists?

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In the following lines we explain it to you.

1. You feel like you are being judged

You should never feel judged or criticized by the therapist, because no one in this life is perfect.

The psychology professional should try to understand your situation, and even if he or she does not share it, he or she should not impose his or her opinion The therapist-patient relationship is a professional relationship in which the psychologist must give you the necessary tools to improve your psychological well-being. A therapist who openly judges and criticizes his patients is not a good professional.

2. He is not an expert on your problem

The professional you visit may not be the psychologist you need. Within psychology there are different specializations, and Not all psychologists have the necessary skills to help you with any type of problem

For example, a psychologist who is an expert in personal development does not necessarily have the knowledge or skills necessary to treat eating problems. Furthermore, the psychologist must understand that there are patients who function better with cognitive-behavioral therapy and others, for example, do so with Mindfulness therapy. In other words, Not all therapies are the same for all people

3. The therapist talks too much about himself

It is good for the therapist, during the therapy session, to present examples of situations similar to those of your problem so that you can feel identified.

This can help you understand the problem from another perspective and, in addition, can promote a climate of trust or rapport. However, When the therapist talks too much about himself, it is not positive at all Some therapists may be tempted to talk about their achievements, their dilemmas, their jobs, articles, families, etc. But it is even worse when they reveal personal aspects of daily life, such as, for example, sexual practices.

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4. The therapist’s communication is not correct

Studying a psychology degree can provide you with knowledge about mental health and psychotherapy. But, in addition to this knowledge, it is necessary for therapists to master certain interpersonal skills and communication skills.

One of the keys to the therapist-client relationship is that there is good communication and understanding between both actors, so that a good therapeutic alliance is created. If there are problems in this professional relationship, the expected benefits may not occur. The problem may be the therapist’s attitude or simply that there is no feeling Between both.

5. Cross the line

Although it may seem strange to many, some therapists may feel an emotional connection with clients that goes beyond the professional relationship

If, for example, the psychologist feels physical attraction for his patient, he may no longer be objective when treating the client. If you notice unprofessional behavior, such as repetitive hugging or caressing, your therapist may be crossing a line. Furthermore, to have a healthy therapeutic relationship, it is counterproductive for therapist-patient encounters to occur outside of the office.

6. He doesn’t listen actively

Therapeutic sessions are spaces of interaction in which emotions can be on the surface.

Therefore, The therapist, in addition to giving guidelines for action, must actively listen (that is, it must be with all five senses) to the patient. Therapists who continually interrupt sessions cause the connection and feeling of confidence that has been created to be lost. But, in addition to interrupting, it is also not positive that he does not remember important information about your case.

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7. Undervalue your problem

It may happen that the therapist underestimates his client’s problem by incorrectly interpreting the information received This can cause you to choose a treatment that is not correct, worsening the patient’s symptoms.

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8. Talk about the lives of other patients

The information that the patient provides to the therapist is confidential information that cannot be shared with other patients

In the event that the psychologist shares private and confidential information about other clients with you, you should know that this professional is engaging in malpractice, and may be reported for it.

9. The therapist imposes his own value system

As explained in point one, the therapist should not question or criticize the patient

But, furthermore, if he imposes or promotes his scale of values ​​or beliefs, he is seriously damaging the therapeutic relationship. Therefore, even if the psychologist does not agree with the patient’s political or religious ideas or beliefs, he should never question them.

10. Does not refer to other professionals when necessary

It may happen that the therapist detects that the relationship with the patient has come to an end for different reasons

It is possible that the relationship between the two is not appropriate, that the patient needs the help of another professional expert in a certain topic or that it simply does not fit with their therapeutic model. In these cases, the therapist must refer the patient to another professional so that the latter can benefit from the help provided by another health professional. If he does not do so, he is engaging in malpractice.