10 Tricks To Improve Your Brain Health

Our brain is a living organ in which phenomena that are absolutely essential for our daily lives occur.

If we make a metaphor with the world of computing, we could say that the human brain is the CPU that governs and controls all the processes of the computer equipment, that is, our body, our mental processes, our physiological, neurochemical processes… In short, the brain is the executive organ that allows us to live, think, move, perceive through the senses and carry out any activity in our daily lives.

There are a series of tricks and techniques to make your brain faster and more productive Unfortunately, we do not usually pay much attention to the agility with which our neurons interact, and we repeat habits that negatively affect our brain health.

Brain in top shape: how to achieve it?

No matter how many exercises and strategies to improve concentration you put into practice, it will be difficult for you to notice an improvement if you continue to damage your body and brain.

If you are really interested in improving the health of your neurons, Here we leave you a total of ten tips that you should apply

1. Quit smoking

Smoking is harmful to our entire body, and as far as the brain is concerned, the harms of cigarette consumption are severe. Smoking increases the chances of suffering from dementia in old age z, and the higher the daily consumption, the higher the risk. Those who decide to abandon the bad habit stop this process, so you still have time to purify yourself from the bad effects of smoke.

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2. Connect with other people

Have you heard about the transactive memory ? You may have noticed that in interpersonal relationships we tend to remember some things, and forget others. There are people who never forget a face or a name, while other people have an easier time remembering hobbies or the job.

For that reason It is interesting to cultivate personal relationships in quantity and quality, in order to encourage your brain to be able to explore new topics, being able to foster your creativity and, with it, your openness to new experiences. All of these factors converge to give your brain a greater capacity to process information and learn new things.

3. Think positively

The Pygmalion Effect alerts us that if we propose that we will be able to achieve our objectives and goals, We are building the bridge so that our wishes can come true On the contrary, those people who firmly believe that they are not capable of carrying out any project find it very difficult to carry it out.

This is what is known as a limiting belief . To achieve a goal, it is important to think that we will be capable, so that we have confidence in our possibilities and our attitude is focused on making the maximum effort to achieve it.

4. Rest and sleep properly

Our brain never rests, not even when we are asleep. Look at dreams: they are a reflection of the brain’s work to process and store everything we learn every day. During rest hours, the perceived information is consolidated in the brain, and if we do not sleep, it tends to be eliminated.

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For this reason it is very necessary to sleep between seven and nine hours a day. to give our brain time to process and select the data.

5. Healthy diet

Popular wisdom warns us that there are good (and bad) foods for our brain. Vegetables such as tomato, spinach and broccoli, as well as the proteins we obtain from meat, eggs and some vegetables, which provide us with amino acids. These last allow the creation of neurotransmitters responsible for connecting neurons with each other in a process we know as neurogenesis.

Likewise, there are also certain vitamins that strengthen the brain’s ability to regenerate and enjoy iron health.

Since we are babies, food plays a fundamental role in psychological and cognitive development, since Children who are breastfed have a higher IQ Another factor to take into account is the mother’s diet during the gestation months.

6. Meditation

Although meditation is an ancient art and has been discredited on multiple occasions, it is actually a practice that improves our ability to concentrate and our memory. Some brain regions are developed better and information can be processed more quickly and efficiently Meditation also prevents stress, which is a limiting factor when acquiring new learning.

7. Stay physically active

Physical exercise increases blood flow, through which the brain is better oxygenated. Likewise, physical exercise increases coordination between brain and body, with which we activate and improve attention and the agility of certain mental processes. It is also positive since it creates new neuronal connections and blood vessels.

On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle causes structural changes in our brain, with multiple disadvantages and functional problems in cognitive ability.

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8. Keep your mind awake

Since we were little, our parents teach us, play and communicate with us. All these stimuli are positive and serve as anchors to reach levels of cognitive development Solve puzzles and teaching reading are activities that adults should share with their children.

Asking questions or explaining stories is a very interesting way to encourage their cognitive development and social skills.

9. Education, a challenge for everyone

Formal education in educational centers from an early age gives them a habitual framework that allows them to intensify their learning, but this does not help them to be more intelligent or better prepared for life. For this reason, education should be extended to interpersonal relationships and self-taught learning Studying constantly and acquiring knowledge and skills helps to increase our IQ.

Furthermore, it has recently been detected that children who attend ‘green’ schools (surrounded by vegetation) report better academic grades… It seems, then, that the environment also influences the health of our brain.

10. Train the mind and brain

Training to increase the capacity of our brain is effective if done well, and there are a wide variety of methods to streamline and make our capabilities more efficient. There are also many methods that are based on false assumptions and are not effective.

Exercises focused on developing mental agility or logical and deductive thinking are the most recommended. In this sense, the benefits of playing word games, sudokumental calculations or crossword puzzles are demonstrated and They are an entertaining way to improve our cognitive capacity