100 Phrases Of Memories And Special Moments

Today we bring you a compilation of phrases of memories to make you remember moments, moments of your life and nostalgia. For those beautiful memories that remain engraved in human minds.

For these reasons, we bring you this article of memory phrases to make you think.

Table of Contents

Phrases to remember about unique moments in life

In order to relive unique moments we must remember. Each of these memories come impregnated with a great emotional charge that makes us feel as if we were immersed in the past scenario.

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Without further ado, we begin the phrases of memories. You are ready?

1. Nothing fixes a memory as intensely as the desire to forget it (Michel de Montaigne)

If we want to get rid of a thought, chances are we will never get rid of it.

2. Memories are a way to hold on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you don’t want to lose

Our fear of losing identity makes us cling to memories.

3. You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

Memories remain even when we want to ignore them completely.

4. The memory of the dead is placed in the death of the living (Cicero)

A metaphorical phrase that has varied interpretations.

5. Every day of our lives we make deposits in our children’s memory banks (Charles R. Swindoll)

Everything we do will be remembered by our children in a few years.

6. Sometimes you don’t know the true value of a moment until it becomes memory (Dr. Seuss)

Our unconscious reveals to us some details that we thought had gone unnoticed.

7. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything (Mark Twain)

The truth runs through our minds at an astonishing speed.

8. Yesterday is nothing more than today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream (Khalil Gibran)

A great phrase to reflect on.

9. The happiest memories are the moments that ended when they should have (Robert Brault)

A reflection applicable to any important moment in life.

10. We don’t remember days, we remember moments (Cesare Pavese)

The Italian writer gives us this beautiful thought.

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More phrases to remember

11. Pleasure is the flower that blooms; memory is the perfume that lasts (Jean de Boufflers)

A beautiful poetic phrase about memories.

12. The memory of every man is his private literature (Aldous Huxley)

If there is something that cannot be taken away from us, it is a memory.

13. There are memories that time does not erase. Time does not make loss forgettable, only surmountable (Cassandra Clare)

Losses and emotional grief phases are more complicated because of memories.

14. A clear conscience is often the sign of a bad memory (Steven Wright)

We all have hidden memories that we are not particularly proud of.

15. Memories are deceptive because they are colored with events in the present (Albert Einstein)

The memories are not 100% reliable.

16. The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as jewels: it is always the false ones that seem more real, the brightest (Salvador Dalí)

If you want, you can let yourself be fooled by your memories.

17. Memories, even bitter ones, are better than nothing (Jennifer L. Armentrout)

Another reflection that values ​​the path of life, even with its obstacles and disappointments.

18. Remembering is simple. Forgetting is hard (Brodi Ashton)

Forgetting is extremely complicated.

19. Humans, not places, build memories (Ama Ata Aidoo)

Life is made of small moments shared with great people.

20. No matter how much you have suffered, sometimes you don’t want to let go of certain memories (Haruki Murakami)

Painful memories can be, in some ways, comforting.

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Reflections on beautiful memories that are never forgotten

When something leaves us with a memory it is because it has touched our hearts. In the following reflections and famous quotes you will realize this.

21. When everything is lost, the memory still remains

Don’t give up, keep going despite the difficulties you encounter along the way.

22. Memory is the diary that we all carry with us (Oscar Wilde)

A great responsibility and, at times, a psychological burden.

23. Keeping something that helps me remember you would be admitting that I can forget you (William Shakespeare)

Great people are never forgotten.

24. There will come a day when our memories will be our wealth (Paul Géraldy)

Identity is based on the set of memories that constitute our self-concept.

25. Life would be impossible if everything was remembered. The secret is knowing how to choose what should be forgotten (Roger Martin du Gard)

Selective memory, our great ally.

26. Why do you return to my memory, sad memories of lost pleasure…? (Jose de Espronceda)

A lament that alludes to a lost love.

27. Certain memories are like common friends, they know how to make reconciliations (Marcel Proust)

Some thoughts have the ability to reconcile us with our past.

28. I know that I exist because you imagine me (Ángel González)

The existence of oneself based on the memory of a third party. Disturbing reflection.

29. Being able to enjoy the memories of life is to live twice (Marco Valerio Marcial)

Reliving experiences is almost as pleasant as living them.

30. Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled (Jean Paul)

The freedom of the mind is infinite.

31. Memory is the perfume of the soul (George Sand)

One of the best phrases that refer to our ability to experience sensations again.

32. She doesn’t need you. She has your memory, which is worth more than you (Alejandro Casona)

33. A trip is like marriage. The sure way to be wrong is to think we are in control (John Steinbeck)

A phrase with a touch of humor about this type of life experiences.

34. Memory is neighbor to remorse (Victor Hugo)

Remembering, many times, involves asking: what would have happened if…?

35. The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page (Saint Augustine)

Seeing the world enriches our mental life.

36. Our destiny is never a place, but a new way of seeing things (Anonymous)

The change in landscapes we pass through makes us become another person.

37. Childhood is the dream of reason (Rousseau)

A phrase based on the emotional character of childhood

38. The older we get, the faster memories seem to pass (Brian Sibley)

A simple phrase about a phenomenon that many people experience as they grow up.

39. Common memories are sometimes the most pacifying (Marcel Proust)

A reflection on shared cultural heritage.

40. The richness of life remains in the memories that we have forgotten (Cesare Pavese)

At the limits of our consciousness is a good part of what made us go through unique moments.

41. We remember, naturally, what interests us and why we are interested in John Dewey)

Selective memory is a proven phenomenon.

42. Liars need to have a good memory (Algernon Sydney)

A reflection not without irony.

43. Nostalgia, the vice of older people (Angela Carter)

An elegant aphorism about nostalgia and its addictive nature.

44. We think of the future as advance memories (Daniel Kahneman)

The future is made up of elements taken from our memory.

45. When memories fade, can one really return home? (Floyd Skloot)

In a sense, memories are a home.

46. ​​I love having my ghosts, and I love having my memories (Debbie Reynolds)

An elegant phrase that leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

47. You carry your childhood with you (Tom Stoppard)

Each person carries with them elements of their life as a boy or girl.

48. Take care of all your memories, you can’t relive them (Bob Dylan)

Memories must also be cared for like plants so they don’t fade away.

49. The past cannot be changed but the future is in your hands (Anonymous)

The future offers us a whole repertoire of options.

50. Memory is the key to the past, but not to the future (Corrie Ten Boom)

Another way to encourage you to look forward.

51. If you want to remember something, focus on your emotions (Jorge Belzunces)

The Spanish writer reinforces the idea that memories are closely linked to emotions.

52. The art of memory consists of distracting the bad to consolidate the good (John James)

One way to explain selective memory.

53. Life would be impossible if everything was remembered. The secret is knowing how to choose what should be forgotten (Roger Martin du Gard)

Forgetting is almost as important as remembering, for most areas of life.

54. When the soft voices die,

His music still vibrates in memory (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

One of the most beautiful verses of this famous English poet.

55. Even if you manage to hide memories, or bury them very deep, you cannot erase history. History cannot be erased or altered. Because it would mean killing yourself (Haruki Murakami)

Our memories largely define who we ourselves are.

56. When you miss a place, what you really miss is the time that corresponds to that place; that we don’t miss the places, but the times (Marcel Proust)

The French writer Marcel Proust dealt extensively with the theme of memory in his novels.

57. Nothing can last that long, there is no memory, no matter how intense, that does not fade away (Juan Rulfo)

A very accurate reflection by the Mexican writer and screenwriter Juan Rulfo.

58. Love does not end just by saying goodbye, we must keep in mind that being absent does not cancel the memory, nor does it buy oblivion, nor does it erase us from the map (Ricardo Arjona)

Memory and love can continue to exist after the breakup, something that those who have been in love know very well.

59. Remembering is easy for those who have a memory, forgetting is difficult for those who have a heart (Gabriel García Márquez)

One of the most beautiful phrases about memory pronounced by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez.

60. It is curious what a young man remembers. Because I don’t remember being born, I don’t remember what they gave me for my first Christmas and I don’t remember where I went for my first picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the whole world (Tom Hanks)

There are many phrases to remember that the actor Tom Hanks has left us.

61. Remembering a good moment is feeling happy again (Gabriela Mistral)

A phrase that can accompany us for the rest of our lives.

62. I kept intact in my memory the environment in which I lived. The atmosphere in which my childhood developed, the air, the light, the color of the sky, the flavor of the earth, that I maintained. What memory returns to me are those sensations (Juan Rulfo)

Memory transports us to places where we have been and emotions we have felt.

63. We destroy others when we are unable to imagine them (Carlos Fuentes)

A truly devastating phrase about memory.

64. Without you today’s emotions would be nothing more than the dead skin of yesterday’s (Amélie)

Anyone who has seen the movie will remember this phrase.

65. I don’t remember everything I feel but I do feel everything I remember (Alejandro Sanz)

The Spanish singer-songwriter Alejandro Sanz is a genius of light songs.

66. We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold within us the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss (Cassandra Clare)

If we remember someone they will always be alive inside.

67. Don’t look back, because you can remember that there was a heart that didn’t know how to love you (Anonymous)

Sometimes it is better to move on, forget and stop suffering.

68. When a story ends, the pain is normally proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. And then, the betrayal, the memories arrive punctually (Federico Moccia)

A phrase that perfectly sums up what breakups are like.

69. I haven’t talked about Jack with anyone until now, not even your grandfather, I don’t even have a portrait of him, now, he only exists in my memory… (Rose Dewitt Bukater)

One of the first lines from the 1997 movie “Titanic.”

70. What is lost is also a pair or two of lips that tasted the taste of mine, and that now I can only kiss in my memory (Mario Benedetti)

A truly moving phrase about memory and love.

71. The memory of the past makes the pillows uncomfortable and the nights very long (Federico Moccia)

Sometimes the memory of a better past can be truly devastating.

72. Do not deny any memory of your past. What you experienced made you who you are (Cecilia Curbelo)

We must be at peace with our memories, if we have lived a virtuous life.

73. I’m out. From memories, from the past. In that silence that hurts (Federico Moccia)

This great writer Federico Moccia has left us countless poetic phrases.

74. Nostalgia, as always, had erased the bad memories and magnified the good ones (Gabriel García Márquez)

Nostalgia often brings us memories of a better past.

75. One is not where the body is, but where they miss it most (Ricardo Arjona)

A very poetic phrase about the memory we keep and the one our loved ones keep.

76. Bad memories haunt you without having to carry them with you (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)

Sometimes we must make an effort to get rid of bad memories.

77. Dry leaves cover the path of memories in abundance (James Joyce)

The Irish novelist James Joyce has a wide variety of famous phrases about memory.

78. You will always leave footprints when you walk, make sure that the good footprints are indelible (Mauricio Martínez)

Our actions are measured by the footprint they leave on our environment.

79. There are several memories in us. The body and the spirit each have their own (Honoré de Balzac)

A very poetic way of conceiving human memory.

80. All older people were children at first, although few of them remember it (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

One of the most remembered phrases from the work “The Little Prince”, by Saint-Exupéry.

81. Memory is like a bad friend; when you need it most, it fails you (Anonymous)

A truly accurate allegory about memory.

82. My tree sprouted…My childhood passed…Today under its shadow that grew so much…My tree and I have memories (Alberto Cortez)

We will always remember these lines from the Spanish singer-songwriter Alberto Cortez.

83. Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled (Jean Paul)

Memory contains everything that has made us happy at some point in our lives.

84. Never keep in your head what fits in your pocket (Albert Einstein)

The German physicist Albert Einstein had memorable phrases on any topic.

85. We are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of inconstant forms, that pile of broken mirrors (Jorge Luis Borges)

To a large extent, our memory defines who we are.

86. The poorest ink color is worth more than the best memory (Chinese Proverb)

A truly powerful and very accurate image about memory.

87. Wherever you touch it, the memory hurts (Yorgos Seferis)

A phrase that is well recognized by those who have had love disappointments.

88. Memory is the sentinel of the brain (William Shakespeare)

One of the many poetic images that Shakespeare gave us about memory and remembrance.

89. Memory is called the ability to remember what we would like to forget (Daniel Gélin)

90. Memory is a substitute experience, in which all the emotional value of the current experience is given without its tension, its vicissitudes and its disturbances (John Dewey)

91. How poor a memory is that which only works backwards! (Lewis Carroll)

The author of “Alice in Wonderland” was a genius of his time and some of his wonderful famous quotes attest to this.

92. He who suffers has memory (Cicero)

Some memories evoke unpleasant or sad situations.

93. Retention is the hallmark of capacity (Baltasar Gracián)

Without a doubt, having a good memory is a great virtue that we must value as such.

94. An exercised memory is a more valuable guide than genius and sensitivity (Friedrich Schiller)

95. Memory is the intelligence of fools (Albert Einstein)

A truly surprising phrase, attributed to the German physicist Albert Einstein.

96. Until adolescence, memory has more interest in the future than in the past (Gabriel García Márquez)

A very accurate phrase about the importance of memory in any adult.

97. Know that forgetting the bad is also having memory (José Hernández)

Forgetting is sometimes the best thing we can do to move forward with our lives.

98. I remember that night better than some years of my life (Richard Linklater)

Phrase from the movie “Before Sunset”.

99. People are not remembered for the number of times they fail, but for the number of times they succeed (Thomas Alva Edison)

100. I don’t remember forgetting you (Guy Pearce)

One of the most famous phrases from the movie “Memento”.

And this is where the article ends I hope they have helped you keep in mind those good moments that life has given us. I also recommend seeing these phrases for special people.

hope you liked it. Thank you for your attention!