11 Signs That You Need To Attend Psychotherapy

Signs that you need to attend psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is an invaluable resource to ensure our mental health and emotional well-being, but not everyone is aware of the diversity of problems in which it can be applied.

Therefore, in this article we will review The usual signs that indicate that you should go to psychotherapy as soon as possible.

What are the main signs that you need to attend psychotherapy?

Psychological professionals establish a series of signs that must be taken into account for anyone who suffers from them, and for which it is advisable to seek therapy from a specialized professional.

1. Constant anxiety

Anxiety problems are one of the most common mental health disorders In the world, it is a true public health problem that affects all areas of the person.

Some people have anxiety disorders that affect to a greater or lesser extent their daily life and the normal fulfillment of their obligations, but in any case, it is a problem that should not be assumed as “something normal”, it must be treated by a specialized psychology professional. It is one thing to feel anxious from time to time, something completely natural, and another to suffer anxiety during most hours of the day over several days, or to have anxiety attacks in situations devoid of real danger.

Signs that you should go to the psychologist

There are many types of anxiety and in most cases the most common symptoms are: agitation, nervousness, tension, sweating, fear that something bad is going to happen problems falling asleep, weakness and a wide variety of physical symptoms that affect the person’s health.

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2. Low self-esteem

Self-esteem deficits are another of the most frequent problems addressed in psychology consultations, and they have to do with a very negative or altered image that many people have about themselves about its “essence” or identity.

People who have low self-esteem tend to believe that they are worthless and that they are not capable of doing anything notable or worthy of praise, although in the vast majority of cases they usually have adequate skills to successfully carry out all the tasks linked to a particular style. of autonomous and sustainable living.

A specialized psychotherapist knows perfectly the mechanisms of self-esteem and its relationship with people’s psychological well-being and can teach various useful tools to improve and enhance good self-esteem in their clients.

3. Feeling that a chronic or severe illness is “overwhelming” us

Some people who are diagnosed with chronic or severe illnesses see their mental health, as well as their physical health in many cases, strongly affected due to the serious news they have just received.

It is in these cases when the person usually feels overwhelmed by the situation without finding any meaning to his existence or reasons to be happy, thoughts that repeat themselves recurrently in his head.

In the face of this type of diagnosis, psychotherapy can also provide invaluable psychological help of great value to people who may be suffering in their daily lives and require support and comfort from a health professional.

4. Depressive symptoms

There are many depressive symptoms that a person can present during their life, and most of them can very decisively affect their mental health and the normal functioning of their daily lives, both on a personal and professional level.

Some of these symptoms that can become a mood disorder such as clinical depression. Those who develop this psychopathology experience constant hopelessness, apathy, sadness, lack of interest in everything, development of inadequate lifestyle habits such as poor diet and lack of hygiene, etc.

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5. Suicidal ideations

Suicidal ideations are common in those people who see their mental health deteriorate for various reasons, whether due to a depressive disorder, a personality disorder, pathologies such as anorexia or bulimia, etc.

These types of ideations, when they appear recurrently, represent a real risk to a person’s life who suffers from them and must be communicated as soon as possible to family, friends and of course to a psychology professional who intervenes as soon as possible to help the person overcome the crisis.

6. Poor time management

At some point in their lives, some people realize that they manage their time very poorly and that This organizational deficit decisively affects their daily life and also their mental health. For example, it occurs in those who, being self-employed and/or working from home, notice how the tasks of their work life absorb all the hours of the day, partly due to distractions, leaving everything until the last minute, etc.

Going to a psychologist can be an excellent way to treat these types of problems related to time management, as well as to acquire disciplined, healthy lifestyle habits and healthy ways of organizing yourself on a daily basis.

7. Traumatic events

Some traumatic events experienced in the past can leave psychological consequences over time, something that must be treated through a psychotherapeutic process by a mental health professional.

And it is common for many people to realize that some traumatic event from the past has affected them more than they thought or that it prevents them from moving forward and becoming the person they want to be.

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8. Excessive shyness

Excessive shyness is a problem that occurs when the person has certain problems in social relationships linked to personal insecurities and it is impossible or very difficult for him to maintain normal social relationships.

This type of problem is usually treated in psychological consultations around the world and psychological professionals who are experts in social difficulties always provide support and successful help to those who request it.

9. Difficulty in emotional connection

Some people have real difficulties establishing a full emotional connection with other people as well as to express what they feel successfully.

This type of deficit can also be treated through psychotherapy and gradually trained until the person finally manages to make true emotional connections with the people around them.

10. Eating disorders

Believing that we may have developed an Eating Disorder is also one of the unequivocal signs that we need to request a psychotherapy process from a professional specialized in eating disorder intervention.

These types of disorders They usually appear in young people, but can also occur in adults who begin to enter a self-destructive spiral for various reasons and begin to present alterations in their eating habits.

11. Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are also the order of the day in psychological consultations around the world, and consist of recurring thoughts that the person does not want to have but that repeat in their head.

These types of intrusive thoughts are also a signal to go to therapy, and are generally related to a case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, a disorder that can be successfully treated by a qualified psychological professional.

Do you want to have professional psychotherapeutic help?

If you are interested in attending psychotherapy sessions, we invite you to contact us.

In Cribecca We serve adults, adolescents and children and offer the option of in-person psychotherapy and online therapy.