11 Steps For Procrastinators To Achieve Their 2021 Goals

11 steps for procrastinators to achieve their 2021 goals

The other day, talking to my daughter, she told me: “Nieves, if you are talking to people who procrastinate, who postpone, you have to make it easy for them.” Good point.

In my previous article I shared my thoughts on why New Year’s resolutions don’t work. This month I will share with you 11 simple steps to make 2021 your best year without falling into the “I’ll do it tomorrow” and my best 35 tips to be happy.

    The 11 steps of productivity

    Apply these key ideas to your daily life to boost your productivity by fighting procrastination

      How to squeeze the potential of 2021?

      Here I leave you 35 tips to live a full life this year. Read them and put into practice the ones you connect with, the ones that make you vibrate. Once you have chosen the ones that connect with you, put them in a visible place where you can see them every day so that your mind absorbs them

        Easy? Yes, but most people don’t put theory into practice.

        The two great barriers

        There are two main types of obstacles that people usually encounter when carrying out their New Year’s resolutions. On the one hand, Most people set goals as an obligation From something they believe they should do and not from a “I want to.” Therefore, willpower does not take them beyond February.

        On the other hand, most people are not consistent. Many people start but don’t finish Or they plan but don’t do. If this is your case, it is normal, because no one has taught you the system of achieving those objectives consistently.

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        Are you interested in knowing more?

        Come to my BOOTCAMP on January 23, where I am going to teach you the system that has worked for me and hundreds of my clients; It is based on my book Focus on What’s Important – Take Action.

        Reserve your place through my contact form. Dedicate a full day of quality time, preferably just to do this. Your 2021 results will confirm that your attendance has been worth it.