12 Motivating Phrases From Psychology To Release Your Inspiration

Are you in a bad moment? Do you think nothing will change your attitude? Discover these motivational phrases from psychology and their explanation. You will discover a different way of seeing life.

Motivating phrases from psychology

The motivational phrases They can help you give the push you need to start your day strong. Each of the inspiring phrases that we have selected below will teach you different lessons from psychology to get the positive side out of both ourselves and everything around us. Whenever you have a bad day, remember all these motivational words to get everything negative out of your mind.

Motivating phrases from psychology and their explanation

Take note of each of these Overcoming phrases that some of the best-known psychologists give us since it is very likely that they will help you achieve what you want so much or to see the light in the darkest days. Together with these short motivational phrases you can fill all your thoughts with color again.

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1. “Everyone should do at least two things every day that they hate doing, just to practice”

Through this quote, the psychologist and philosopher William James gives us a fundamental life lesson to achieve any of our goals. In one of these motivational quotes It suggests to us that life does not always have to be easy since we only learn and improve through adversity and challenges. In fact, this motivational phrase also highlights the fact that it is in these moments when you learn more about yourself, since through these moments you are more aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

2. “The best years of your life are those in which you decide that your problems are yours. You don’t blame your mother, the ecology or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny”

In one of these motivational quotes Said by psychologist Albert Ellis, it tries to give us a lesson about the sense of responsibility we have in our lives. Although there are many things that are out of our control, the reality is that we must be aware of all the responsibility for our decisions and actions. Thanks to one of these self-improvement phrases we can realize that by taking control of our actions and our attitude we can be capable of whatever we set our minds to.

Success phrases for personal motivation

3. “When I look at the world I am a pessimist, but when I look at people I am an optimist”

Through this motivational phrase Psychologist Carl Rogers tells us that it is very easy to feel pessimistic when we see the state of things around us. But the reality is that by focusing on the individual stories of each of the people around us or on the small details of the world we can find the optimistic side in many more things around us. With one of these self-improvement phrases you will be able to realize that sometimes we are more prone to pessimism than optimism, so focus on those stories that really inspire you to improve and not on the negative news that comes to you every day.

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4. “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination”

In one of these motivational quotes Carl Rogers explains to us what today is called the state of flow. When you are so involved in something you like and constantly work on it with pleasure, you are focusing your life and your goals well. These motivating words suggest to us that living a good life is about enjoying the journey that lies in each of our goals or objectives. So much so that instead of focusing on those things that you think will ultimately lead you to live a good life, you should focus your attention on the good things that you live in your daily life.

Motivational messages from psychology

5. “The only normal people arethose you don’t know very well”

Alfred Adler, the founder of so-called individual psychology, does not invite reflection through this motivational phrase about the concept of normality. This can be a message of encouragement for those people who believe that they are strange or that others do not accept them. The reality is that we are all unique and different, so you must accept yourself as you are and leave behind the negative opinions of others.

6. “Remembering is the best way to forget”

The creator of one of these inspirational phrases It was Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. In it we find one of his recipes to confront the thoughts that monopolize our minds about the past and our most traumatic experiences. Through this motivational phrase, this well-known psychologist suggests that to move forward we must look back to be able to improve ourselves.

7. “Through others we become ourselves”

Lev. S. Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist who studied how humans build our personalities. This motivating phrase arises from the fact that according to his theory, everything intrapsychological has been learned from what is interpsychological. That is, we are greatly influenced by the environment and how we treat each other. In this way we can realize the importance of our surroundings and our attitude towards others.

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8. “When we can no longer change the situation, we can only change ourselves”

Through one of these motivational words, the founder of logotherapy, Viktor Frankl, gives us a life lesson. This psychiatrist lived the experience of being imprisoned in different Nazi concentration camps and according to his vision he managed to survive, in addition to luck, thanks to the fact that he dedicated himself to mentally caring for other prisoners like him. Frankl explains through these messages of encouragement that we cannot change the situation around us but we can decide how to face them. When we are in a bad moment we can control our thoughts, feelings and attitude to make this moment less harmful for us.

9. “They have never taught you to speak with your gestures, but they taught you to speak with words”

Paul Ekman is a psychologist who was a pioneer in the study of both emotions and our facial expressions. Through one of these phrases of life We can see the importance of our body language and how we must know it to master ourselves.

Motivational phrases

10. “If an individual is intellectually passive, he will not be morally free”

If you are one of those who constantly confronts others to defend your values, this psychologist’s phrase Jean Piaget will help you endure all the adversities you face. According to his theories, only by questioning what surrounds us can we find authentic meaning in life. If we do not have critical thinking we live through the eyes of others.

eleven. “I am not in this life to meet other people’s expectations, nor do I feel that the world should meet mine.”

Fritz Perls, the psychologist who created Gestalt therapy, invites us to reflect on what we do in our lives through one of these motivational phrases Thanks to this psychological quote, it teaches us that we should not submit to the expectations of others and even less live according to what is expected of us.

12. “Knowledge is an antidote to fear”

The psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer is the one to whom these are attributed. motivation words According to his research on reason and decision making, he observed that most fears come from ignorance. Therefore, the best remedy to combat them is precisely through knowledge and the ability to obtain sufficient information.

If you are in a difficult moment in your life, you are motivational phrases They can help you reflect on how to deal with these types of situations. Despite this, if you think you are at the limit, you can always consult with a professional psychologist. Motivation is the key to facing life with the best attitude.