12 Ways To Calm Anxiety Quickly

How to calm anxiety? Are there techniques to reduce anxiety? Discover 12 methods to relieve anxiety quickly according to psychology.

How to calm anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are among one of the most common disorders today. In fact, it is completely normal to feel anxious at times. So know how to calm anxiety In certain situations it can be useful both for those people who suffer from it recurrently and to find a calmer and less nervous state of mind. But how can we relieve anxiety?

How to calm anxiety

There are some habits that you can apply in your daily life to be able to calm anxiety that affects you constantly. Among the ‘tricks’ to calm anxiety, we can highlight the following:

  1. Drink less caffeine: Although coffee is one of our allies to be able to face the mornings or moments where we feel low energy, it is important to try to reduce its consumption if you want. reduce anxiety what you perceive in your day to day life. The reason for this is that caffeine increases the level of adrenaline in our body, which translates into experiencing the fear-of-flight response more often or with more intensity, which leads us to feel more stress or anxiety.
  2. Exercise: Exercise can help us relieve anxiety through two different methods. First of all, by moving more we decrease the level of stress hormones in our body. Secondly, people can distract themselves from the obsessive thoughts of anxiety through exercise.
  3. Practice yoga: Another technique for reduce or calm anxiety It is practicing yoga. In fact, research surrounding this ancient exercise provided evidence of how it influenced our nervous system as well as our mood. Yoga, according to studies, lowers both heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels. This last piece of information is very relevant, since cortisol is a hormone that is involved in the fear response of fight or flight, which implies that having too much of this substance can increase our anxiety.
  4. Listen to music: Music is capable of activating the reward systems of our brain, that is, it increases our sensation of pleasure and gives us helps relieve anxiety that we perceive. In fact, research has shown that listening to a song from your favorite musical genre can be an effective remedy for reducing anxiety in the short term. Ways to calm anxiety
  5. Practice mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness is one of the most widely practiced meditations today. Furthermore, it can be a very useful tool for combat anxiety at specific moments. The reason for this is that it helps us distract ourselves from ruminating thoughts and other negative thought patterns.
  6. Use visualization techniques: Are techniques to control anxiety They involve mentally visualizing peaceful scenes that allow us to experience a state of relaxation. Studies conducted in 2015 investigated the combined effects of visualization alongside music to relieve anxiety. According to the results, there were signs that visualization was useful for relaxing when faced with anxiety.
  7. Practice diaphragmatic breathing: Another way that they can help calm anxiety They are deep breathing techniques. In fact, doing one of these relaxation exercises for anxiety will help you reduce the levels of cortisol in your body. To do this you must breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. In addition, you will have to make sure that the breath is noticeable in the stomach, that is, check that it rises upward. To exhale you should do so with pursed lips, paying attention to your navel going downwards.
  8. Avoid procrastination: People with anxiety are often very prone to postponing important tasks or projects to temporarily avoid experiencing the stress associated with them. However, having this type of behavior ends up producing more stress and anxiety. For this reason, one of the methods to know how to relax anxiety It is precisely maintaining a schedule and sticking to it. Methods to calm anxiety
  9. Accept your anxiety: One of the ways to know how to calm anxiety It is precisely by accepting it. Instead of fighting the thoughts, we should try to recognize and understand our anxiety, put aside the criticism surrounding these thoughts, and know that even though we suffer from this anxiety, we can perform well in our daily tasks.
  10. Check reality: One of the ways to find a relaxation from anxiety What we experience is trying to carry out a reality check to give less strength to the thoughts related to this disorder. To do this, we can ask ourselves these questions: How likely is it that what I am worried about will happen? Do I have good reasons to think that something will go wrong? Is there a possibility that I am worrying too much?
  11. Talk about your anxiety: For reduce anxiety that we experience at a specific moment, we can always choose to share our obsessive thoughts with people we trust. Talking about these anxious thoughts can help you put these kinds of thoughts into perspective.
  12. Redirect nervous energy: To relieve anxiety We can try to redirect the nerves associated with this state towards other activities that do not require focusing on excessive thoughts or rumination. For example, if you are worried, you can get up and walk, go for a five-minute walk, do some exercise. Short bursts of activity can help calm your mind and therefore reduce your anxiety.
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These are some of the methods that can help calm anxiety at specific moments. Despite this, you must understand that if you experience anxiety on a very recurrent basis and it prevents you from enjoying many areas of your life, you should go to treatment with a professional psychologist. The reason for this is that anxiety can end up affecting you on a personal, professional and relational level. Therefore, not ending the source or origin of this disorder can pose many limitations and barriers to experiencing a full life.