14 Activities For Children With ADHD (to Work On Attention)

Activities for children with ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is one of the most well-known and diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorders in the Western world, characterized by the presence of inattention that may or may not be accompanied by hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is a problem that can cause severe difficulties to the child who suffers from it, with many cases having adjustment problems in the academic and social sphere derived mainly from a lack of development of some executive functions.

In order to solve these difficulties, it may be of great interest to carry out some type of activity that allows training these functions. Throughout this article We are going to propose various activities for children with ADHD in order to enhance their abilities in an enjoyable and fun way.

ADHD: brief description of the disorder

Before starting to propose specific activities, it may be relevant to briefly mention what is known as ADHD.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a disorder characterized by the presence of at least six symptoms of inattention and another six of hyperactivity and impulsivity for a minimum of six consecutive months.

Among the typical symptoms of inattention We can find problems in maintaining attention, loss of other people’s conversations or lack of listening due to having a busy mind, forgetting daily activities, avoiding activities that require sustained attention, inability to follow or complete tasks, forgetting instructions, loss of objects or carelessness.

Regarding hyperactivity/impulsivity Motor restlessness, excessive talking, inability to take turns are usually common, intrusion into other people’s activities, anticipation of other people’s responses before they occur, inability to stay still or sit or run in inappropriate contexts. It must be taken into account that ADD also exists, in which there would be inattention but not hyperactivity.

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It is a neurodevelopmental disorder, that is, a condition that appears as a consequence of difficulties in the normative development process and whose symptoms appear during it (although this does not mean that it only exists in childhood or adolescence, being also present in adults). In the case of ADHD, it can be specifically observed a slowing of the development of the prefrontal cortex, something that has an impact when developing the so-called executive functions. Among the functions that usually present deficits we observe attention, working memory, behavioral inhibition, the capacity for self-organization or the ability to make and maintain plans.

It is also important to keep in mind that we are facing problems beyond the control of those who suffer from it, something that needs to be highlighted given that for many people it can be difficult to realize, for example in the case at hand.

Proposals for activities for children with ADHD

When generating activities for children with this problem, it must be clear that activities must be planned that must be explained clearly, that allow for breaks and that, although their objective the enhancement of capacities, are enjoyable and experienced as something interesting for the minor. It is also usually advisable to use more visual activities, not entirely verbal ones. Likewise, the presence of distracting stimuli must be removed or avoided.

Taking this into account, below we will see a series of activities that we can do with a child with ADHD and that can help us train skills and abilities in which they may have difficulties.

1. The seven differences

A typical and simple as well as fun game that is based on detect differences between several images The level of difficulty may vary depending on the age and ability of the subject. It allows you to train attention to details and working memory.

2. Word search

Another typical and highly known activity used on occasion for entertainment by a large part of the population, word searches can also be useful for children with ADHD given that They allow you to train selective attention, the ability to organize and the inhibition of behavior

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3. Slow motion

Another way to train attention span and behavioral inhibition and management is through performing various actions in slow motion. An example could be playing an astronaut on a mission to the Moon, who must place a flag somewhere on the lunar surface (the child’s house, for example), in zero gravity. You can tell a whole story, It can even become a group game

4. The turtle technique

This small and simple activity can strengthen behavior management and reduce impulsivity. It’s about playing with the child and teaching him to become a turtle, learning to act little by little and to take refuge in the shell when they perceive any threat, in order to calm down.

5. Memory or couples game

This well-known game allows you to train memory and attention the subject having to find pairs of cards among a group of face-down cards, being able to pick up only two at a time before placing them face down again.

6. Construction games

If the child likes them, construction games are an excellent way to train planning skills, behavioral control and attention to detail. From LEGOs to models, It can be a fun and very useful activity which can also be adapted to the subject’s taste.

7. Echo game

This activity, preferably done in a group, is based on one of the participants following a word and the rest echoing it, repeating the last syllables. You can also add the fact that each time the child has to reduce the syllables and repeated sounds. Promotes attention and verbal working memory

8. The initial of my name

A simple activity that is based on us randomly saying different letters continuously, with the child having to clap when he hears the one that corresponds to his initial. It can also be done by saying words at random, with the subject having to clap when a specific one is said. Promotes continued attention.

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9. What have I saved?

Memory and attention are some of the skills that this activity allows you to promote. It involves providing the subject with a series of different objects to keep in a box. Once this is done, you should say what you have saved. It may be useful to propose beforehand that you generate a fantastic story that allows all the objects in question to be encompassed, in such a way that the organization is also worked on.

10. The Hanged Man

This well-known game allows the maintenance of attention, behavioral inhibition, planning or ability to organize

11. Team sports

Physical activity is usually enjoyable for children with hyperactivity, as it allows them a lot of movement. In addition to releasing energy, many sports also can promote attention to stimuli or details such as table tennis.

12. Chained words

Another easy activity to carry out and that allows you to train not only your attention, but also the need to wait for your turn to speak. It involves forming a chain of words, making the players take turns saying a word that must begin with the last syllable of the word that the previous person said.

13. Imitate me

This game allows work attention and memory The first person must do a specific activity (which can come from previously prepared cards), so that the rest must pay attention to what they do in order to replicate it next. An example could be replicating a dance choreography.

14. An invented language

The idea of ​​this activity is to generate series of symbols without meaning per se, as if it were a new language, that correspond to the letters of the alphabet. We will have to leave various relatively short messages throughout the house that the child will have to translate in order to find the next clue, for example, to find a small treasure (for example, some sweets), having a small cheat sheet to do so.