20 Phrases About Emotional Intelligence And Its Great Importance

What is emotional intelligence? Why should you work on emotional management? Discover the best phrases about emotional intelligence to discover its importance.

The best phrases about emotional intelligence

The emotional intelligence It is one of the most sought-after skills in a world where emotions are increasingly repressed and expressed less. Therefore, emotional intelligence phrases can help us see the reality behind the importance of knowing how to manage our emotions well.

Why is emotional intelligence so important?

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo we find a group of primates: the bonobos. Although they are still a mystery to science, we know about these animals that they are very intelligent, that they maintain intense relationships and that their capacity for cooperation, especially between their females, makes them help each other. However, the aspect that makes them most exciting is their intense emotional life

Psychologist Mariska Kret, from Leiden University, showed in a study that bonobos directed their gaze and spent more time paying attention to other primates that expressed some feeling than to those that showed neutral expressions. The same thing happens to humans: for example, if you put a person in front of two screens and on one there is someone crying and on the other any neutral activity, they tend to look more at what has emotional meanings and less at behaviors. routine. Behind this behavior is nothing more and nothing less than the emotional intelligence

It is for this reason that lack emotional intelligence It can play tricks on us when it comes to managing our own emotions. But how to improve it? Describing it is usually complicated, especially because it is based on experience.

The emotional intelligence Not only is it essential when it comes to understanding ourselves, but it also helps us relate to others. Empathy or conflict resolution are aspects that draw on emotional intelligence and improving it will be very useful in all types of circumstances, whether at work, at home or when socializing.

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Phrases about emotional intelligence

Through the following emotional intelligence phrases We will be able to understand this skill more closely and everything that knowing how to control and manage our emotions in an effective way can give us.

1. Viktor Frankl and freedom

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl

Frankl was a psychiatrist who lived the harsh experience of being a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps. Because of this, he learned a valuable lesson: humans have the freedom to choose how to experience any situation. Thanks to one of these emotional phrases by Frankl, which reflects his theories around logotherapy, gives us a glimpse into the importance of emotional intelligence.

2. Choose your emotions

“It’s a choice. No matter how frustrating, boring, restrictive, painful, or oppressive our experience is, we can always choose how we respond.”

Edith Eger

The psychologist Edith Eger through one of these emotional education phrases We can learn that the way we see life lies in how we control our emotions. Therefore, working on emotional intelligence is of vital importance.

Phrases about emotional education

3. The key is the identification of emotions

“ My message to everyone is the same: that if we can learn to identify, express and harness our feelings, even the most challenging ones, we can use those emotions to help us create positive and fulfilling lives. ”

Marc Brackett

The psychologist Marc Brackett suggests to us in one of emotional psychology phrases that one of the keys to dealing with our emotions is precisely knowing how to identify them and be able to label them.

4. You can choose how to react

“How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation”

Judith Orloff

One of the secrets of why it is so important emotional intelligence It is given by one of these phrases about well-being. We can choose how to feel about each situation we find ourselves in.

5. Success and emotional intelligence

“If your emotional abilities are not in your hands, if you do not have self-awareness, if you cannot manage your distressing emotions, if you cannot have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how intelligent you are, you are not going to get very far.” far “

Daniel Goleman

The psychologist Daniel Goleman, the father of emotional intelligence, reveals to us that to achieve success in life this skill is more than necessary. Therefore, working on it is important to reach all your goals.

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6. It can help us overcome fear

“You can overcome almost any fear if you just decide to do it. Remember, fear does not exist anywhere except in the mind.”

Dale Carnegie

In one of these short emotional phrases the well-known businessman Dale Carnegie, reflects on how emotional intelligence It helps us combat our fears. The reason for this is that really through self-knowledge we can know the reason for our fears and how to face them.

7. Attitude is the key

“Everything can be taken from a man except one thing: the last of human freedoms: to choose one’s attitude in any set of circumstances, to choose one’s own path.”

Viktor Frankl

Frankl through these phrases about emotional intelligence or phrases about being strong can teach us that the final decision is always in our will.

Phrases about feelings

8. You should not be controlled by your emotions

“When a man is a prisoner of his emotions, he is not his own master.”

Benedict of Spinoza

Spinoza was a philosopher who reflected on many aspects of human behavior. One of these phrases about emotions reveals to us that someone who does not know how to control or manage them really loses control of their life.

10. Be responsible

“We are dangerous when we are not aware of our responsibility for how we behave, think and feel.”

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Responsibility is another of the fundamental aspects of emotional intelligence and this is what one of these phrases about emotions reveals to us.

11. There is feedback between thoughts and emotions

“Your emotions are slaves to your thoughts and you are a slave to your emotions”

Elizabeth Gilbert

The writer Gilbert highlights us through one of these phrases about emotional education a reality that affects many of us: The feedback that exists between emotions and negative thoughts.

12. Emotions always leave a mark

“I learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

How does one of these reveal? phrases about feelings and emotions emotional intelligence is very important for our mental well-being.

13. Internal dialogue

“Perhaps the most liberating moment of my life was when I realized that my self-hatred was not a product of my insufficiency, but rather a product of my thoughts.”

Vironika Tugaleva

Emotions and our internal dialogue, that is, what we think, greatly influence our way of facing life. Therefore, one of these emotional help phrases can be the little push we need so much to put an end to this type of internal discourse. For this, the emotional security What emotional intelligence provides us can be vital.

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14. Don’t give in to your negative emotions

“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give in to your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.”

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee gave great lessons about mind control. In one of these emotional intelligence phrases We find that the responsibility to feel negativity is ours alone.

emotional intelligence phrases

15. Learn from failures

“Strength of character and emotional intelligence to face your failures and learn from them are the basis of success.”

Robert Kiyosaki

Learning about failures is another key behind emotional intelligence In many cases, being able to face these disagreements allows us to reach the top.

16. The power of emotions

“Man’s emotions stir faster than man’s intelligence. ”

Oscar Wilde

Emotions have the ability to make us change in many aspects. In one of these phrases about emotional intelligence Something very important is highlighted to us: the ability of emotions to subject us to them.

17. Don’t let them manipulate you

“Don’t let people who don’t care about you manipulate your mind, feelings and emotions or control how you think about yourself. Never give that much power to another person. ”

Karon Waddell

One of these phrases with feeling It tells us that emotional intelligence is one of the best methods to stop those who want or wish to manipulate us.

18. Leadership and emotions

“ There are six elements of seriousness critical to leadership: grace under fire, decisiveness, emotional intelligence and the ability to read a room, integrity and authenticity (people don’t like fakes), a vision that inspires others, and a reputation stellar. ”

Sylvia Ann Hewlett

The emotional intelligence and leadership are closely related. For this reason, one of these emotional education phrases can reveal to us that to be good leaders we need to work on our emotions.

19. Inquire into yourself

“It’s only superficial people who need years to get rid of an emotion. A man who is master of himself can end a pain as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. ”

Oscar Wilde

Introspection and knowing ourselves is vital to be able to achieve what we want so much. For this reason, emotional intelligence It is very important for our lives.

20. The importance of our attention

“Emotional freedom always involves choosing where to put your attention.”

Judith Orloff

Are phrases about emotions They tell us that attention is another of the key elements to master our emotions.

The emotional intelligence It is a skill that allows us to be masters of our lives in all aspects. Therefore, working through books or with the help of a professional will give you the ability to achieve everything you have always wanted on an emotional and professional level. Knowing about emotions is understanding how we are and how we can reach our best version.