30 Foods Very Rich In Protein

Protein-rich foods

Proteins, along with carbohydrates and fats, are a necessary macronutrient for our body. They are basically made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, although some may also contain sulfur and phosphorus.

In this article We will see which are the foods richest in protein, so you can easily incorporate them into your diet. You will find them classified and ordered according to the amount of this macronutrient per 100 grams.

The most recommended protein-rich foods

Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are 20 types of these that are part of proteins, and they differ in essential and non-essential amino acids. The essential ones are not produced by the body, so they must be obtained through diet. But, What foods are richest in protein?

1. Meats

Meat is one of the foods rich in protein par excellence, and for this reason it is one of the central elements of lunches and dinners, and can even be present in small quantities in breakfasts. Here we will see the different types of meats with more proteins that are easily available in supermarkets ordered from most to least protein content.

1.1. Cow meat

Lean red meats such as cows are surely the main source of protein content that you can find in any supermarket, since 100g of this, in addition to providing about 200 calories, can contain 29g of protein, although most cuts are around 26g It depends a lot on the type of cut you are buying; In general, the sirloin is usually the piece richest in protein.

Of course, keep in mind that this type of food also has a lot of fats, some of which easily accumulate to amounts that are not recommended for health. Therefore, it is important that you do not eat beef every day; What’s more, once a week is more than enough. It is better that you combine it with other meats.

And by the way, remember that here we are talking about lean meat; nothing to do with sausages made with beef, which are not healthy.

1.2. Veal

Veal is very similar to cow meat, but generally has a little less protein, with an average of about 24.5g and about 172 calories per 100g.

1.3. Turkey breast

Turkey breast is an excellent food, in addition to being the type of poultry meat with the highest protein content Since it contains little fat, it is also an ideal food for weight loss (adding to an exercise routine).

100g of turkey breast contains 24g of protein and about 146 calories. Of course, turkey meat is characterized by having rather little flavor, so it is recommended that you accompany it with something.

1.4. Chicken breast

Another option, equally healthy as the previous one, is chicken breast, a food rich in protein and low in calories (grilled, 165 calories per 100 grams). Almost 80% of its calories come from protein. 100g of chicken breast contains about 22g of this macronutrient.

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1.5. Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is another white meat with high protein content 100g of this food contains about 130 calories and about 21g of protein. In addition, it is low in fat and rich in vitamin B.

1.6. pork loin

Pork meat, In the loin part, it has about 143 calories, 19g of protein and 4.8g of fat, of which only 2.4 are saturated. Besides. It contains a lot of vitamin B and has a lot of flavor.

1.7. Mutton

Raw lamb meat contains, per 100g, about 18g of protein, and 240 calories. Its high caloric value is mainly due to the fact that it contains a lot of fat: about 22g per 100. Therefore, it is better not to abuse this food, which consumed in moderation is perfectly healthy, as well as tasty.

2. Fish and seafood

Seafood is also a good source of protein. Let’s see it.

2.1. Tuna

Tuna is a very popular protein food that can be consumed canned or cooked. It is a fish with low fat content, however, it contains omega 3 fatty acids. 100g of tuna contains about 23g of protein and 130 calories and only about 3 grams of fat.

2.2. Pretty

This oily fish contains 22.5g of protein per 100 In addition, it is rich in fatty acids and is very low in calories, making it ideal for a balanced diet. As if this were not enough, it is also worth noting that it is a fish rich in many minerals: zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium among them.

23. Salmon

Salmon is made up of a large amount of protein and also provides polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids Now, this is also applicable with other fish, since they all have a high protein content. Some contain more fat, for example mackerel, and others less, such as hake. 100g of salmon contains 210 calories and 22 of protein, as well as 13g of fat.

2.4. Prawns

Now you have an excuse every time you go to tapas Because shrimp, in addition to being a very tasty food, are rich in protein. Prawns are low in calories, however, they contain numerous nutrients. For example: selenium, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fat. The protein content is 90%. In 100g (99 calories), 21.2 are proteins.

2.4. Mussels

Mussels are delicious and are an excellent product for your health Its great nutritional quality and very simple preparation make it a highly recommended product. It is rich in protein, iodine and vitamin B12. In 100 grams there are 11 proteins.

3. Dairy

Dairy products are easy to combine with all types of foods, even breakfasts and desserts. In addition, there is usually no need to prepare or cook them. Let’s see which are the dairy products richest in protein.

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3.1. Curd

Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that in its normal version contains a lot of fat. However,The light version is highly recommended as it is a food with a high content of a type of protein called casein

Casein is a slow-absorbing protein, making it ideal to take at night if you exercise. Likewise, it contains a high level of glutamine. 100g of cottage cheese contains 4g of fat, 13g of protein and 100 calories

3.2. Greek yogurt

Almost 50% of the calories from Greek yogurt are from protein. This food contains a lot of fat and, therefore, the light version is a better option. Greek yogurt is good for increasing muscle mass and, at the same time, accelerates basal metabolism to burn fat when you rest. It is also rich in vitamin D and calcium. 100g contains 10g of protein and about 59 calories

3.3. buffalo milk

Buffalo milk is less known than conventional cow’s milk, but if you are interested in increasing your protein intake, it can be very interesting for you. 100g contains 3.7g of protein, but be careful, because it also contains 97 calories, which is a lot for a drink based on a barely processed product. Do not abuse this food.

3.4. Cow milk

Normal cow’s milk contains a large amount of protein. In fact, cow’s milk contains a large amount of nutrients necessary for our body. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. 100g contains 3.2g of protein and 61 calories.

4. Eggs

Eggs are a fundamental component of the human diet in most cultures. Let’s see to what extent they are a food rich in protein.

4.1. chicken eggs

There is some controversy about cholesterol and egg consumption.But this is a healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which should not be missing from the diet Without a doubt, it is the best protein source that exists, containing all the essential amino acids, in other words, proteins with high biological value. 100g. contains 13g of protein and 190 calories.


4.2. Quail eggs

Quail eggs have practically the same amount of protein as chicken eggs, but slightly fewer calories: about 155g per 100.

5. Products of plant origin

Let’s see which are the plant foods with the most protein.

5.1. Seitan

Seitan is made from wheat gluten, and is a food that contains 22g of protein per 100 It cannot be missed if you need a high protein diet.

5.2. Tofu

Tofu is prepared with soybeans and its origin is oriental. As you probably know, soy protein is one of the healthiest, and tofu contains 8g of protein per 100 It is a very healthy food, not in vain we can find it in many vegan and vegetarian food recipes.

5.3. Peanuts

Peanuts are an ideal “snack” with high protein content But, in addition, they are rich in fiber or magnesium. Many studies suggest that it is an optimal food for losing fat, and this is because it has a large amount of monounsaturated fats, known as good fats.

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It is also possible to benefit from this food by consuming peanut butter, which, in addition to being just as nutritious, is delicious. It contains 16% of its calories in proteins: in 28 grams of the product (159 calories) 7 grams are proteins.

5.4. Soy

Soybeans are a plant source of protein and contain most essential amino acids except for methionine. However, if we mix soy milk with cereals it is possible to get nutrition with this missing amino acid. 100g of this legume contains 15.7g of protein.

5.5. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a cereal with a high fiber content, which causes your metabolism to speed up and make you feel fuller. But, also, This delicious cereal is also rich in protein and contains numerous minerals and antioxidants In half a cup of oats there are 13g of protein.

5.6. Almonds

If I had talked about peanuts before, almonds are also a food rich in protein that also includes numerous nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. In 28g of almonds there are 6g of protein and 161 calories.

5.7. Quinoa

Quinoa is a cereal that contains high quality protein, that is, of high biological value It is a complete source of amino acids, making it ideal for creating muscle and burning fat.

5.8. Lentils

Lentils are delicious and nutritious legumes that, In addition to iron, copper, magnesium and other nutrients, they are also rich in protein Therefore, it is a good nutritious alternative for vegetarians. 27% of its calories are proteins.

5.9. Essene bread

Essene bread or Ezekiel bread provides multiple health benefits, so it is excellent for your body. It is a type of bread made from legumes and cereals (sprouts). One slice contains 4g of protein and 80 calories.

5.10. Pumpkin seeds

It has already been mentioned that soybeans were a food rich in protein. Well then, pumpkin seeds are too They have many nutrients such as iron, magnesium and zinc, and 28g of this product contains 5g of protein

5.11. Couscous

Another cereal that is included in this list is couscous, as it is rich in vegetable protein Likewise, it contains other interesting nutrients from a dietary point of view, such as slow absorption carbohydrates, unsaturated fats and fiber. For every 100g you will be consuming 15g of protein.

5.12. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are one of the healthiest and most nutritionally complete legumes It contains 19g of protein per 100. It can be eaten in salads or in classic stews and stews.