4 Exercises That Help You Be Happy From Simplicity

4 exercises that help you be happy from simplicity

Every human being loves happiness, feeling good physically, mentally and spiritually, as a family, as a couple or in society. We all seek that maximum state of fulfillment that makes us feel satisfaction, certainty and fulfillment.

I’m going to show you how by modifying certain connections in certain areas of your brain you will feel happiness, harmony and peace.

    What does it mean to feel happiness?

    I often receive questions from my patients: Doctor, how can I be happy with all this that is happening to me? And my answer often or depending on the case is to answer with another question, because my goal is always to create awareness of why people do what they do, it is more effective for a person through the correct guidance to discover the secret of absolute happiness, what if someone tells him. Because human beings feel better when they attribute the importance of discovering something they were looking for to themselves.

    So I tell you the following (and please, dear reader, answer this question honestly): To what extent do you want to be happy?

    You will surely say “it is what I want most in this world”, because being happy means that all areas of your life are great: health, love, economic, family, social.

    Happy people have a certain drive: The happier they are, the happier they seek to be and the more ways they find to achieve it, because that is their focus, happiness. They are focused on happiness.

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    What are you focused on right now? Problems, debts, heartbreak, lack, anger, frustration, laziness, discouragement or in gratitude, love, smiles, affection, kindness, patience…

    What are you focusing your attention on 24 hours a day, what do you dream about at night?

    I want you to observe your life, the lives of the people around you, family, friends, partner… What are these people constantly talking about? What are they focused on?

    The approach to life that you constantly have is the current result of everything that is in your life whether genuine or not.

    Centuries ago the philosopher Socrates had a disciple, he said to his teacher: “I am hungry for more knowledge. How can I have more knowledge?” Socrates said that knowledge is already available: “it is easy to get it if you really want it.”

    The disciple replied: “yes, I really want it”, and Socrates said “come with me”, and they walked out to sea until they reached the ocean. They walked until they reached a depth of 3 or 4 feet and Socrates, a very strong man, took the boy by the head and put him into the water; The young man began to struggle and fight until he became incredibly frantic until Socrates pulled him out and asked him: “What did you want while underwater?” The answer, of course, was “air”, the only thing he could have in his mind was air. Socrates told him “when you want knowledge with the same intensity with which you wanted oxygen you will have all the knowledge you want.”

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      Exercises that help you be happy

      Apply these exercises to your daily life to be happy.

      1. Be grateful

      Remember when someone gave you a gift, a surprise or did something nice for you. You probably said “thank you”; remember how you felt gratitude at that moment When I am grateful you cannot feel fear or anger, you only feel joy, peace and tranquility, and that is equivalent to being happy.

        2. Smile

        It has been scientifically proven that smiles have the power to generate dopamine, endorphins and serotonin neurotransmitters responsible for keeping you happy. a state of well-being

        3. Visualize

        Imagine yourself being immensely happy; now describes in rich detail what that happy life would be like Where would you live emotionally, with whom, what is happening in that place? See it, feel it, maximize the images and add details.

          4. Bathe in cold water

          By doing so, your lymphatic system will begin to function better, you will feel more energy and vitality throughout your body, more mental agility, clarity and focus, and your laziness will disappear and you will feel great; but don’t just read it, go and experience it. Live a happy life, this is your best moment.