4 Tips To Manage A Specific Phobia

Tips for managing a specific phobia

In this article we want to provide you with our knowledge base to help you solve your problem.One of the reactions that can generate the most problems and greatest anxiety, the phobia

Therefore, we are going to begin by making a more detailed and colloquial description of what is meant by specific phobia. The first step, separate both words to give them their space.

What do we understand by specific phobia?

First of all, the definition of phobia It has a direct relationship with rejection, that is, something that is not wanted to be perceived since it feels threatening This rejection can be experienced emotionally in a different way, either from fear (that is, generating muscle blockage, cold sweats, pulmonary hyperventilation, tachycardia and feelings of panic) or from disgust, which instead of blocking it mobilizes the muscles, both to escape from what generates phobia and to eliminate it.

Fear in the case of phobias is a way of expressing that we are not capable of facing what causes us rejection (phobia of dogs, elevators, heights, all of which generate blockage and the symptoms mentioned above). However, in the disgust reaction there is a feeling of “I can and should deal with it”, although in many cases the behavior is disproportionate (throwing a stone at a dog) and even inhumane at some points.

In second place, the term “specific” serves to differentiate anxiety attacks From psychology, we distinguish not only the physiological-emotional reaction that occurs in anxiety, but also what generates it.

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In the case of a social phobia, anxiety is related to social interaction and the feeling of being judged; In the case of generalized anxiety, as the name suggests, it is as if there are too many “open fronts”, suffering from constant worries with different everyday issues. And so with the different anxiety disorders. The “specific” phobia tells us that the rejection reaction is produced by a specific element so therapy usually focuses on that element.

Tips for dealing with a specific phobia

Below we offer a series of tips to learn how to deal with a specific phobia that generates a feeling of fear and panic.

1. It is as important to get away as it is to get closer

A few days ago I had an experience that defines this concept very well I was accompanied for a walk along the banks of Zaragoza and we decided to sit in front of the river with beautiful views. After a few minutes, we saw a rat a few meters away and we watched each other, very still, for a few minutes until we both continued with our routine at a safe distance, the rat did its thing and we watched the river.

Shortly after, a boy of about 13 years old approached to see some ducks, and when he saw the rat, at a greater distance than us, he froze, as if the rat could devour him into a thousand pieces. He told us that he was afraid of rats and left with his mother. After a few minutes, he returned to his much smaller sister, because curiosity finally seduced him to observe the creature, from a distance.

And what caught my attention the most was a constant movement of taking one step closer, scrutinizing the rat, and moving two steps away to, once calm, return to snooping. Finally, he was able to talk about the rat without feeling afraid and just a few meters away from it.

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This relationship between fear and curiosity is a natural and very healthy method to be cautious and learn about what we fear Learning to observe from a distance is like telling your brain “don’t worry, I know how to take care of this.”

2. Change emotion, fear to curiosity, curiosity to security

After this behavioral exercise of approaching and moving away, A little introspection is good, far from that element that produces phobia

Something very common in people who have a phobia is that they recognize that it is irrational and that they should not feel that fear. Introspection through meditation exercises, yoga, writing, drawing… can help to contact that emotional part that reason cannot reach.

By doing it this way, it is as if we could retain in our imagination what generates the phobic reaction, to analyze it in detail and contemplate it calmly. If you do it, you will see how, almost automatically, this element makes you feel in a different way, going from fear to other emotions such as calm, security or even admiration, that of experience how you can feel calm in the face of what you fear

In the exercise, you will also observe a change, whether in what you write, draw, meditate… in parallel to this change in sensation.

3. Admire yourself, know how to be calm

One of the healthiest learning is based on knowing that we are already capable of facing what we fear without needing to eliminate it, true power. I emphasize this “no need to delete” since pathological phobia is always directed at an element that is not a real threat since if it were, the reaction would be justified.

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Furthermore, many patients try to resolve the phobia “against the grain”, that is, trying to expose themselves to the element itself without taking the first steps mentioned (going out to a high balcony and exposing the body in a case of vertigo, exposing themselves to many spiders in a virtual reality exercise, forcing yourself to touch a dog in the midst of a feeling of panic…), and this is not highly recommended, since at the end of the exhibition, there is no feeling of satisfaction, but of pure and intense anguish, and this does not but to reinforce the phobia. In this way, the brain understands “next time, I will have to generate more fear.” Bad move.

Tranquility should be the goal finding satisfaction as a solution and following curiosity as a method.

4. Allow yourself time to cope

Realistically, in most phobic situations, the experience does not change in one attempt (At 13 years old, brain plasticity allows for a lot of learning in a short time, but later things change). For this reason, it is interesting to get used to following this same method and checking the changes gradually.

The brain can be activated again in the form of a phobia of the same element, but if you solved it before, you will know what to do next.

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As we always recommend, if the situation does not change and the suffering is high, it is time to call a psychology professional to solve the problem. If you are interested in contacting our team of psychologists, you can find more information about us on this page.