5 Good Habits For Summer

5 good habits for summer

Summer is coming and most of us take a few days of vacation.

In this period of the year We usually find ourselves tired of the daily tasks that we have carried out during the previous months We book vacations hoping that they will be happy, carefree days.

Recommended habits for summer

I propose here 5 Habits that make these days out of routine satisfying for us

1. Prepare for the holidays

As far in advance as possible, ask ourselves what we want during this year’s vacation, instead of assuming that what has always worked is the only possibility (always the beach or always a trip abroad, for example). Fantasize different options, discuss them with our loved ones, give ourselves time to change our minds and adjust to our reality at this moment All these actions help us tune in to a good vacation for us.

For this preparation, it helps to take into account the group of people involved and the circumstances in which we find ourselves: reaching agreements instead of imposing or allowing the conditions of the holiday to be imposed and taking into account the economic situation are fundamental aspects of this preparation.

2. Pay attention to how those days are going

When we are already on a well-deserved vacation, things may not turn out as we had planned. Sometimes we “put on autopilot” and do not allow ourselves to feel that reality is quite far from what we initially dreamed. lThe proposal is to be honest with ourselves and, before the situation becomes unsustainable, assess with the people around us the changes that should be made so that everyone involved can enjoy a few days of rest.

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Other times it is the opposite, what we experience exceeds our expectations and it is important to be able to recognize and value this possibility as well.

3. Take into account the days immediately after

We often forget that when we return from vacation we need a few days to get used to the routine again, this is a normal process that when not taken into account leads to a high level of stress.

The days after the holidays the time rhythms are no longer the same, although they are not the usual ones either They are also in that intermediate territory, in addition to time rhythms, the people with whom we interact, the way we eat, the way we rest, etc. It is necessary to keep in mind that a few days of adaptation are part of normality.

Likewise, anticipating the importance of these subsequent days will allow us to retain the positive, nutritious aspects that we have experienced during the holidays for much longer.

4. Pay attention to what we like, what we want

By this I mean, again, putting aside automatisms and allowing ourselves to explore what motivates us at this moment in our lives. What we wanted a year ago may be very different from what we like today. The availability to listen to what is really important to us helps us create the conditions for it to occur in our lives

Sometimes we clearly identify what we really want and the difficulty lies in communication and negotiation with the environment. When we avoid expressing our desires, generally to avoid conflict, we are paradoxically paving the way for it to occur.

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5. Put limits on what worries us

There are always elements of worry in life. When these concerns are not extreme, it helps to address them, if possible, before the vacation. In this way, unresolved elements – there are always some – will not be of such importance and there will be less chance that we will be busy trying to solve the problems that will still exist when we return. It is about assuming the importance of rest and trusting our decision-making abilities after days of enjoyment.

When worries are extreme and we go on vacation, we have to assume that, somehow, they will come with us. Being clear that this will be the case can help you manage the moments when you cannot disconnect from difficult situations in a more tolerant and pleasant way.


With these five aspects, the days that we are in that special place with the people we have chosen, always within the margins that life allows, will be benefited. Here aspects are proposed that help to consider vacations in a realistic way, at the same time that they open the possibility of attend to what is out of the routine, causing us interest. We can thus benefit from days that are better connected to our current life moment, always taking into account the people with whom we interact and the circumstances of our life.