5 Signs Of Social Media Addiction: When Is It A Problem?

Can we really suffer from an addiction to social networks? What are the signs that indicate that we may be addicted to social networks? Find out how they can affect us.

How to overcome a social media addiction

Are social networks the ‘drug’ of the new generations? The Social networks addiction It is increasingly present in both young people and older people. The reason for this is that the ‘likes’ or ‘likes’ that we get on the networks affect our brain in a very similar way to when we take certain substances or carry out a pleasurable activity. But how does the use of social networks become an addiction?

What is social media addiction?

The popularity of Use of the social network increases with each passing year. These platforms especially influence children, adolescents and increasingly young people and adults. But, in the same way that happens with other addictions, social networks can influence our brain in a harmful way. This happens when there is an addiction to social networks, that is, when they are used in a compulsive and excessive way.

Why is social media so addictive?

He Use of the social network It has a very significant effect on our brain. This is because when entering these platforms, the levels of dopamine, also known as the pleasure hormone or neurotransmitter, in our brain increase.

By obtaining immediate pleasure through the social networks, whether through ‘likes’ and other interactions, our brain identifies these types of activities as ‘rewarding’. These positive feelings experienced while using social media are only temporary, which is why our brain seeks to obtain this ‘easy’ reward again.

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Therefore, as you use these platforms and experience dopamine during it, your brain will increasingly seek to use these types of gestures to obtain instant pleasure, which will mean wanting to resort to these types of interactions again. This is how you can develop a Social networks addiction

What are the problems of social networks?

The Social networks addiction It is usually related to the following psychological problems and disorders:

  • Low self-esteem: People who focus their attention on Use of the social network They can end up distorting their own self-perception. This can happen either due to the effect called FOMO, where people believe that other people’s lives are better than theirs, or due to distortions in other people’s images and comparisons with these unrealities.
  • Greater isolation and loneliness: The social media addicts They feel that they are constantly connected to others, which in reality is not the case despite interactions through these platforms. These types of ‘superficial’ connections can end up causing a person to isolate themselves from others and experience a feeling of loneliness. Main problems of social networks
  • Anxiety or depression: a major Use of the social network It can increase the likelihood of suffering from disorders such as anxiety or depression.
  • Sleep disorders: The Social networks addiction It can also cause sleep disorders such as insomnia due to resorting to these platforms just before going to sleep.
  • Lower concentration: Always be on ‘alert’ due to notifications social networks It can also contribute to worsening our performance both in studies and in the workplace.

As we see the Social networks addiction It can end up harming many areas of our daily lives. Therefore, it is important to go to a professional psychologist when we suffer from this type of addictions.

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How do we know if we are addicted to social networks?

There are some signs that can help us identify a person who suffers from a Social networks addiction Among the most common signs we can highlight the following:

  1. Lower performance: You are perceiving negative effects both at work and academic performance due to Use of the social network For example, people addicted to these platforms often find it difficult not to pay attention to the notifications that arrive on their mobile phones.
  2. Too much mobile phone use: The social media addicts They tend to use their cell phones and access them on too many occasions. So much so that they can be with other people and access their profiles on social networks constantly.
  3. Emotional dependence: When having an emotional problem, people with an addiction to social media They often resort to these as a method to alleviate the negativity they are experiencing.
  4. Irritability: If they do not have access to the internet or social networks, people with this addiction They usually feel very restless and irritable.
  5. Obsessive thoughts: People who suffer from a Social networks addiction They can think about these platforms even when they are not using them, in a very obsessive way.

If you think you may be facing a social media addiction problem It is important to try to act on this type of behavior. In many cases, the help of a mental health professional can be very necessary.

How to stop an addiction to social networks?

How to overcome an addiction to social networks?

Whether you are really facing a case of Social networks addiction Since you simply want to reduce your consumption on these platforms, here we show you some tips that you can follow to try to reduce their use.

  • Delete social media apps: If you can access your social media profiles through the computer, a good initiative will be to eliminate these applications from your mobile.
  • Turn off your phone during work or study: A way to avoid deconcentration when faced with the notifications that come to us from social networks It is to disconnect our mobile phone when performing tasks that require mental effort.
  • Set aside an amount of time for social media: For reduce the use of social networks You can set aside a certain amount of time a day to dedicate exclusively to social media and then not return to these platforms.
  • Create new habits: If you are using your profiles on social networks As a method of disconnecting, it may be interesting to have other healthier habits that can help improve your mood. For example, listening to music or dancing can help you increase dopamine in the same way that ‘likes’ on social networks do.
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The social networks They have offered us many advantages, they allow us to connect with people from all sides, they create new jobs, they are a window to new hobbies, among others. But, on the other hand, they can also have many consequences for our mental health. Therefore, balance in the face of these new customs is the key to being able to enjoy them in every way.