5 Ways To Resolve A Conflict Effectively

Ways to resolve a conflict

The ways to resolve a conflict effectively can vary depending on how the notion of conflict itself is understood. Likewise, they may vary according to the specific context in which it occurs. For example, a strategy that is applied to resolve a conflict in the family may not be effective, but it may be effective to resolve a conflict within an organization.

However, the social sciences have offered us different guidelines to generate resolution strategies that are more or less applicable to different contexts. Below we will see a brief definition of conflict offered by psychology; followed by 5 ways to resolve conflict effectively that some experts in the theories of conflict and negotiation have proposed.

What is a conflict?

Organizational psychologist Mary Parket Follet (ct. in Domínguez Bilbao and García Dauder, 2005) defines conflict as the result of a difference, which is, in turn, an interaction of desires. Beyond ethical prejudice (beyond whether the conflict is good or bad), it is about the appearance of a difference of opinions and interests.

According to Domínguez Bilbao and García Dauder (2005), the understanding of conflict has had different facets throughout its history. Previously, it was understood and treated as a negative element, and therefore, something to be avoided. From there, The causality of the conflict was understood from dysfunctional elements which were then translated into individual, group or communication behaviors and situations.

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Subsequently, the conflict was thought about from its benefits, that is, from its possible advantages. Since then the conflict has been assumed as an inevitable element within groups and organizations ; not necessarily negative, but as another opportunity to expand the horizons of interaction and management.

5 strategies and tips to resolve a conflict effectively

Theories on conflict and negotiation have been developed significantly in psychology, especially impacting the field of organizations, but also other areas where interpersonal relationships are analyzed.

In the 1981s, American conflict resolution and negotiation experts William Ury, Roger Fisher and Bruce Patton published a book called Get the yes. In it, they described 5 ways to resolve a conflict effectively, through negotiation. These forms remain in force to this day and They can be applied in different contexts We describe them below.

1. People are not the problem

Conflict has effects at the level of individual experiences, that is, it involves emotions, values ​​and points of view. In many cases this is forgotten or is no longer prioritized because we focus more on organizational interests. In this case, The authors explain to us that effective negotiation begins by separating people from the problem that is, analyzing the problem independently of who we attribute responsibility for it.

To do that, we are recommended to think that conflicts have their roots in one of the following three dimensions: perception, emotion or communication Recognizing the latter helps us remain empathetic towards others; not to place responsibility for the conflict on other people, and to avoid emotionally explosive reactions. Likewise, it can help us stay focused on our interests so as not to give in more than is appropriate.

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2. The main thing is interests

In line with the above, the authors tell us that behind the positions that people assume when faced with a conflict, there are a series of interests that motivate us, and sometimes they are hidden.

If instead of staying firm in our positions we worry about exploring the interests behind them, we will very likely find that there are both shared needs and interests, and shareable In turn, the latter allows us to reach an effective negotiation.

In short, since conflict is above all a confrontation of different interests, it is important to focus on these, rather than on the positions we take individually.

3. Seek mutual benefit

Another principle of conflict resolution and negotiation is to generate options for mutual benefit. It often happens that during a conflict situation, it is thought that there is no way for everyone to benefit from the final decision.

This hinders the negotiation process, and in general terms it occurs due to four fairly common obstacles: making premature judgments; search for unique answers; thinking that the conflict has a fixed form; and think that the solution to the problem is the problem itself. The authors explain to us that Through an empathetic attitude we can seek mutual benefit That is, we can offer negotiation options that at least partially favor all parties.

4. Prioritize objective criteria

The authors recommend that we remain insistent that objective criteria be used from the beginning of the negotiation. That is to say, without giving up empathy and “win-win”, we have to be realistic and assume that Sometimes there will be differences that are only reconcilable under very high costs, at least for some of the parties. Therefore, in this case, the negotiation must be carried out on bases independent of the wills of those involved.

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5. Take into account power relations

Finally, the authors explain to us that effective conflict resolution may be unlikely in cases where influence, power and authority are vested in only one of the interested parties. In this case, Negotiation consists of trying not to agree on something that goes totally against our principles or interests, and try to take full advantage of the agreements and final decisions, even if they are taken unilaterally.