50 Great Phrases About Multiple Intelligences

Few theories about intelligence have been as successful as the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner. According to this author, human beings can develop several types of intelligence, a total of eight, and each person excels in one of them.

For Gardner, IQ would only measure a part of human intelligence, what is known as academic intelligence. But… what happens to those people who excel in social skills, music or graphic design? Aren’t they intelligent individuals? Many people who have been successful in their jobs were not necessarily students who stood out for their grades.

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Phrases about multiple intelligences

In recent decades, many people have reflected on this theory. Below you can find a list with the best phrases about multiple intelligences

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    1. The famous intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are based on logical-mathematical intelligence and, to a lesser extent, on linguistic intelligence

    Howard Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences arose in contrast to single intelligence, which measures only a part of human intelligence.

    2. We do not teach attention, thinking, metacognition… it is not in the curriculum but it is essential to deal with these processes to be able to learn, without them learning is not possible

    In school, for a long time only attention was paid to mathematical or linguistic skills, forgetting others such as creativity.

    3. The design of my ideal school of the future is based on two hypotheses: the first is that not everyone has the same interests and abilities; We don’t all learn the same way. The second hypothesis may hurt: it is that nowadays no one can learn everything there is to learn.

    We all have our talents and we are better at some things than others. That is why we cannot speak of a unitary intelligence, but of several types of intelligence.

    4. Together with the evaluation specialists, the school of the future must have a student-curriculum manager. Their job would consist of helping to match student profiles, their objectives and interests, with specific curricular content and certain learning styles.

    An idea of ​​what the school of the future could be, in which the person’s talents would be matched with the study areas.

    5. Creativity arises as a result of work, it requires research, desire, motivation and all of this requires time of free action. The best ideas are not the first ones that come to mind, they usually come out after discarding many other uninteresting and common ones.

    There are many known cases of successful people who have not necessarily shone academically.

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    6. Boys and girls must be given time to come up with great ideas. The teacher must also have time to plan and have great ideas.

    Not everyone loves mathematics. However, some of these people may possess great talents.

    7. A school centered on the individual would have to be rich in the evaluation of individual capacities and tendencies. I would try to associate individuals, not only with curricular areas, but also with particular ways of teaching those subjects.

    A phrase that criticizes the classic educational model, and promotes another more individualized model focused on multiple intelligences.

    8. The emergence of new technologies forces us to educate children differently. Now, also a new opportunity for new talents

    New technologies open a new labor market that benefits those who excel in digital skills.

    9. Lack of motivation at school is closely related to the person’s intelligence

    If a person excels in musical intelligence but has to spend all day doing mathematical exercises, they will not develop their talent and will not be as happy.

    10. It is very important to evaluate intelligence, but standardized tests are not the solution

    Tests that measure IQ They do not represent the true potential of an individual.

    11. In most countries of the world, schools are organized in uniform ways. The same subjects are taught and assessed in the same ways, to all students equally, because it seems fair to be able to treat all students as if they were equal.

    Each person has a series of characteristics and stands out in certain talents. This is not compatible with the classical teaching model.

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    12. Ask what they want to do and then do it, that’s motivating

    It is necessary to detect the person’s talents in order to get the most out of that individual and make him or her happy.

    13. Creativity is not developed with coloring sheets

    There are people who are very creative and very useful, but if we don’t let them think they will be seen as mediocre.

    14. Intelligence, what we consider intelligent actions, changes throughout history. Intelligence is not a substance in the head like oil in an oil tank. It is a collection of potentialities that complete each other

    Much of what we consider intelligent or not is influenced by society and culture.

    15. It is essential to learn with the whole body, that is what it means for learning to be global

    It’s no use knowing a lot about language if we don’t know how to communicate afterwards.

    16. An intelligence is a biopsychological potential that should not be confused with a domain of knowledge, which is a socially constructed activity.

    A phrase about intelligence that invites deep reflection.

    17. The education taught in classrooms strives to offer content and procedures focused on evaluating linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence.

    The classical teaching model has always gone in that direction; However, more and more attention is being paid to the multiple intelligences model.

    18. Academic intelligence (obtaining qualifications and educational merits; academic record) is not the only factor that we must assess to know the intelligence of a person

    academic intelligence is not the definitive predictor of success

    19. The educational system has changed more in recent decades than in previous centuries

    In recent years the educational community has been making great efforts to change the old teaching paradigm.

    20. It is observed in people who, despite obtaining excellent academic qualifications, have significant problems relating to other people or managing other facets of their life.

    Academic intelligence only represents a part of people’s intelligence, but to be successful in life, it is necessary to have another set of skills

    21. The students think: to learn I have to take risks but I can’t, as soon as I take a risk and I make a mistake you give me a negative

    For a long time, people who master some types of intelligence and not others have been rewarded more.

    22. Creating is a habit, you have to practice a lot and give many opportunities, respect differences so that creativity develops

    Creativity is very important in the knowledge society in which we live.

    23. There are 8 intelligences, and each person stands out more in some than others, with none of the eight being more important or valuable than the others.

    Each intelligence fits a series of tasks. They are all useful, you just have to be able to develop them.

    24. We can ignore differences and assume that all our minds are the same. Or we can take advantage of these differences

    A motivating and positive message that invites you to develop multiple intelligences.

    25. With traditional methods, the one who learns the most is the one who teaches, the sheet metal teacher is the one who knows the most. After each masterful talk, every day he knows more, his students are something else

    When a student learns the most is when he puts his full potential into practice.

    26. What is not practiced, does not develop

    As in the previous point, practice is what makes perfect. But we must let students develop their potential.

    27 Promote talent, activity, autonomy, explore, challenges, critical thinking, self-management, innovate… There are many who think that this way they will come out less prepared, they are wrong, with the traditional system we give them the easy task, they are mere recipients, they believe that cramming and doing hours of homework contributes more, but it is totally false

    There are still those who think in an old-fashioned way. The educational system of the future must be different from that of recent decades.

    28. Some very talented children are looked down upon by schools.

    Many schools They only reward those who excel in a narrow set of skills such as logico-mathematics and linguistics.

    29. Learning by doing should not be a luxury, it is a right of boys and girls. By sitting them at a table, we gain in discipline and lose in learning

    So that children can practice what they are good at, it is necessary that schools dedicate efforts to providing personalized treatment.

    30. Perhaps the amalgamation of youth and maturity is an identifiable characteristic of creative scientific genius

    Schools should be more flexible and encourage student creativity.

    31. Without fear of risk: avoid negatives, not red pens

    Many children have learned that school does not reward their talents, so they become demotivated.

      32. Our limitations not only make the first vital learning possible, but also allow occasional creative breaks

      When educational centers do not allow us to develop our talents, we can suffer the consequences.

      33. Transcendent education: do something different, special, that I will never forget in my life. That’s what works

      We have to find meaning in education, otherwise it is not useful for much.

      34. The great challenge, for both the teacher and the student, is to find that balance between the degree of challenge of an activity and the degree of skill of the person who performs it.

      Not all people are equally good at the same things, which is why teaching must adapt to the student.

      35. Intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence form emotional intelligence

      Emotional intelligence is key to people’s success and well-being.

      36. The purpose of education is to make people want to do what they should do

      A phrase that explains what the objective of education is, which should take into account individual talents

      37. In the future we will be able to individualize, personalize education as much as we want.

      Many education experts have long advocated for teaching that takes multiple intelligences into account.

      38. A change in the educational paradigm is necessary to adapt it to multiple intelligences

      A quote similar to the previous one, which calls for a paradigm shift in teaching.

      39. Sternberg was told in 4th grade that he would have learning difficulties, in 1st grade Psychology that it didn’t seem like that was for him. Today he heads the American Psychological Association

      A clear example of what the educational system is like and how we often overlook the true strengths of an individual.

      40. Each human being has a unique combination of intelligence. This is the fundamental educational challenge

      You have to know how to find the unique potential of each person.

      41. They rely on the mistaken assumption that all people have the same type of mind. But I believe that all people have a different type of mind.

      One way of saying that each person stands out in a different type of intelligence

      42. Every day the students come more unmotivated, say the teachers, without knowing that they are the ones in charge of motivating them.

      When you don’t do what you like, you will hardly find motivation for what you do.

      43. Those who best master this ability to communicate have superior linguistic intelligence. Professions in which this type of intelligence stands out could be politicians, writers, poets, journalists…

      A quote that refers to linguistic intelligence and how it can be applied in the workplace.

        44. Human life requires the development of several types of intelligence, not just one

        The paradigm of unitary intelligence gives way to that of multiple intelligences.

        45. Our world is changing, unknown… if we work in a grid manner, we are condemning boys and girls

        We must be aware that each boy and girl has unique qualities that must be worked on.

        46. ​​There are children who excel more in some skills than others, and are very intelligent

        Intelligence is often associated with being good at mathematics or language, which is simplistic.

        47. You can take the horse to the fountain but you can’t force it to drink

        This phrase refers to the fact that we can take a child to the classroom, but if he doesn’t want to learn something, he won’t do it.

        48. Individuals with high spatial intelligence tend to have abilities that allow them to create mental images, draw and detect details, as well as a personal sense of aesthetics.

        An explanation of what spatial intelligence is and what are its characteristics.

        49. Those with musical intelligence are those capable of playing instruments, reading and composing musical pieces with ease.

        Not all great musicians have been good students.

        50. Feed your passions out of obligation, because in the end they never speak

        One must work to improve one’s talents and passions, otherwise they will never develop.