6 Characteristics Of Envious People

6 characteristics of envious people - The most common traits of envious people

Who has not met an envious person at some point in their life? Or who has not felt envy at some point in their life? Surely all or almost all of us have known a person who has envied us or we have seen how he has envied others and it has even sometimes happened to us that we have felt envy towards another person. Envy is a feeling that arises from comparison with another person and normally this comparison is made with other people who have more skills than us, more material things, etc.

Envious people feel less fortunate and less valuable than others all the time and when the envy they feel becomes so great they may even try to destroy or attack the person they envy. Therefore, it is important to learn to identify these types of people who are not happy or comfortable with themselves so that they do not affect us or try to interfere in our lives, since as long as they continue with that attitude and experience that negative feeling such as envy, they can even bring us conflicts. It is for this reason that in this PsychologyFor article we are going to let you know what the main characteristics of envious people

The most common traits of envious people

Below we are going to show you some of the most common characteristics of envious people. We must keep in mind that each person is different so we cannot judge them or label them in a certain way, they are simply aspects that can help us to understand that something in a person’s life is not going very well and that until they work with it for them She herself will not be able to stop envying and therefore experiencing that constant discomfort she feels.

  1. Poor self-esteem. Envious people lack self-love and do not realize how much they are worth just for being people. Envious people believe that people are valuable for what they have (material things, personal abilities, physical appearance, etc.) and not for what they really are. So for this type of person, if another person does not have enough of what they give a lot of importance to, they will have the impression that they are worthless. Likewise, if she feels that she lacks one or many things, she will feel that her life is worthless.
  2. They are continually compared. Envious people keep comparing themselves to others who have more things than they have or think they have, which makes them feel miserable and therefore they feel very bad about themselves.
  3. They wish evil on others. Envious people cannot stand other people having what they would like to have, even if they do not want the same things. If they see that another person is doing well in any area of ​​their life, it affects them as much as if they really lost something because of it.
  4. They make you look bad in public. They take advantage of any moment you get distracted to say something to you in front of other people that they know will put you in trouble and even make you look ridiculous.
  5. They make fun of other people. Envious people often tend to make fun of others and constantly judge them. For example, if they see that someone else is doing well financially they can say things like: “what a fool she may be doing very well at her job but in her love life she is a disaster”, “how ugly she is. , even scary”, “he seems retarded”, etc.
  6. They give false flattery. Have you ever met someone who constantly compliments other people even without reason to do so? These people, when they pay someone a compliment or when they congratulate someone else for something they have done well, it shows that they are not doing it naturally and on the contrary they act in a false way and it shows.

In this other article we discover the different types of envy that exist.

6 characteristics of envious people - The most common traits of envious people

How to treat envious people

When we have an envious person within our social circle with whom we constantly live, we can do the following to avoid conflict with them.

  • Empathize. Once we are aware that these types of people do not feel good about themselves and that the problem is only with them and not with others, it is easier to try to understand them. To do this, we can ask ourselves questions such as: what has led that person to have this negative feeling? What does he have in his life in his favor that he is not realizing because he is focusing on what others have?
  • Talk to that person. Depending on the type of relationship we have with that person, it is advisable to speak with empathy and understanding with that person and make them see what they have stopped seeing in their life and the way in which it is affecting them to save this type. of feeling.

Here we discover what to do when someone envies you so that you know how to react and how to manage this situation.

Why does envy exist?

Envy comes from comparison, People who spend all their time comparing themselves to others and stop seeing the good in themselves begin to harbor this type of feeling that, if not managed in a good way, can even be destructive. Those who envy feel that they lack one or more things that other people seem to have, they focus only on the superficial and do not realize that all people have defects and virtues, no one is perfect.

The more they compare themselves with others, the further they distance themselves from themselves and the more envy increases since it will be increasingly difficult for them to achieve and, above all, to identify their true personal objectives, which surely have nothing to do with those of the people they envy, without a doubt. However, since they do not know themselves well, they can live with the belief that they need what the other person has. Finally They make constant comparison a vicious circle where they are increasingly involved and live their lives experiencing great frustration and anxiety for not feeling valuable enough.

The bad thing about all this is that by not being aware of what is happening to them, they cannot put a stop to this situation and look for a solution to increase their emotional well-being.

6 characteristics of envious people - Why does envy exist?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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