6 Reasons To Start Erotic Sexual Mentoring: Exploring Male Sexuality


Allowing yourself to explore the unique challenges of male sexuality goes beyond performance and performance. The practices of Sexological Bodywork and the principles of Tantra are strategies of human erotic and sexual empowerment that transcend individual introspection, which in the case of men facilitates masculine development, aware of who goes through it and concludes it, where he allows himself with help. and guides you to break paradigms, fears, beliefs, insecurities, and taboos regarding your sexuality and your relationship.

With the entire belief system that surrounds us as a current society thanks to porn, the role of the insatiable, wild, violent, ordinary, dirty, strong, unbreakable, silent and insensitive male has always remained. Contemplate vulnerability? But male vulnerability is unthinkable, weak, ridiculous and is even considered humiliating for their fragile masculinity and gender role

What does male sexual mentoring consist of?

When a man experiences an awakening of consciousness, he is no longer indifferent to the importance of improving his quality of life on all levels, sometimes he experiences it through psychological therapy, hypnosis, investigating spirituality or from the rediscovery of your own sexuality and the importance of preserving your seed (semen) and energy; If you are curious to delve deeper through Tantra, Taoism or Somatic Sexuality are experiential alternatives to do so. A male sexual mentorship may include.

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1. Re-education and erotic-sexual exploration

Understand your own sexuality and learn to consciously explore yourself, recognize your sexual fantasies, and any other area of ​​sexuality that may be confusing or unknown to a man.
The process makes it easier for you to learn about anatomy, physiology, behaviors and behavioral patterns based on your own sexuality and intimate interaction.

A true male mentorship is not a class on contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases and other topics related to sexual health, but a well-structured mentorship is a process that is not based solely on a number of sessions to talk about sexual issues, It is a support to improve the quality of life that contemplates all the spheres that make up a human being It is a process that allows self-observation from a compassionate place for its own development and healing in all its aspects, starting from the practices of autoeroticism, breathing and masturbation because emotions, behaviors, beliefs, insecurities and internal dialogues are derived from there.


2. Personal Conscious Development

There is a healthy development of self-esteem and personal security. It challenges you, your sexual behaviors and beliefs (including gender ones). It challenges you to learn, develop, improve and amplify individual and couple erotic interaction skills and stop being a slave to your penis.

This implies not only technical aspects, although it is necessary that you provide all the details of your individual masturbation and eroticism practices to help you transform them; More than that, good mentoring involves co-creation, where it is necessary to speak and express yourself in your exercise of introspection, It teaches you to learn to feel, to touch, to receive and give, to pay attention and stay present, to deeply understand the importance of consent and limits and not perpetuate the image of abusive men to establish dynamic balance in your sexual dynamics.

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Where creative and communicative capacity is nurtured and challenged. One of the biggest conflicts in most men is the inability to communicate their needs, fears, and emotional insecurities. Many of them, at the same time, have a huge inability to listen and be present, which facilitates conflicts and misunderstandings between couples, so this type of process puts you one step above average in intimate dynamics.

3. Understand Relationships

Male sexual mentoring helps you improve communication with your partner. It trains you to be able to express not only your desires, your fantasies but also your emotional needs and insecurities, which The bond with your mentor also allows you to exercise a solid channel of trust and communication that you can exercise to resolve conflicts or problems in relationships, trains you to be a better sexual partner, more attentive, considerate. Simply aware.

4. You go from Dummie to Advancing in the Arts of Eroticism

In addition to learning about different techniques of touch, seduction and erotic massages, among other sexual practices such as oral sex, masturbation, the use of sex toys and how to differentiate lubricants. You will understand how important it is to integrate the senses and generate a diversity of sensory stimuli and to develop your creative capacity according to the tastes of your partner and yours, to finally relax during that moment and truly enjoy the experience.

To enrich your erotic languages ​​once you learn about erotic languages ​​(Erotic Blueprints), since if the erection does not occur, in addition to being able to speak it calmly, normally without anxiety, You will know how to integrate the languages ​​that will allow you to truly relax and improve your own sexual satisfaction and the moment as a couple

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5. Overcoming Sexual Problems

You will get help to overcome sexual dysfunctions if you have them such as erectile dysfunction, involuntary (premature) ejaculation, lack of sexual desire, or any other problem, blockage or insecurity that can affect a man’s sexual life.


In short, a male sexual mentoring is a constant guide that a man receives to improve his sexual life and solve problems related to sexuality where it encompasses a comprehensive approach, not only addressing your specific challenges, but also radically transforming your experience as it challenges to constantly confront yourself, allowing you to overcome barriers and fully enjoy your erotic-sexual life in an evolutionary and conscious way.
