6 Reasons Why Adolescence Is A Stage Full Of Potential

Reasons why adolescence is a stage full of potential

Adolescence is a stage in which each person discovers a new world before them and is capable of reaching unsuspected heights.

In the field of psychology, adolescence is, along with childhood, one of the stages of human development that has been studied the most throughout the last century, mainly due to the importance it has in the construction of the future adult personality.

In this article we will talk about some of these potentialities that make adolescence one of the most special periods and interesting aspects of human development.

What are the main reasons why adolescence is a stage of great potential?

Below we will offer a brief summary of those elements that make adolescence one of the stages of human development with the greatest potential.

1. They have a mix of creativity and abstract thinking ability

Adolescence is the stage of human development in which the creativity of childhood that is still present in the person is combined with the ability to manage abstract thoughts, a skill that was not as developed during the previous stage

This great creativity allows the person to embark on a large number of projects of various kinds and also specialize in various areas of human knowledge, whether on an intellectual, artistic, technological or musical level.

Potential of adolescents

In the intellectual sphere, the adolescent sees his reasoning abilities developed and improved and his recently acquired ability to manage abstract thoughts allows him to think more deeply and develop the most complex and creative ideas.

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2. They can now learn good self-motivation strategies

Motivation is one of the essential engines that push us to achieve our objectives and to perform with the greatest performance any activity in which we embark.

During adolescence, the person begins to learn to be self-motivated, a capacity they lacked in childhood, which allows you to maintain projects and hobbies of all kinds that require effort, perseverance and discipline in the medium and long term

Self-motivation and the ability to be constant in any activity is what allows adolescents to specialize and achieve virtuosity in various areas, something they would hardly be able to do as children.

3. Collaboration

Thanks to the recent specialization in any area of ​​interest for adolescents, it is common for them to interact with people with the same tastes or similar ideas and collaborate with them with the aim of establishing a relationship of beneficial exchange of ideas.

This collaboration is common in the world of adolescents and is the starting point for many individuals who learn new hobbies that can change their lives or improve their performance thanks to the help of their peers.

Collaboration between groups of friends is important to establish positive emotional and social bonds between people and also allows all members of the group to benefit in some way, whether learning new skills or knowledge or finding new references of inspiration.

4. Energy

It is evident that one of the most characteristic features of adolescence is the almost inexhaustible energy that young people usually have when doing all kinds of activities during the day and hardly getting tired.

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This ability to sustainably maintain any activity that requires a compendium of physical or intellectual energy helps the adolescent to progressively specialize in any of the areas or interests in which he is immersed (be it the field of music, science, video games , the sport…).

5. Access to new sources of inspiration

At this stage there is more access to new sources of inspiration with which the adolescent can feel identified or from which they can learn in order to be better in whatever their areas of work or personal interests may be. This is because their social life expands a lot compared to the childhood stage

These new sources of inspiration can be found both in the group of classmates, among teachers or in other friends from outside the academic field, and generally exert a very positive influence on the person, reinforcing their personality or their desire to continue. growing.

And adolescence is the main stage in which any person begins to shape their personality, which is why it is of great importance to meet new people who serve as models and have a positive effect on the adolescent.

In addition to meeting new friends that can positively affect the adolescent, during this stage one also has contact with new ideas that challenge the ideas one may have previously had.

These new ideas are generally found beyond the school and family environment and are necessary for the adolescent to grow intellectually, develop their intellectual abilities and learn to see the world in other ways.

The most common means by which adolescents receive new ideas are the media, books, the Internet, movies and also new friends or people who act as inspiration.

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6. Questioning preconceived ideas

As has been indicated, in addition to coming into contact with new ideas that expand the person’s mind, another of the main characteristics of adolescence is the almost generalized questioning of the adolescent regarding the norms and ideas that have been learned during childhood.

These types of norms and ideas with preconceived approaches that the adolescent begins to question due to their intellectual and maturational growth, his newly developed critical spirit and a general tendency to rebel against authority which, well modulated, can contribute more than what remains.

This phenomenon of questioning is not necessarily bad, since it often allows us to reflect on certain approaches that may be erroneous and sometimes makes it possible to integrate new ideas or patterns of behavior that are very beneficial for both the individual and society in general.

Do you want to train in coaching for teenagers?

The potential of adolescents will not be fully developed if the adults around them do not give them adequate support. In this sense, if you want to learn the theory and practice of the strategies used by coaches for adolescents and professionals in the educational world specialized in this age group, you will be interested the Specialization Course in Adolescents and Families offered by the European School of Coaching

It is a 30-hour training program that addresses topics such as attachment, the influence of the family on adolescent development, the resilience of young people in the face of crises, and forms of intervention in individual and group coaching. , among others. To find out more, contact the European Coaching School.