6 Tips To Overcome Christmas Depression

Do you know that Christmas is a sad time for many? During these dates, the number of consultations for emotional decompensation increases, given that different types of feelings usually emerge.

6 Tips to overcome Christmas depression

At Christmas time it is very common for there to be people who, for different reasons, will spend these dates alone. Either because they have traveled somewhere and are far from their loved ones, or because they live alone and do not have any family members. For many people, the arrival of this time causes a feeling of deep emptiness and sadness that can even lead to a Christmas depression The feeling of melancholy predominates over the joyful and familiar nature of these holidays and that creates an uneasiness that is convenient to calm through different strategies, and if necessary, look for a psychology professional to support us.

What is Christmas depression?

On dates when it seems that the key is to have all kinds of material compensation for “having behaved well” and for entering into a competition to try to be the one who gives and receives the best gifts, it is natural that stressors come into play that can lead to an extensive situation of sadness at Christmas This emotional downturn may be related to the following.

  • Trying to meet certain expectations such as finding the ideal detail often left to the last minute,
  • Suffering from financial difficulties
  • The overflow of the work agenda

It seems as if the world ends or comes to a standstill after Christmas, as if everything important had to be done before or during these dates. The pressure at this time can end in the well-known christmas depression

What is Christmas depression syndrome or Grinch syndrome?

The Christmas depression or Grinch syndrome named after the character in a movie in which a grumpy green elf appears who tries to put an end to Christmas and the Christmas spirit is actually a seasonal affective disorder more common than we think, caused by a dissatisfaction or frustration that is still more evident on dates that often involve a moment of evaluation of the achievements of the annual objectives, wishes and desires.

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So, the christmas depression syndrome Its origin is the feeling of sadness, nostalgia, frustration, isolation and apathy for not fulfilling the ideal of happiness, joy, abundance and company expected for special dates like these.

Likewise, it is often confuses happiness with sharing moments of reunion once a year with people you don’t want to see or meet. Therefore, it is key to try to do what makes you happy with someone you really want and feel connected to in a sincere way. Having a sad Christmas with people who, despite your blood connection, you do not consider family is not worth it.

The empty chair at Christmas

Christmas is often considered a special time of reunion in which to enjoy the company of loved ones. But for many others it is the moment when an empty chair is more noticeable than ever. It is then when moments in which an atmosphere of happiness surrounds us becomes a contradiction because we are going through a grieving process, characterized by missing a deceased loved one and even “losses without death”, produced by separations, breakups, etc. This is why these dates can lead to a sadness at Christmas due to the memory of the person who has died.

Tips to deal with Christmas depression syndrome

It is very common for people to feel empty due to the stress of this time or other factors. On many occasions these feelings can lead to the so-called Christmas depression. Thus, if you begin to feel symptoms of emotional discomfort, it is advisable to go to a psychologist before it gets worse. Some tips to alleviate the discomfort produced in a sad christmas They are the following.

  • Respect and express emotions
  • Try to maintain and carry out daily routines or habits without forcing yourself too much but allowing the reconnection with reality
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Symbolize to the deceased loved one (perform some symbolic act of remembrance).
  • Look for new traditions (incorporate some new act into the celebration to replace others that generate nostalgia). Take breaks during the meeting or celebration
  • Do something for others (such as thinking about the gift you would give to your loved one and taking it to an NGO, hospital…).
  • Accept and ask for help practice to the close and/or professional support network.
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Tips for Christmas depression

There are a series of tips that you can follow when you start to feel the sadness at Christmas To deal with this emotional downturn you can do the following.

  1. Don’t get stuck in the past: To avoid the symptoms of Christmas depression or emotional breakdown Due to a loss, it is essential to try not to get stuck in the past. It would be a matter of trying not to remember the past with nostalgia for the beings with whom we shared moments and who are no longer here, so as to be able to focus on the present, yes, talking about them and sharing our feelings with the rest of the loved ones who still follow us. our side.
  2. Reconvert these memories: For combat Christmas depression due to the loss of a loved one or a bad family relationship, among other problems, the key is a positive attitude. Special moments must be converted into a way of life, that is, enjoying everything and everyone, as well as oneself, at every moment of the year, be it spring, summer, autumn or Christmas, and so on, doing what each one likes. make every day happy we will guarantee that tomorrow, whatever the moment, will continue to be as special as possible for each person.
  3. Make a small reminder for the absent person: To the mere process of mourning is often added the anniversary or first Christmas effect without the loved one, where celebrations become a reminder of the physical absence. Especially in these types of circumstances, it is advisable to make some type of verbal reminder, and even agree on some type of ceremony or ritual aimed at the person or situation that was lost with the aim of promoting the processing of said loss.
  4. Understand and accept the pain of others: On these dates, many people feel lonely since they expect to receive some gift, affection and company. Therefore, if we are fortunate enough to not feel this way, we are happy and we feel in good health, we must not forget to lend a hand and accompany those who are going through a more unfortunate moment in life, with respect, with love and allowing them to express and share your pain with us to turn it into understanding that will help heal and comfort those who need it.
  5. Respect others’ times: It’s key respect time and process of each person and understand that we are part of a whole within nature that is in constant change and death. We are like that tree that changes its appearance, vitality, transforms and grows, that living being that one day will lose its leaves and fruits in autumn to bare its branches in winter and thus allow us to give way to new fruits or shoots of ourselves with different nuances from the previous spring and of course from the one that is still to come.
  6. Enjoy the company: It is worth noting the importance of not forgetting that someday we will all have or have had an empty chair next to us or in front of us, we just have to look at it, remember, cry if necessary, express anger, smile,… whatever is necessary to be able to continue enjoying the rest of the occupied chairs or our own.
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Anything done or given with heart will have a lot of value, will be well received and will do a lot of good. Even though you are going through a moment of sadness at Christmas you have to dare to live the Christmas spirit by giving yourself permission to enjoy small moments of happiness that can mean a lot in the process of emotional management and recovery.