6 Very Common Communication Problems In Relationships

Very common communication problems in relationships

Every relationship goes through good times and also low times; however, There are some recurring communication problems when living together as a couple that can generate dysfunctions in it. Knowing how to identify and solve these types of difficulties is key for the relationship to remain in good condition and help us be happy.

There are no magic solutions to have the perfect relationship with that person we love, but there are some keys that help strengthen the relationship and take it to a higher level.

6 communication problems that affect many relationships

These are several of the most frequent communication problems in relationships, each one explained along with its possible solutions.

1. Jealousy

Jealousy They constitute one of the consequences of the lack of communication that may exist in a couple: In the absence of information, we are more likely to develop thoughts that worry us and make us feel bad about what could happen in the future.

It is relatively common to find cases of couples who feel jealous at some point in the relationship, or that our partner feels it; However, any type of misunderstanding must be clarified as soon as possible so that they do not become generalized.

And it is that, If we begin to distrust the other person, we are facing a sign of poor communication between the couple and this must be fixed, otherwise things are likely to get worse or “explode” at some point.

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Recurrent jealousy of one of the members of the couple is almost always a symptom of a situation of distrust on the other party. That is why, to solve this problem, we must regain the trust of our partner through honest dialogue that goes to the heart of the matter.

2. Not knowing how to ask for forgiveness

Another communication problem that occurs in relationships that end up breaking up is the inability of one or both members to apologize to each other. Knowing how to ask for forgiveness is one of the most recognizable signs of maturity, empathy and respect for the other person

Therefore, to achieve a good relationship, we must learn to ask for forgiveness whenever necessary and repair the damage.

3. Assuming that talking about everyday life is wasting time

There are people who have a low willingness to be in a healthy relationship, such as those who They are not able to share what is happening in their lives with the other person

In reality, in a relationship everything that happens to us can be commented on and deserves attention if we have felt it that way. It is about sharing both the good and the bad that happens to us, knowing how to communicate to our partner everything that happens to us in life and that is relevant to us.

And it is that Knowing how to share the bad things that make us suffer is as important as sharing those good things that happen to us on a daily basis and that includes sharing feelings, emotions, situations of pain or sadness, and also being assertive, that is, knowing how to communicate to the other person what we want at all times, effectively and without harming them in any case.

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4. Lack of listening

A basic element in any relationship is knowing how to listen to the other person. Although it may seem like a cliché, it is an element that we must take into account if we want our relationship to go well, since Sometimes we can pay excessive attention to our approaches or our will, without listening to what the other person has to contribute

Many relationships deteriorate due to the lack of listening by one of the members, or due to a problem of listening and reciprocal attention between both. By actively listening to our partner and attending to their needs, dreams and aspirations, we will improve the future of our relationship and its stability, avoiding ambiguous situations.

5. Loss of respect

This is one of the problems that can encompass everything previously listed. Respect is the fundamental pillar of a relationship and by extension of any close relationship, whether friends or family.

In fact, these types of attacks prevent us from establishing normal communication links, since they enters into a dynamic of ego fighting

When we lose respect for the other person, or both members of the couple lose respect for each other, we are faced with a situation that is difficult to salvage, but in some cases it can be channeled to recover the relationship. Respect consists, in short, of treat the other person how we would like to be treated In this way, we will recover a respectful relationship as a couple.

6. Frequent discussions

Having arguments with the person we share our life with is common, another thing is to enter into a dynamic of constant arguments as happens in some couples.

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In order not to turn discussion and confrontation into the usual state of our relationship, it is advisable to put into practice everything mentioned above, be empathetic and put ourselves in the other’s shoes, be respectful, listen and share always our feelings that affect us most.

The best option: therapy

Couples therapy is a form of psychological intervention in which a lot of work is done on communication and communication skills in general. In fact, it is not so much an arbitration between two parties, but rather a learning process in which both members of the relationship develop and learn to manage their emotions and put them into words, among other things.