60 Geography Questions (with Their Answers)

60 Geography questions

How much do you know about Geography? In this article you can test yourself by trying to answer 60 questions related to this science.

Among these unknowns you will find issues referring to a global level and other more specific ones focused on a continent or a country.

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Interesting Geography questions

Geography is the science that studies the earth’s surface and how society is distributed on it. It takes into account both the physical characteristics of the Earth and the interaction that humans carry out with the environment that surrounds them. It is also a fascinating area to learn about.

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Below you will find some of the most interesting questions about Geography making you aware of new information that perhaps you had never considered before.

1. What is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula?

The longest river in the Iberian Peninsula is the Tagus, with a length of approximately 1,038 kilometers. Much of the river’s length is in Spain, although it also passes through Portugal.

2. What is the smallest country in the world?

The country with the smallest area, occupying only 0.49 square kilometers, is found in Italy and is called Vatican City or State, where the Pope of the Catholic Church resides.

3. How many oceans are there on Earth?

There are 5 oceans around the world, occupying a large part of the Earth’s surface. Their names are: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Antarctic and the Arctic, ordered from deepest to shallowest.

4. Which country has the most inhabitants?

The country with the most inhabitants in the world today is China, reaching an approximate figure of 1,414,350,000 citizens. The podium is very close to India, which has a population of close to 1,408,044,253 inhabitants. The next country, the United States, is already much further away.

5. Which country is the largest in the world?

Despite not being the most inhabited, Russia is the largest and most extensive country in the world, with 17 million square kilometers.

6. What is the highest mountain in the world?

The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, with a height of 8,848.86 meters, if we measure the height above sea level.

7. What is the longest river in the world?

The longest river in the world is the Nile in Africa, with a length of 6,650 kilometers, exceeding the Amazon (6,400 kilometers) in South America by 150 kilometers. This question has not been easy for us to answer, since there are those who consider the Amazon River to be the longest, although others give first place to the Nile River.

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8. Where do polar bears come from?

Polar bears only live in the North Pole, in the Arctic region: Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Russia.

9. Where can we see the northern lights?

The northern lights can be seen in countries close to the north pole, such as Canada, Norway, Alaska, Finland, Russia or Sweden.

10. How many seas are there on Earth?

It is estimated that in total there are 60 seas in the world, Asia being the continent where the greatest number of them are located, with 21, and Africa the one with the least, with 4.

Test your knowledge of Geography

11. Where can we see the aurora australis?

The aurora australis can be seen at the opposite pole to the aurora borealis, that is, in countries close to the south pole such as Antarctica or the south of New Zealand.

12. Which river passes through the most countries?

The Danube It is the river that crosses the most countries, a total of 10: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.

13. Where is the largest coral reef located?

The largest coral reef in the world is the Great Barrier Reef, located in the Coral Sea in northeastern Australia.

14. What is the most populated city in the world?

Tokyo, capital of Japan, is the most populated city in the world with 37.3 million inhabitants.

15. How many islands are there in the whole world?

Although it is not known exactly how many islands existed worldwide, since there is no official record, it is estimated that there are more than 11,000 inhabited islands throughout the planet.

16. Are there countries with more than one capital?

Yes, there are countries with more than one capital, for example: Bolivia, with the cities of Sucre and La Paz as capitals, the Czech Republic, with Prague and Brno or South Africa, considered the only country with three capitals: Pretoria (administrative capital), Cape Town (legislative capital) and Bloemfontein (judicial capital).

17. What is the city with the fewest inhabitants in the world?

With approximately 17 inhabitants, Hum, located in Croatia is the smallest city in the world.

18. What countries do not have any rivers?

There are different countries that do not have any rivers, approximately 17, such as: Malta, in Europe, Qatar, in Asia, Tuvalu, in Oceania or Comoros, in Africa.

19. The largest desert in the world?

The largest desert in the world is the Sahara located on the African continent with an area of ​​9,065,253 square kilometers.

20. In which country are the most languages ​​spoken?

Papua New Guinea, located north of Australia, is considered the country where the largest number of languages ​​are spoken, with a total of 839 languages.

21. What is the highest mountain in Spain?

The highest mountain in Spain is actually a volcano, Teide, also considered the third highest volcano in the world, at 7,500 meters high.

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22. How many states are part of the United States?

The United States is made up of 50 states.

23. How many autonomous communities does Spain have?

Spain is made up of 17 autonomous communities.

24. What is Madagascar?

It is the largest island in Africa.

25. How many continents are there?

There are 5 continents: Africa, Europe, Asia, America and Oceania.

26. Which continent is the largest?

The largest continent is Asia with an approximate area of ​​44.5 million square kilometers.

27. Is the Dead Sea really a sea?

The Dead Sea is not really a sea, but a lake.

28. What river passes through Paris?

The river that passes through Paris, the capital of France, is the Seine.

29. In which country are there the greatest number of pyramids?

Contrary to what we might think, the country with the greatest number of pyramids is Sudan, located on the African continent, and not Egypt.

30. What country is located between two continents?

Türkiye is located between two continents, Europe and Asia with Istanbul (the largest city in this country) located in both.

31. What is the longest mountain range in the world?

The longest mountain range in the world is the Andes mountain range, in South America with a length of nearly 7,000 kilometers and crossing 7 different countries.

32. Which country has the greatest number of volcanoes?

The United States is the country with the largest number of volcanoes, with a total of 180.

33. Which city is considered the oldest?

Some of the oldest cities in the world are located in Syria. Its capital Damascus is believed to be the oldest in the world, dating back to 2000 BC.

34. Which island is the largest in the world?

The largest island in the world is Greenland, with an area of ​​2.5 million square kilometers.

35. How many countries are part of the European Union?

There are 27 countries that are part of the European Union.

36. What is the capital of Switzerland?

The capital of Switzerland is Bern.

37. Which occupies more surface area, water or continents?

Takes up more surface area water, approximately 71% compared to the 29% that occupy the continents.

38. How many lakes are there in the whole world?

It is estimated that there may be about 2 million lakes in the world.

39. Where is the Taj Mahal located?

The Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra in India.

40. Where do we find Machu Pichu?

Machu Picchu, a world heritage site, is located in Peru.

41. What is the largest lake in the world?

The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.

42. What countries are closest to the Ecuador?

There are 13 countries crossed by Ecuador: Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil, on the American continent; Sao Tome and Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia, from the African continent; Maldives and Indonesia, on the Asian continent and Kiribati in Oceania.

43. How many co-official languages ​​are spoken in Spain?

There are 4 co-official languages ​​in Spain: Spanish, Catalan, Basque and Galician.

44. What mountain is the highest in Europe?

Currently, the highest mountain in Europe is considered to be located in Russia and is Mount Elbrus, with an altitude of 5,642 meters above sea level.

45. What is the coldest city in the world?

Oymyakon in Russia is the coldest city in the world with a recorded minimum temperature of -71.2°C.

46. ​​What is the capital of India?

The capital of India is New Delhi.

47. In which city in Italy is Michelangelo’s sculpture of David located?

The sculpture of David is located in Florence, Italy

48. What is the hottest city on Earth?

Death Valley in California It is one of the regions that has recorded the highest temperatures, reaching 54.4 °C.

49. What continent is located in the 4 hemispheres?

Africa is the only continent that is located in all 4 hemispheres: northern, southern, eastern and western.

50. Which continent is the most populated?

It is estimated that 60% of the world’s population lives in Asia, about 4.5 billion people.

51. Does Russia belong to Europe or Asia?

Russia belongs exclusively to Europe.

52. What is the smallest country in America?

The smallest country in America is Saint Kitts and Nevis with 261 square kilometers.

53. What is the driest place on the planet?

It is said that Antarctica is the driest area on the planet, where it has not rained for millions of years.

54. What is the most populated country in Africa?

With more than 200 million inhabitants, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.

55. What is the capital of Egypt?

Cairo is the capital of Egypt

56. What is the most spoken language in the world?

The most spoken language in the world is English, since it is the language used internationally

57. How many islands does Spain have?

Spain has 11 islands, 4 the Balearic Islands and 7 the Canary Islands.

58. What is the official language of Andorra?

The official language of Andorra is Catalan.

59. What is the largest state in the United States?

The largest state in the United States is Alaska with 1,717,854 square kilometers.

60. Where is the Strait of Magellan located?

The Strait of Magellan is located in the southern part of South America