65 Interesting And Fun Conversation Topics

Getting to know a person well and establishing friendships with others are aspects of life that are sometimes difficult. Having social skills helps you meet people, but in addition to that it is positive to have conversation topics.

Below you can see a selection of examples of conversation topics for women and men of any age and that can be useful to make someone open up more to us. In most cases they are linked to ideas and values ​​that are of interest to most people, and that is why you can apply them even when talking to someone you don’t know very well. Additionally, at the end of the article you will find tips to develop your communication skills and become better at talking to people.

Table of Contents

Interesting conversation topics for all tastes

Sometimes, a good part of the problems we experience on a daily basis have to do with the difficulties when trying to connect with others.

The feeling of boredom, or loneliness or incomprehension, can be combated simply by improving the way you keep conversations alive. Connecting with a person through a dialogue is something simple and complex at the same time; There are those who achieve it almost without effort, while others feel that everything they say comes in an artificial, artificial way, and fails to involve their interlocutor and get them involved in exchanging opinions.

But what is clear is that when themes arise that can capture our attention, everything else flows in a very spontaneous way. To do this, it is useful to have conversation topics for women or men of all ages that are interesting or fun. Consider this a support to break the ice and make friends or get to know a person better; These are some proposals in the form of examples of topics to talk about.

1. Anecdotes from childhood

Most people perceive themselves through beliefs about the “I” that have been consolidated in their minds since their first years of life, in childhood. Therefore, when talking about this life stage, interesting conversations usually arise.

Explaining funny or sobering anecdotes that occurred in our childhood usually has a lot of power when it comes to awakening the interest of all the people involved in the conversation. Normally, in addition, it serves so that others are encouraged to explain other stories similar or that occurred at the same age.

Examples of conversation topics

2. How far will Artificial Intelligence go?

The latest most revolutionary technological developments have to do with Artificial Intelligence models, which in many cases seem to be so skillful that they are perceived as a threat by various groups of professionals: cartoonists, programmers, publicists, etc. This fact means that, if you are interested in somewhat controversial conversation topics that lead us to imagine what the future will be like, talking about this is a good option.

3. Pet Stories

Even a good part of people who do not have pets would be interested in having one or They are interested in the world of animals. That’s why talking about them usually gives rise to fun stories. For example, you can talk about the way different breeds of dogs behave, different species of pets, or about times when they have acted in a particularly humane way.

4. Trips to other continents

Talking about the countries that each person would like to visit is one of the easiest topics to talk about to generate interest. The reason is that you can choose from a wide variety of regions, and also can serve as a “directory” to address many other topics from the comments that come out about the different cultures, customs or anecdotes that appear while traveling.

Travel Conversation Topics

5. Sons and daughters

People who have sons and daughters have one of the most fascinating topics of conversation: what it feels like to watch them grow up. Even those who have recently become parents can create camaraderie around what is experienced during the months of caring for the baby.

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6. Hobbies related to sports

The world of sports can also provide opportunities for interesting conversations. Especially in those people who try to stay in shape and do not look for simple fun or entertainment. For example, you can talk about tricks to increase performance, ways to keep motivation high, etc.

7. Differences between men and women

This is another of the most interesting topics of conversation, since from it you can talk about both the biological characteristics of the human being and stereotypes and cultural phenomena linked to gender roles. In addition, it also gives rise to addressing behavioral patterns in the world of relationships.

8. The best country to live in

Imagining ourselves in a parallel life that takes place in another nation gives rise to fascinating conversations, which help us get to know ourselves and those who talk to us better. Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each country can make a conversation last for hours.

9. The challenges of work

Although there is a myth that indicates the opposite, many people They are very fond of continuing to talk about their work. even when your work day is over. This topic of conversation allows you to share opinions about certain types of work, problems that arise on a daily basis, funny aspects of the work culture in which you are immersed, etc.

10. Movies, literature and video games

These three art forms are especially popularand that means that there are a large number of people “hooked” on them. Reviewing the billboard, for example, allows you to recommend or obtain movie recommendations, and the world of books also provides many topics of conversation. In the case of video games, furthermore, since the player is both a spectator and a participant in the action, it is possible to explain anecdotes.

11. An ideal society

What would an ideal society be like, according to your points of view? One of the most interesting topics of conversation, since it allows each person to talk about their values ​​and their conception of justice, equality or freedom.

12. What is love?

Love is one of the most intense and difficult feelings to explain. That is why it is always worth talking at length, since each person can give a version of this concept according to their experiences.

Conversation topics for love

13. The economic and environmental collapse

It has been official for some time now: the planet is overpopulated and we also do not manage our consumption or our waste management well. Taking this into account, several topics of conversation arise: what will the future be like? How will we survive? Will we be able to stop the disaster?

14. What is madness?

The border between lucidity and madness has always generated many debates. How do we know what the absence of madness is? What should the relationship be like between people with disorders and the rest of society?

15. What would we change about ourselves?

Everyone has flaws, and knows they have them. However, some of them are accepted, while others we want to change, evolve by overcoming them.

16. Medicine and pandemics

One of the most incredible health crises has happened recently with the Covid-19 coronavirus. This situation should make us reflect and is a cause for debate: what preventive measures should governments adopt to prevent these pandemics? Is the globalized world a problem or a solution to these events? How to calmly face confinement?

17. What is the most complete sport?

What sport brings us the greatest physical and psychological benefits? Each person may have a different opinion on this matter.

18. Will YouTube replace television?

The media is changing, and even more so with the arrival of platforms like YouTube. Does traditional television make sense today? What benefits does YouTube have over traditional chains?

19. What would you do in a post-apocalyptic future?

A fun conversation starter that helps us imagine our roles as survivors in a world where civilization has barely survived.

20. Could robots replace us?

A topic that gives room not only to imagine what the future will be like, but also to reflect on whether a robot can be considered a human being.

21. What is your favorite breed of dog?

Dog breeds have the particularity that they not only present a great variety in terms of shapes and sizes, but also in terms of personality. That’s why, This question is very interesting.

22. In what past era would you have liked to live for a while?

A question about personal tastes in terms of historical eras.

23. Historical events experienced

We all remember where we were when the most recent historical episodes of our time happened and how we felt at that moment. We may even have experienced them firsthand, so sharing them with other people can be an interesting and entertaining exercise.

24. Favorite music

Music is one of the most personal tastes of each individual and one that reveals the most about the personality of all of us. Knowing what musical tastes the people we talk to have and also sharing our preferences is a way to pass the time in an entertaining way.

25. Celebrities

An interesting and fun topic to talk about among different people can also be that of each person’s favorite celebrities, as well as the reasons why such an actor, actress, athlete or celebrity in general is our favorite, and what qualities represent us or We are fascinated by him or her.

26. History

History is always a fascinating topic that we can discuss with our loved ones, and from which we can extract very varied, interesting and enjoyable conversations. Whether we are experts or not, we can always learn from those people who master the subject.

27. Family anecdotes

Another after-dinner classic, We all have stories about our family members that can be both interesting and funny.. You can get a lot of benefit from family anecdotes starring parents, uncles, grandparents or cousins, and without a doubt, we will have a good time both sharing them and listening to them.

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28. Future perspectives

Talking about what the future will hold for us and what expectations each person has for their future can be a topic of great interest for many people, which will undoubtedly give us a pleasant time to get to know our fellow members.

29. Favorite film directors

Talking about our favorite film directors and discussing why we think our choice is the best can also be an excellent topic of conversation, since while we expose our film tastes, we also learn those of others.

30. Kitchen

Gastronomic preferences also offer endless conversation possibilities to learn about each person’s tastes. In addition to that, you can also talk about each person’s favorite recipes or the best ways to prepare one or another dish. This is one of the perfect conversation topics for a dinner party or a meal with friends.

Dinner conversation topics

31. Love disappointments

The details of each person’s love life are always the favorite topics in conversations between friends and acquaintances. Both breakups, old partners that we may have had, and any other type of heartbreak are always the talk of social gatherings of any area and condition.

32. Latest social networks

The latest trendy social network or the recent news that has become popular on our favorite social network is also one of the topics of most interest, especially among young people. By sharing our experiences and our tastes on this type of networks, we will undoubtedly have a very entertaining time.

33. Literature

Talking about the last book we have read or the most recent literary novelty can also be an entertaining conversation for reading lovers. We will learn a lot about literature and recommended books, chatting with people who are interested in the topic.

34. Favorite festivities

We all have a predilection for one holiday over another, especially when the holiday periods approach and patron saint festivals proliferate in each town or city in our country. Knowing what the festivities of each of our friends or companions are will provide us with very interesting leisure information for the future.

35. Favorite series

With the rise of series in recent years, it is common to have a predilection for a specific series or group of series, which we could watch several times repeatedly. By discussing our favorite series with other people, we will also discover those that may interest us to watch ourselves at home.

36. Television shows

The fashion show that is being broadcast on television lately and has us all hooked will be an excellent topic of conversation among all those who are following it, as well as for those who do not know it and want to catch up on the latest news.

37. Art

Art is, without a doubt, a vast topic from which countless interesting conversations can be derived. Exchanging ideas with a good art connoisseur, regardless of the field, will provide us with new knowledge and impressions, as well as a starting point to maintain our artistic instruction.

38. Economy

For some years now, The economy is a topic that has taken on special relevance in talk shows and current affairs programs. of the television and radio grid. Chatting politely about the current economic situation in the country or the international situation will bring us knowledge and a pleasant conversation.

39. Last movie seen

A topic that can be interesting for both movie lovers and casual viewers is to comment on the last movie we have seen. Take note of the latest movies that you have not seen and may be interesting to you.

40. Philosophy

Philosophy is a fascinating area of ​​knowledge, from which, without a doubt, we can learn many things about life and also about ourselves. If we are lucky enough that the people around us are interested in philosophy or the best-known philosophers, we can learn a lot.

41. Euthanasia

One of the most popular ethical debates in our societies is that of the right to life and death. Can a physically disabled person decide to end his or her life? To what extent should the medical authorities assist him in his wish? What protocols or procedures should be necessary for a doctor to decide that someone should be assisted in dying? It is a very deep debate and one that can generate very divergent opinions.

42. Video games and violence

To what extent can certain video games generate violent behavior? Can they trivialize violent actions and normalize cruelty? It is a widespread debate among educators and child psychologists around the world.

43. The transition towards renewable energies

How should we transition towards green energies? A topic of conversation as interesting as it is complex, which invites us to imagine a better society in the future. Now, personal priorities and preferences are expressed in these types of conversations (or even debates). For example: at what pace should this transition from one energy source to another be carried out to protect the environment? What are the best sources of renewable energy? Where should these facilities be located?

44. Scary stories

Many people enjoy a good scary story, even knowing that it is based on events that never happened or on exaggerations. The feeling of mystery has a great ability to “hook” the audience.

45. Fantasy or science fiction?

Among lovers of fiction stories, these two genres are the most popular. However, the two have fundamental differences that can serve to reveal each person’s tastes. What do you prefer, escape into a fictional world, or explore existential questions through hypothetical realities in which technology offers unimaginable possibilities?

46. ​​How to govern?

Proposing a hypothetical scenario in which the other person governs a country is a good way to delve deeper into the topic of what a State governed by your interlocutor would be like; thus, Each of you can express what your ideal society model is and what your values ​​are..

47. Taste in clothes and fashion

Talking about tastes when it comes to clothing can be a way to both explain what we like aesthetically, and to discuss the fashion industry itself and its influence on society.

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48. How do you work best?

Talking about how you like to work or how you think you are most productive in the world of work is a way to explore your work philosophy.

49. Collective and individual freedoms

Where does each person’s freedom end and where do the interests of the collective begin? A topic that has given a lot in the field of political philosophy.

50. Controversial bans

What would you like to ban but would generate a huge backlash from society? A way of talking about topics in which we have positioned ourselves in an unusual way.

51. How to recognize sects?

For a group to be considered a sect, must there be clear elements of mysticism, references to the afterlife and a very closed symbology? Or could there be more modernized sects that are difficult to identify?

52. Nature preservation measures

Another very interesting topic of conversation is for each person to explain the environmental policies they would apply to protect nature, establishing their priorities and preferences for certain animals, plants, etc.

53. Attitudes towards polyamory

In recent years, polyamory has been gaining popularity. Is this a true alternative to traditional love? Is it more of a fad? Or is it the most genuine form of love, going beyond traditional roles based on the institution of marriage?

54. The rationality of the human being

This is a topic of conversation that lovers of philosophy will especially like: is the human being really a rational animal? To what extent are we guided by logic and our ability to think rationally, and not by feelings disguised as rationality?

55. Rewilding

Another topic for lovers of nature, animals and biology in general. Rewilding is a phenomenon that has gained strength in recent years, and consists of “renaturalizing” areas that have been damaged by human activity for years. How would you make a region a natural space again? What locally extinct species would you reintroduce?

56. The limits of emotional dependence

An interesting topic of conversation both to use with our partner or with good friends: what is it? the limit between a healthy relationship in which there is a commitment to making coexistence work, and one in which everything comes down to constant sacrifice without it really making us happier. Talking about it can help you understand what each person’s values ​​are.

57. Live in the present or have a future perspective

Two very different ways of understanding life: an opportunity to enjoy the present, or a way to manage resources and time to achieve ambitious long-term goals. What is more satisfying or brings us closer to happiness?

58. What are the most important subjects?

This is another of those topics that always raise controversy and are on everyone’s lips. Which subjects or subjects of compulsory education or preparation for universities should be promoted more, and which are overrated?

59. Partying anecdotes

An entertaining topic that can be used to show our less formal side: what have been the strangest, funniest or most surreal experiences that you have had while going to a party?

60. What language would you like to learn?

Learning a new language is usually a project that helps both professionally and personally. Which language in the world do you feel most interested in?

61. The ideal vacation

Talk about what you could do if you had a generous amount of days off. It is also very stimulating and allows everyone to express their tastes and hobbies.

62. The world of technology applied to leisure

The constant technological advances that emerge are a tireless engine for creating topics of conversation. Furthermore, more and more innovations are appearing in the world of virtual reality and augmented reality, which makes many people tend to escape the real world by immersing themselves in those universes behind a screen. These innovations affect many areas of life, so there are a wide variety of possible dialogues.

63. Sports

Mass sports and the monitoring of sporting events also They are of great interest to many fans that live throughout the planet. In fact, something as simple as wearing a sports team jersey can serve to generate topics of conversation with strangers.

64. The limits of democracy

To what extent is it a positive thing to vote for everything in a developed society? Should we limit the type of decisions that are made based on a voting system? Some would say that keeping out of the control of citizens gives rise to totalitarianism, but it is also true that a system of constant referendums can be applied by a dictatorship, by controlling what and how the population is asked about.

65. The psychological effects of advertising

Although years ago advertising was limited almost exclusively to easily identifiable advertising pieces on radio stations, magazines and television channels, currently, with the Internet and the constant use of smartphones and computers, this type of promotional actions are more discreet and capable of influence our actions without us realizing it. For example, social networks know what our personality is like and what our priorities and interests are. This brings us to another of the most disturbing topics of conversation: do we really buy products and services freely?

Tips for having interesting conversations

In addition to keeping these conversation topics in mind, it is good to consider the following points when generating interesting dialogues. These key ideas will help you develop social skills to have interesting, comfortable and fluid conversations.

1. Avoid politics if you are with strangers and do not want risks

Many people feel great suspicion when it comes to giving their opinion on aspects of politics.so this option is not recommended. Respecting your interlocutor’s comfort zone will help create a feeling of trust in the other, something necessary to connect with someone and make them want to talk to you. It is not a very good idea because it can generate arguments and mistrust. However, if you already know a person a little, controversial topics are the ones that have the greatest capacity to get everyone present actively involved in the conversation.

2. Avoid prefabricated phrases

You may know that there are certain conversation topics that generate more interest than others, but beyond that, avoid starting a dialogue with very rigid schemes about how its evolution should be. Spontaneity is the most desirable.

For example, to have a good repertoire of topics and not fall into clichés, it is good to read books about everything related to the human mind. That’s why you may be interested in this article: “The 31 best Psychology books that you can’t miss.”

3. Make the other person think about their answers

If your way of having a conversation consists of asking simple questions that can be answered with “yes”, “no” or with monosyllables, you will make your interlocutor get used to speaking almost without thinking and, consequently, not be interested in the conversation. But if, due to the type of questions you ask, the other person finds it necessary to reflect before speaking, you will make them more interested in looking good and, therefore, pay more attention to you.

4. Don’t fall into clichés

Avoid prejudging the other person. For example, if you want to start by offering a woman conversation topics, don’t assume that she likes to shop. Avoid common places and hackneyed phrases. Treat everyone on the basis that they are human beings whose complexity will be revealed during the dialogue.

5. Get used to silences and pauses before speaking

Don’t let it bother you that for a few seconds no one speaks. Interesting conversation topics are those that invite us to reflect deeply, and that means that on many occasions we have to stop and think before speaking.