7 Keys To Developing Our Public Speaking: Why Is It Important?

What does it mean to have good public speaking? Why is it an essential capability today? Discover the best tips to develop this skill.

7 Keys to developing our public speaking: Why is it important?

Millions of people are not happy in their social lives. The 21st century has witnessed achievements regarding technology skills. We can see people who are highly competent, who know their job very well, but who have great difficulty interacting with others. This is because our social skills are part of a very important link between the individual and his or her environment. Even so, it is important to consider that skills must always be framed within a specific cultural framework and of course communication patterns vary between cultures and within the same culture. But what are the keys to good public speaking?

What is oratory?

The oratory It is the ability to master public speaking. Therefore, in order to have good public speaking we need to learn a wide variety of strengths and skills such as charisma, empathy, confidence or good communication. By having good public speaking, people can deliver their presentations and speeches better, which allows our message to be conveyed better.

What abilities are associated with good public speaking?

For be a good speaker we must develop the following social skills:

  • Ability to say no
  • Ability to ask for favors and make requests
  • Ability to express positive and negative feelings
  • Ability to start, maintain and end a conversation
  • Make compliments
  • Accept compliments
  • Express love, liking, affection
  • Defend our own rights
  • Express personal opinions, including disagreement
  • Apologize or admit our ignorance
  • Handle criticism
  • Apply for a job
  • Public speaking
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Therefore, the oratory It cannot be considered an isolated ability, but in the list above there are many skills that are within it.

Keys to developing good public speaking

How to develop our oratory?

Some of the keys that we should take into account to develop our oratory are the following:

  1. Level of self-assurance, self-confidence: The ability to express ourselves safely and confidently is a crucial element in developing our public speaking. Therefore, if we want to be good speakers, it is essential to work on our self-esteem.
  2. Take into account our gestures and body language: We say more with our body and gestures than with our words. So, if we want to have better public speaking, our body language is an aspect to take into account. Taking this into account, it is important to pay attention to our gestures, posture and the movements we make in front of others.
  3. Use appropriate content: The content of your speech is also a relevant point. Therefore, when preparing it, you should make sure that the message is appropriate for others. That is, use slang words that your audience is most familiar with. For example, using metaphors and quotes will help you liven up your speech and keep your audience interested.
  4. Know your interlocutors: One of the most difficult, but essential, speaking skills is the ability to focus on connecting with your audience. This involves approaching others with words and, above all, asking for feedback.
  5. Make use of your vocal range: The way we use our voice is also one of the fundamental parts of any speech. For example, your speech may seem very boring if you speak in a monotone tone, which will make your audience lose interest quickly.
  6. Memorize the key points: Learning everything perfectly is not a good strategy to be a good speaker. One of the key points to reach your audience is to say things as naturally as possible. In this way, it is vital to learn the essentials, but explain it through your own words.
  7. Practice in realistic environments: Like any other skill, the best way to improve public speaking is to practice. In these cases, it is crucial that you try to practice your speeches in environments that are more familiar to you, but that require some challenge. When it comes to speaking in public, part of the insecurity can come from shyness and self-confidence, but the rest comes from the fear of not being able to do it gracefully. That fear disappears with practice, that is, it is a capacity that can be cultivated.
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There are many situations that will be an opportunity to develop our public speaking skills, so we must take them as a way to improve this capacity. With time and work, anyone who sets their mind to it can become a good speaker.