7 Self-esteem Dynamics For Adults

Self-esteem dynamics for adults

Self-esteem is the ability of human beings to feel good about themselves. A person who has well-established self-esteem will be able to better face the various adverse situations that may arise in life.

It is important to begin establishing self-esteem from childhood so that in adulthood it can serve as a fundamental pillar in all our experiences, but this does not always happen.

That’s when Self-esteem dynamics for adults are a good therapeutic alternative for adults who are insecure and do not trust themselves.

Self-esteem dynamics for adults

In this article we will see some self-esteem dynamics for adults that can be very useful in strengthening it. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these dynamics depends largely on the personal characteristics of each subject.

1. Stand in front of a mirror

The most common thing is that every day we look in the mirror casually, without this representing anything in particular, to brush our teeth, or perhaps to comb our hair… But with this dynamic we can do that looking in the mirror daily is a transformative experience for ourselves.

What we will do is choose a time in which we will look in the mirror every day, and we will smile when we see ourselves. We will focus on the person in front of us and we will say pleasant phrases that make that person (ourselves) feel good.

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In this way we strengthen our self-esteem and our autonomy, highlighting our virtues and realizing that we ourselves can be our best motivator.

2. Write a letter addressed to your version of the past

This works as a means to connect deeply with who we really are. It allows us to thank ourselves for the things we have done to get to where we are, always highlighting the positive.

Although not all the path traveled has been pleasant, we must learn to value our virtues and see that they They have helped us become who we are now. That’s why we are going to write that letter as if it were for someone very special; that someone who is ourselves in a past version.

3. Reward yourself for your achievements

After having studied hard for an exam, after having finished a stressful work day, or after having taken your university exam for which you studied so much, reward yourself! And don’t do it based solely on how it went.

Do it based on the fact that you have had the initiative to do things. Even if the results have not been what you expected, you gave your best and that is gratifying, it deserves to be celebrated.

4. Reading as a self-esteem booster

When we read we are not only exercising our brain, but also We are giving ourselves a moment of personal encounter with ourselves. Reading makes us know ourselves to a greater extent through the literature we discover.

When we see a phrase that has made us feel good, one that has motivated us, we take note of it in a personal diary, which we take care of filling with phrases that we find and do not make us feel positively identified.

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5. Make space for yourself within the routine

Something that often happens is that we let our routine consume us to the point where we don’t have time to stop and think about ourselves and our personal interests. Not everything revolves around work or academics, It is also important to be mentally well.

What we will do to carry out this dynamic of self-esteem consists of staying alone to think about things that make us happy and we want to do in the future. It doesn’t matter that it’s not a lot of time, fifteen minutes a day will be fine.

6. List your virtues

This option consists of making yourself a ranking-type list of your virtues and aptitudes. Do it as if it were a description of yourself that you are making to someone else but focus especially on the things you are good at, and could become good at.

This practice will help you strengthen your self-esteem and your motivation, taking into account that by writing down the things you might be good at, you are setting future goals.

7. Give and receive

This dynamic is based on choosing a group of specific people and telling each of them three positive things they have. The purpose of this dynamic is for the people to whom you express their virtues to feel good about themselves.

On the other hand, seeing his happy reaction, you too you will feel good about yourself and your power to make others feel good and your self-esteem will rise.

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