7 Strategies To Emotionally Manage Not Being Able To Go On Vacation

Strategies to emotionally manage not being able to go on vacation

Vacation periods are one of the most anticipated events of the year for many people, but unfortunately, this reality does not always fit with the responsibilities linked to certain work models and professional performance. For this reason, there are many who cannot afford to go on vacation when they would like, something that can cause not only frustration and subjective discomfort, but also job burnout and demotivation.

That is why a series of psychological strategies must be implemented to help us cope in the best possible way with the weeks in which we would like to be disconnecting from everything on a beach in distant cities or in the middle of nature.

Tips to deal with and assimilate not being able to go on vacation when you want

Below we present a series of emotional management tips focused on managing frustration and possible demotivation that arises from the impossibility of having a vacation like the ones you would like to enjoy.

1. Plan a future vacation

Even though we can’t go on vacation at the moment, it is a great help Schedule a vacation that allows us to relax and enjoy, for a few weeks or months.

I can't take vacations

Specifying the moment in which we can go on vacation at a future date will allow us to have a temporal reference of the goal that sooner or later we will reach, and that will serve as a motivating element.

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Exploring the possibility of workation (working during vacations) is a practical Highly recommended for freelancers and digital nomads who wish to travel to a vacation destination but must continue working.

Workation basically consists of going to another city or country and working from there for a few days, to disconnect at least partially during the periods of free time that can be enjoyed.

This practice is highly effective, as it allows us to make the most of free time after daily work, and provides us with the possibility of getting to know other cities or countries during the time we stay in said tourist destination.

3. Take advantage of activities during the holiday period

During the stages in which the majority of people request vacation days Many cultural activities related to music or cinema are held outdoors, experiences that we can live intensely once our daily work day is over, even if we do not have those days off. In this way, we will get rid of the idea that we cannot enjoy any aspect of the holiday season, without letting ourselves be affected by a very pessimistic and dramatic vision of what happens to us.

In order to combine these activities with our work obligations, we must maintain a correct organization of time at all times, which allows us to schedule subsequent leisure activities.

4. Promote time optimization

If we want to take advantage of all the opportunities that daylight saving time offers us and the long hours we have before nightfall; By optimizing our work time we will be using the idea that we are in “vacation time” to motivate us to perform better and finish pending tasks.

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By finishing our work day earlier we will have room to maneuver to take advantage of the rest of the day and be able to carry out all kinds of recreational activities or social gatherings with our best friends.

5. Question socially shared vacation expectations

The consumer society in which we live creates a series of artificial expectations and needs to sell its products to the general public, and this phenomenon is also used to sell certain vacation destinations.

The media, advertising and more recently social networks contribute to exalt models of vacation leisure based on crowded coastal tourist destinations in which it is necessary to spend a large amount of money on constant purchases.

Questioning these expectations of vacation leisure and avoiding stereotypical vacation models will allow us to value other ways of spending our vacations, for example, discovering new places in our cities or visiting charming nearby towns, something that can be done at any time of the year. .

6. Avoid comparisons

In the same way that it can be of great help to us to question the vacation leisure expectations of modern consumer societies, it is also highly advisable not to compare our comparisons with those of anyone else, especially in the era of “posturing” on social networks.

Comparing our vacation plans with other people can make us feel bad, since there will always be someone who lives experiences that are much more socially valued than us.

7. Find time for ourselves

Summer vacations are a very necessary period to rest and it is in these months when we must combine daily work with finding a few hours daily to be able to rest or carry out pleasant activities.

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Looking for a daily space To do all those things that fulfill us most and that make us happy, we will be able to increase our well-being, our good mood and we will be able to recharge our energy for our work.

Any activity that makes us happy can be good for overcoming frustration and achieving happiness during the holiday period.

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