7 Strategies To Overcome The Phobia Of Flying

Strategies to overcome the Phobia of Flying

The phobia of flying, better known as aerophobia, can become an invisible shackle that makes every trip become torture. This fear, which affects millions of people around the world, can feel like a journey of anguish, where the mind becomes a battlefield between reason and terror.

The good news is that this fear does not necessarily bring with it a life sentence. There are different strategies to overcome the phobia of flying: from the intelligent choice of your seat, prior rest, gradual exposure to the plane or psychological therapies. Come with us to get to know them!

What is aerophobia? Important facts about the phobia of flying

The fear of flying, also known as aerophobia, is one of the most common phobias that affects people of all ages. It is characterized by intense anxiety or terror at the idea of ​​getting on a plane or experienced during the flight.

According to data published in 2019 by the National Institute of Statistics, it is estimated that between 5% and 6% of the Spanish population suffers from aerophobia. This translates to about 2.5 million people. So, as you see, it doesn’t just happen to a few.

This phobia can present with different symptoms, both physical and psychological. We show you some:

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The causes of aerophobia, for their part, can be very diverse. Between them:

How to overcome the phobia of flying?

There are different techniques, treatments and strategies to overcome the phobia of flying. We will start from some simple recommendations that you can do to increase the feeling of security, to the help you can receive from a professional.

1. Find out about airplane safety systems

If you already know you have it, it’s time to face it. Many airlines offer courses aimed at helping people with acrophobia combat their fear, inform them about safety issues and break myths that keep them so afraid. In the end, internships are generally carried out in the company of a mental health professional.

You can also familiarize yourself with the basic principles of aviation, such as takeoff, landing, and turbulence. Read articles or books written by pilots or aviation experts to better understand the flight process. Although the help of a professional to clear up these doubts never hurts!

2. Prioritize rest before the flight

Getting enough sleep the night before your flight will help reduce anxiety and fatigue. If it is within your possibilities, Choose times that allow you to sleep well beforehand and choose direct flights to avoid stopovers and connections. This way, you won’t have to repeat the experience over and over again in a short time.

3. Reduce stressors

Before traveling, leave your bags ready the night before (or before), Arrive at the airport with enough time, eat lightly, avoid alcohol or drinks that give you too much energy keep yourself entertained before and during the flight: listen to music that helps you calm down, watch a movie, read a book or, if you can, get some sleep.

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If you are traveling with company, you can also have a pleasant conversation to reduce the anxiety caused by the trip.

4. Choose seats that make you feel calmer

The idea is not that you go thinking that something bad is going to happen. Quite the opposite! However, it is proven that seats located in the central part of the plane, on the wings, tend to experience less turbulence. Do your best to request it early.

Also, if it makes you feel better to position yourself near emergency exits, just so have a greater sense of control and security, do it! Avoid seats in the back and, if you fear heights, choose to sit towards the aisle, rather than the windows.

5. Use your imagination

Imagine this scene: you get on the plane, take a deep breath, put on a mask, close your eyes and imagine that you are going on a road trip… Or, even better! You begin to imagine the fate that awaits you after that takeoff that at first seems so terrifying. How does it sound to you? Would you try it?

6. Use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety

Deep breathing, meditation and yoga are effective techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. Practice the ones that best suit your tastes and the occasion to help you feel calmer. If you feel like you need extra help, you can use an app or even podcasts to guide you through relaxation techniques.

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7. Seek professional help

If you feel that this fear limits your life, a psychologist can help you identify the causes and find techniques to overcome it. One of the strategies to manage or eliminate flying phobia is cognitive behavioral therapy and gradual exposure therapy.

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Don’t let your fear of flying stop you from continuing to dream of having the world in your hands! Have you already tried some of these strategies?