7 Tips To Educate Children With A Strong Character

How to deal with a child who has a strong personality? What to do when your children have a dominant character? Discover the best way to educate a child with a strong character.

How to educate children with strong character

Any child can have some challenging attitudes towards parents, but when they have a strong character, education can become a challenge. Parents who are faced with children with a more dominant character may experience many difficulties in educating their children. So, what is the key to correctly educating children? children with character?

What is a child with a strong character like?

Children with strong characters often fight over routine events such as eating foods they hate or getting ready for bed. In fact, this type of behavior typical of a strong character and personality They often trigger difficulties in dealing with children beyond the home. Normally, children with a strong character or personality usually share the following traits:

  • Challenge: Children with a strong personality They are often challenging. This implies that they refuse to follow simple requests from their parents because they simply do not want to comply for a reason that they believe is a higher priority.
  • They want to know why: For the children with a dominant character hearing ‘Because I told you so’ is frustrating. In fact, children with strong characters usually want at all costs to know why they can’t do certain things.
  • Outbursts of anger: Although all children can experience tantrums, some show excessively intense anger. Children with a strong temperament and character They usually have little tolerance for frustration, which they immediately show to their parents.
  • They are bossy: When the children have a strong character They tend to be bossy. This means that they often express to others (including adults) what and how they should do things.
  • Impatience: Many children who have a strong personality They often have problems doing certain things that require patience. For example, they usually don’t want to waste a second waiting for other people.
  • They create their own rules: By having a dominant character of children They often lose interest in listening to and following the instructions of others. Instead, they are likely to insist that things will be done according to their own logic and rules.
  • They move at their own pace: The children with a difficult or strong personality They tend to follow their own rhythm in all daily activities. In fact, they tend to speed up when they are interested in what they are doing, but they go at their own pace when something does not interest them.
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Keys to educating a child with a dominant character

How to educate a child with a strong personality?

If you think that your child has a strong character and you don’t know how to deal with it, there are a series of tips that you can follow to get children with this personality to show you more attention and respect:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings: When a child with strong character Has angry outbursts, often in an attempt to make sure other people pay attention to what is happening. In this case, phrases like ‘I understand that you are upset, however (and an explanation)’ will be very useful to calm these tantrums. The key is to never minimize children’s feelings.
  2. Give an explanation: When the children with strong personalities If they refuse to perform an action or task, it is important to try to explain why they should do it. This way, they can understand the rules and understand that it is not the whim of the parents.
  3. Give warnings and consequences: If the behavior of a child with character and strong personality exceeds the limits, it is relevant to try to give them warnings and consequences for this. Negative consequences (such as removing daily privileges) can increase your child’s motivation to follow the rules in the future.
  4. Help them express their requests more politely: The moment your child begins to show his/her dominant character Through requests, it is vital to emphasize that you must express these needs with more education and in a more appropriate way. For example, if they get bossy you can tell them ‘That’s not how you ask for things. Try again in a kinder way.’
  5. Offer two options: The children with strong character They often present a challenge when they don’t want to complete a task. In these cases, it is normal for parents to become frustrated. To get them to obey, a good method will be to offer them two options, for example: instead of mentioning “Clean your room now”, ask “Do you want to clean your room now or in 10 minutes?” Giving two options can make your children feel more empowered and feel less need to control everything.
  6. Encourages problem solving: It is important that children learn to cope with waiting and have patience. If they are impatient, parents can plan ahead and suggest that their children bring things to entertain themselves while they wait. The key is to make it clear to them that they have options to better handle a situation that requires patience.
  7. Avoid making too many rules: Having too many rules overwhelms children and reduces their motivation to comply. Instead of making many rules, you should focus on stating those that are most relevant to controlling the dominant character of your children.
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If you cannot educate or control many of your child’s attitudes, it would be advisable for you to go to a mental health professional to create a favorable environment for their mental and emotional development. Although the strong-willed children They represent a challenge for parents, your child’s attitude can be an advantage at some moments in their life. Research conducted over 40 years found that children who break the rules become adults with higher incomes. In addition, it was shown that they have a tendency to be better leaders, since they are not afraid to stand up to those things in which they believe. Therefore, a strong personality in your children can bring many benefits for their personal and professional future.