8 Characteristics Of Emotionally Immature People

Emotionally immature people They are part of a section of the population that, despite having reached adulthood, continue to embrace behaviors linked to short-termism, impulsivity and lack of consideration for the well-being of others.

These characteristics define very well the way of being and thinking of boys and girls who, due to their lack of development of the nervous system, cannot yet think in abstract terms such as “community” or “future”, so They are guided by whims and the avoidance of slightly unpleasant or boring situations However, in immature people these characteristics are still present to a greater or lesser extent.

What are emotionally immature people like?

In many ways, today’s social dynamics, heavily based on aesthetics and appearances, rewards some people for behaving in an immature and individualistic way Thus, committing to the well-being of the entire society and accepting responsibility is seen as a burden, something that limits our freedom and prevents us from meeting our needs in the here and now.

In other words, accepting lifestyle habits that characterize mature people, in many ways, is not worth it. This leads to the proliferation of a type of people dedicated to prolonging their adolescence indefinitely, both in their personal relationships and in their professional aspects. However, this behavior It is so widespread and so visible that it has become “normal”, what is expected. Paradoxically, immaturity has become so popular that it is difficult to distinguish between truly immature people and those who simply accept this new behavioral paradigm.

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How to recognize emotionally immature people? Below you can see its main defining features.

1. Lack of empathy

The starting point and main reference for thinking of someone who is emotionally immature is the “I”. Putting yourself in the shoes of others (a capacity known as empathy) is an exercise that they do not perform as spontaneously as other people do, and this step is often omitted.

2. Lack of introspection

immature people They rarely spend time reflecting on their own thinking style They live ignoring the possibility of self-observation and learning from mistakes without waiting for negative consequences to come from outside. Ultimately, these kinds of experiences are not about giving in to intense waves of emotions, as might happen when going out to a party or watching a television series. The fruits of introspection are savored in the long term, but immaturity makes us impatient.

3. Impulsivity and lack of foresight

One of the main characteristics of emotionally immature people is their inability to regulate their actions depending on the short-term consequences long term that can be derived from them. Regardless of whether the effects of an action may be very serious in the future, your tendency to get carried away by emotional outbursts will make your way of behaving unfilteredly reflect those visceral reactions that are based more on irrationality than on logic. This can get them into trouble frequently.

4. Low tolerance for frustration

Due to their tendency to assume that the intentions and opinions of other people are unimportant, when they do not behave in the expected way (bending to one’s own will) it is common to fall into anger

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5. Tendency toward egocentrism

This is another consequence of paying little attention to the psychological dimension of others: since you only think about what you want and think yourself, you believe that others also feel very interested in your own personality, and you fall into egocentrism. . In short, it is believed that one is the star around which others revolve, regardless of whether one has high or low self-esteem.

6. Appearance of rituals and whims

Things that produce pleasure become of essential importance in the lives of immature people. Many of these actions that produce pleasure are ritualized, and they will be more important than fulfilling deals with other people, arriving at appointments on time, etc. In other words, they’ll get preferential treatment on your daily to-do list.

7. The importance of having a good public image

Emotionally immature people They tend to worry a lot about situations that may affect their public image, to the point of undertaking projects or going places simply to improve their popularity. This is because the approval of others is seen as an instant injection of emotions linked to pleasure.

8. Aversion to boredom

Since emotionally immature people link pleasure to “sudden injections” of well-being, Activities in which these are not present tend to be perceived as a waste of time or, directly, they generate discomfort.

If we add to this their lack of foresight of the future consequences of their own actions, the resulting product is a type of person who will hardly commit to carrying out a series of routine actions that constitute a project whose fruits will appear after some time has passed. . That is to say, immature people fall into procrastination, or the “I’ll do it tomorrow” syndrome, relatively easily.

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Various ways to be immature

Emotionally immature people do not have to have each and every one of these characteristics.

The list of traits is an indicative outline of what defines immaturity This means that the fact of lacking a certain emotional maturity can be expressed in multiple ways, also depending on the cultural context in which each person was raised.