8 Recommendations To Acquire New Habits During The Holidays

Recommendations to acquire new habits during the holidays

Taking advantage of the holidays to get out of the routine is one of the goals that many people set during these dates, and currently we can use several psychologically healthy strategies to make this process of adaptation to a new situation easier.

And although the concept of “vacation” is usually linked to leisure and rest, it does not have to be limited to these areas; these days of disconnection from the routine we had been maintaining They can be the perfect opportunity to reformulate our way of relating to life

How to take advantage of vacations to promote new habits?

Breaking the inertia that we had adopted after months of dedicating many hours of the week to work can be the first step in a personal development process that is more accessible than ever during the days when we are not free. If you are interested in living your vacations starting meaningful personal development projects or emotional self-care in which you did not participate before, keep these tips in mind.

1. Reschedule our sleep schedule

Rescheduling our sleep schedule towards cycles that allow us to rest more and have a higher quality of life is one of the first measures we can take during the holidays.

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During the work months we have rigid schedules in which we usually leave work late and get up early. Since during the vacation period we have time to rest, we can adjust our schedules to be able to sleep a little more in the morning and not go to bed so late.

Sleep habits and vacations

This measure will allow us to recover hours of sleep, have a deeper and more restful sleep, and above all gain strength to perform during the day

2. Rethink objectives

Another recommendation that we can follow to take advantage of the free time we have in the summer months is to rethink our life goals and promote personal self-knowledge.

This can be achieved by starting a journal to discover our true interests in the medium and long term, and propose new goals that truly connect with our values ​​in all areas of life

Personal reflection and introspection will allow us to know ourselves better and achieve a greater state of well-being and balance that brings us general psychological health and a higher quality of life.

3. Reconnect with old friends

The vacation period is one that allows us to reconnect with those friends that we have not seen for a long time, to catch up and enjoy their company again, something that we surely have not been able to do throughout the year.

Maintaining a busy social life is important during these months since meeting and interacting with other people we love will help us stay away from the reach of an overly sedentary lifestyle and also helps us disconnect

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In other words, regaining contact with old close friends will help us improve our physical, emotional and psychological health.

4. Exercise outdoors

Performing physical activity frequently is essential throughout the year, however, during the holidays we have the time and favorable weather to do all the exercise that we have not been able to do during the rest of the year.

The most advisable thing is to do this exercise outdoors and, if possible, in nature, since we have more time to travel to areas away from pollution and enjoy contact with the natural environment

Leaving the house, taking long walks or simply running in a wild environment helps us, once again, maintain our physical health and provides great emotional and intellectual well-being.

5. Start hobbies

Starting a new hobby that we have always wanted to start and that due to lack of time has not been possible is another of the projects that we can embark on in the summer months.

During the vacation period we have all the advantages to start learning how to take the first steps towards a new hobby and this can serve as a way to prove to ourselves that our mind is flexible and that we can polish our skills in a short time.

Some of these new hobbies that we can start are DIY, art, hiking, doing all kinds of risky sports or hobbies of a more intellectual nature such as reading outdoors or hobbies that require more intellectual exercise. specific.

6. Avoid a very sedentary and passive lifestyle

Although all of the aforementioned recommendations are specifically designed to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to avoid spending long hours at home, which is why we must keep ourselves busy for a good part of the day so that the time we spend at home is minimal.

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A sedentary lifestyle, that is, lifestyles consisting of spending long hours at home without consuming too much calories or energy, are highly inadvisable for both physical and emotional health.

7. Do relaxing activities

Another habit that we can incorporate into our daily life during the vacation period is to practice relaxing activities of all kinds to keep our mind calm and achieve daily emotional balance.

Some of these practices can be oriental-type meditation, Mindfulness, yoga or simply controlled and conscious breathing for 10 minutes every morning to start the day balanced.

8. Implement healthy lifestyle habits

Likewise, in addition to acquiring relaxation habits, we must also integrate into our daily lives a series of healthy habits related to both our sleeping style, already mentioned, and our daily diet.

Starting to eat healthy and at the same time every day is a good way to start a healthy lifestyle in terms of nutrition. This means avoiding ultra-processed, overly sweet foods and staying away from carbonated or alcoholic drinks.

Are you interested in having professional psychological support?

Vacations can also be a period of improving mental health, taking advantage of it to begin a psychotherapy process. If you are interested in opting for this route, contact us.

In PSiCOBAi We can assist you in person or online.