80 Great Phrases From Famous Songs In History

song phrases

Throughout history, music has accompanied us in all kinds of moments Whether in joy or sadness, in situations of depression or close emotional connection with another person (it is not unusual to hear a couple talk about “our song”), there are many songs that have been in tune with our state of mind, that have made us vibrate or sink into the deepest of miseries.

And within them sometimes great phrases stand out, which we remember and sometimes we surprise ourselves by repeating out loud. In this article we collect some of them.

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Great phrases from historical songs

Below is a small collection of famous phrases from songs that, in one way or another, have either made history or are part of our lives.

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1. “I don’t wanna miss a thing”

Phrase from the Aerosmith song of the same title, which was recorded for the soundtrack of the movie Armaggedon.

2. “Show must go on”

Phrase from the Freddy Mercury song in which he tells us about appearances and the need to continue with our daily lives regardless of what happens inside us.

3.”I’ll be watching you”

Although it has often been considered a love song, “Every Breath You Take” by The Police actually differentiates itself from a harassment situation in which the protagonist will monitor every step, sigh or action that his object of desire makes every day. , while wondering how it is possible that he doesn’t realize that said person is for him.

4. “Imagine all those people, living life in peace”

Fragment of the song “Imagine” by John Lennon, in which he talked about the search and hope of achieving peace.

5. “Who wants to live forever?”

Who wants to live forever? Question that gives the title to one of Freddie Mercury’s most iconic songs.

6. Who can it be now?

Title and chorus of the song by the group Men at Work, indicates a feeling of annoyance in the face of unwanted intrusions while reflecting a certain level of paranoia and/or instability in the character.

7. Who cares what I do? Who cares what I say? I am like this, and I will continue like this, I will never change

Part of the Alaskan song that over time became a demand for equality and gay rights. It reflects the right to be as one is regardless of what others may think.

8. “Let it be”

Phrase and title of one of the Beatles songs, which pushes us to let go of our sorrows and worries, accept things as they are and be willing to overcome them.

9. “All you need is love”

All you need is Love. This phrase from the well-known song, also by the Beatles, reflects the importance of love as one of the main forces that allows us to do anything.

10. “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world”

A well-known song by Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World” tells us about seeing the beauty in the small things in life and knowing how to appreciate how wonderful the world we live in is.

11. “Boig per tu”

Phrase from the well-known Sau song, it reflects a deep love (“crazy about you”) for a person we have lost.

12. “Dust in the wind. “All they are is dust in the wind”

Phrase from the song “Dust in the wind” by Kansas, reflects the passage of time and that everything has an end.

13. “Hello, darkness my old friend”

First phrase of the song “Sound of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel, which tells us about a gray, isolated, individualistic and dehumanized world in which attempts to change things fall on deaf ears. But despite this, sometimes there are those who try to change things.

14. “Where is the love?”

Title and part of the chorus of a well-known Black Eyed Peas song that asks where love has gone in today’s society.

15. “For the times they are a-changing”

Quote from Bob Dylan’s song “Times they are A-Changing”.

16. “I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me”

Fragment and chorus of the Kiss song “I was mother for loving you”, tells us about how two people are made for each other.

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17. “I’m on the highway to hell”

Mythical AC/DC song that pushes us to live carefreely and without stopping to think, obeying our instincts.

18. “Congratulations and having each other on hand, I’ll go further. I congratulate her, he kept you innocent in mezzo alla gente”

Small fragment of one of Al Bano’s best-known songs, “Felicità”, in which it talks to us about the happiness we feel when we are with who we love.

19. “It’s my life, and it’s now or never. “I ain’t gonna live forever”

This fragment of the Bon Jovi song, “It’s my life”, expresses our right to live our life and our now as we want and making the most of our time.

20. “With the lights out, it’s less dangerous. “Here we are now, entertain us”

Part of the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, this phrase seems to indicate the need to fight against conformism and apathy derived from fear and habituation.

21. “Let’s rock, everybody let’s rock. “Everybody in the whole cell block was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock”

“Jailhouse Rock” is perhaps one of Elvis Presley’s best-known songs, performed in one of the singer’s iterations in the world of acting in the film of the same name. This phrase comes from her.

22. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you”

“Something stupid” is a well-known song by Frank Sinatra that tells us about love and trying to let the person you love know that they are loved. It has also been subsequently performed by other singers such as Robbie Williams (with the contribution of Nicole Kidman) or Michael Bublé.

23. “Non, rien de rien. Non, je ne regrette rien”

Part of the chorus of the well-known song “Rien de Rien” by Edith Piaf that expresses the absence of regret regarding what has been experienced since it can start again.

24. “Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars”

Part of the song “Fly me to the moon” by Frank Sinatra, it is a song that expresses the sensations generated by being with the person you love.

25. “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside…”

Fragment of one of the best-known Elton John songs, “Your Song”, a seemingly simple ballad that reflects the existence of deep feelings towards someone special.

26. “Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone”

Another highly known Elton John song, “Rocket Man”, leaves us with this phrase in its chorus that tells us about being far from home and remembering the past with nostalgia, which could serve as a metaphorical criticism of what job success and fame.

27. “Billie Jean is not my lover. She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one. “But this kid is not my son”

The song “Billie Jean” is, along with “Thriller,” one of Michael Jackson’s most popular songs. In this case it is inspired by the extreme behavior that some fans can display.

28. “Forever trusting who we are, and nothing else matters”

This fragment is part of “Nothing else matters” by Metallica. This song tells us the need to know who we are and have things clear and base relationships on trust in oneself and others, regardless of what others may think.

29. “When leaving, a kiss and a flower, I love you, a caress and goodbye”

Very recognized song by Nino Bravo in which we are told about a farewell and the longing for what and who we leave behind.

30. “Forever young, I want to be forever young, Do you really want to live forever, forever young”

Nostalgia for lost youth and innocence (as well as the fatigue and exhaustion that the Cold War entailed at the time it was composed, as can be seen in its first verses), are the main theme of “Forever Young” by Alphaville, from which this fragment arises.

31. “Summertime, and the living is easy”

This song by George Gershwin, which has subsequently been performed by numerous singers as important as Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, provides us with an iconic image of summer as a time of peace and tranquility.

32. “Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light. “Those days are over, you don’t have to sell your body overnight”

Roxanne, written by Sting of The Police, is a famous song that is intended to be a representation of tango and is also widely known for appearing in Moulin Rouge. It is about a prostitute whom the protagonist tries to convince to stop working.

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33. “And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night and he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger”

“Eye of the Tiger” is also a widely known song belonging to the group Survivor, appearing in the movie “Rocky.”

34. “I don’t believe that anyone feels the way I do about you now”

Fragment of the song Wonderwall by Oasis, expresses the doubt that the sensations that a certain person generates can be shared by someone else.

35. “Here I am, praying for this moment to last, living on the music so fine, born on the wind, making it mine”

The Bee Gees were another of the great well-known groups of the seventies. This phrase is part of the renowned song “Night Fever”

36. “I’ve got all my life to live, I’ve got all my love to give. And I’ll survive, I will survive!”

One of Gloria Gaynor’s greatest hits is the well-known song “I will survive”, in which we are told how after being abandoned we can become stronger and enjoy ourselves again no matter how much others may expect the opposite.

37. “What can I do?” ‘Cause IIIIII, I’m feeling blue’

Small fragment of the song “Black is Black”, by Los Bravos. This song has the particularity of being the first great success of a Spanish group in the international market.

38. “We can be heroes, just for one day”

The recently deceased David Bowie left us a large number of notable and important songs throughout history. Enter them you can find “Heroes”, which includes this phrase that indicates that we can all be heroes at some point.

39. “But I’m a million different people from one day to the next. I cant change my mold, no, no, no, no, no, no, no“

Part of the song Bittersweet Symphony by “The Verve”, expresses that we change our hypocrisy and that of society by trying to pass ourselves off as who we are not instead of facing and accepting ourselves as we are and acting based on what we believe and what we believe. we really want.

40. “All I want for Christmas is you”

Taking advantage of the fact that Christmas is approaching, we couldn’t close the list without adding a Christmas song. That is why we have added this phrase from Mariah Carey’s song, which also forms the title of the song and expresses that what is important is the company of those we love.

41. “Have a nice day”

Jon Bon Jovi wished us a good day in his 2005 single of the same name.

42. “I think I’m dumb, or maybe just happy”

All “Nirvana” songs are permeated with a very intense depressive feeling and this one is no exception.

43. “You really know how to make me cry. “When you moan those ocean eyes”

“Ocean eyes” was one of the first international hits of the great singer and songwriter Billie Eilish.

44. “Ground control to Major Tom”

Fragment of David Bowie’s song “Space Oddity” in which the singer describes a most exciting space trip.

45. “Long live Las Vegas”

This 1964 song was one of the main themes of the 1963 film of the same name that starred Elvis Presley at the height of his career.

46. ​​“Something in the way. Mmm-mmm”

One of the saddest songs by the legendary band “Nirvana”.

47. “Pressure. Pushing down on me. Pushing down on you, no man ask for”

This song was performed on the 1981 single of the same name by Freddy Mercury and David Bowie.

48. “Take a load off Fanny. Take a load for free”

One of the most remembered songs from the iconic group “The Band”.

49. “Take me home, country roads”

“Country Roads” by John Denver will always be one of the most remembered country songs.

50. “You light my morning sky. “With burning love”

Another of the great hits of the King of Rock, Elvis Presley.

51. I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?

This song by Creedence Clearwater Revival was published in 1970 and its meaning is still not completely clear.

52. “Is there life on Mars?”

This is what David Bowie asked himself in the song “Life on Mars”, from 1973, all dressed up as his alter ego Ziggy Stardust.

53. “Shine on you crazy diamond”

One of the biggest hits of the British band “Pink Floyd”.

54. “This is the end, beautiful friend”

Jim Morrison’s lyrics all had an aura of pessimism and depression that permeated the entire history of the group “The Doors.”

55. “There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold”

The beginning of “Stairway to heaven”, from “Led Zeppelin” is the presentation of one of the best songs in the history of rock.

56. “Hey Jude”

This “Beatles” song tells us about a story of improvement and motivation to achieve success.

57. “Shot through the heart. “And you’re to blame”

One of the most powerful beginnings in rock history can be found in this song by Jon Bon Jovi.

58. “Riders on the storm”

The incomparable voice of Jim Morrison brought us one of the most iconic songs from “The Doors”

59. “Come on, baby, light my fire”

This is how the chorus of “Light my fire,” a well-known song by “The Doors,” begins.

60. “I’m still standing”

A protest and survival anthem released in 1983 by Elton John.

61. “We all live in a yellow submarine”

“The Beatles” were undoubtedly one of the most influential bands in the history of rock and this is one of their most joyful and festive songs.

62. “So goodbye yellow brick road. Where the dogs of society howl

This song by Elton John presents us with a fantasy world greatly influenced by the childhood of its composer “Bernie Taupin”.

63. “Love me, please love me”

The Frenchman Michel Polnareff fell in love with several generations of fans with this magnificent love song.

64. “Love of my life, you’ve hurt me”

One of the most heartbreaking love songs from “Queen”, masterfully performed by Freddy Mercury.

65. “Lucy in the sky with diamonds”

Iconic Beatles song that quickly became one of the symbols of the hippie counterculture of the 60s.

66. “Tell me something, girl. Are you happy in this modern world?”

This is how the song “Shallow” begins, the main theme of the 2018 film “A Star is Born,” starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.

67. “When the sun shines, we’ll shine together. Told you I’ll be here forever”

This is how the chorus of “Umbrella” begins, one of the first songs that catapulted Rihanna to international fame.

68. “Cause all I need. “It is a beauty and a beat”

“Beauty and a Beat” by Justin Bieber in collaboration with Nicky Minaj was one of the most listened to songs of 2012.

69. “Quand il me prend dans ses bras. Il me parle tout bas. Je vois la vie en rose”

This Edith Piaf song became an international hit in 1946 and remains one of the most famous songs in history.

70. “New York, New York”

Although it was initially written for the Martin Scorsese film of the same name, it was Frank Sinatra who turned this catchy song into the unofficial anthem of New York City in 1980.

72. “No woman no cry”

Possibly one of the most remembered songs by the great reggae singer and composer Bob Marley.

73. “Please don’t stop the music, music, music”

This great song by Rihanna, included in her third album, triumphed in all the dance halls during 2007.

74. “I was made for loving you baby”

This song by the group Kiss was released in 1979 and quickly became a generational anthem and one of the band’s most iconic songs.

75. “We’re going to start this with height”

The Spanish singer Rosalía was a true international discovery in 2018 and a breath of fresh air for Latin and Hispanic music.

76. “And I will always love you”

Although it was originally written by Dolly Parton in 1973, it was Whitney Houston who popularized this song as part of the soundtrack of “The Bodyguard” (1992).

77. “He lives in a house, a very big house in the country”

Blur’s songs told us scenes of everyday English life with witty lyrics and catchy melodies. Fragment of “Country House”

78. “Love will tear us apart, again”

This depressing song by Joy Division is the band’s most popular song and after 40 years of its release history it continues to attract legions of fans of all ages.

79. “I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day”

One of the most sung choruses in rock history, belonging to the song “Rock and Roll Nite” by Kiss.

80. “Do you remember the time. When we fell in love?”

Michael Jackson knew how to compose truly unforgettable love songs and “Remember de Time” is a clear example of this, with a fascinating video clip.