9 Friendship Poems Essential For Life

Friendship poems

The saying goes that “he who has a friend, has a treasure.” Friendship, that strange relationship of trust, affection and affection between two or more people who are not united by blood ties but by contact with each other, is something practically essential for human beings.

Having friends helps us live our lives with positivity sharing our life experiences with like-minded people and helping us mature, learn and grow as well as being able to lean on them in difficult times.

Friendship has been valued since ancient times, having been the object of reflection and research both in philosophy and in different sciences. This concept has also been the inspiration for numerous artistic works, including poems of great beauty that try to reflect the importance of having a true friend. Among them we will see a selection of friendship poems

9 great friendship poems

Below we leave you with a total of nine friendship poems of great beauty, which we can read to inspire us and reflect on the importance of those people who surround us and to whom we are united by affection, having chosen each other to share part of our lives.

1. Friendship (Carlos Castro Saavedra)

Friendship is the same as a hand that supports its fatigue in another hand and feels that the fatigue is mitigated and the path becomes more human.

The sincere friend is the clear and elemental brother like the ear, like the bread, like the sun, like the ant that confuses honey with summer.

Great wealth, sweet company is that of the being that arrives with the day and clarifies our interior nights.

A source of coexistence, of tenderness, is the friendship that grows and matures in the midst of joys and pain.

This Colombian poet expresses in his verses the support and comfort that sincere friendship with someone offers, as well as the joy and affection with which it enriches our lives.

2. Some friendships are eternal (Pablo Neruda)

Sometimes you find a special friendship in life: that someone who, upon entering your life, changes it completely.

That someone who makes you laugh incessantly; that someone who makes you believe that good things really exist in the world.

That someone who convinces you that there is a door ready for you to open. That is an eternal friendship…

When you are sad and the world seems dark and empty, that eternal friendship lifts your spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

Your eternal friendship helps you in difficult, sad times, and great confusion.

If you walk away, your eternal friendship follows you.

If you lose your way, your eternal friendship guides you and makes you happy.

Your eternal friendship takes you by the hand and tells you that everything will be fine.

If you find such friendship you feel happy and full of joy because you have nothing to worry about.

You have a friendship for life, since an eternal friendship has no end.

Neruda wrote these verses in order to make us see how friendship helps us move forward to get excited about everyday life and to share and make us see the hope of a better future.

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3. My friend (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

My friend, I have much need your friendship. I thirst for a companion who respects in me, above the disputes of reason, the pilgrim of that fire.

Sometimes I need to taste in advance the promised warmth And rest, beyond myself, on that date that will be ours.

I find peace. Beyond my clumsy words, beyond the reasoning that can deceive me, you simply consider the Man in me, you honor in me the ambassador of beliefs, of customs, of particular loves.

If I differ from you, far from diminishing you, I magnify you. You question me as you question a traveler,

I, who like everyone, experience the need to be recognized, I feel pure in you and I go towards you. I have the need to go there where I am pure.

It has never been my formulas or my adventures that informed you about what I am, but the acceptance of who I am has necessarily made you indulgent towards those adventures and those formulas.

I am grateful to you because you receive me as I am. What should I do with a friend who judges me?

If I still fight, I will fight a little for you. I need you. I have the need of helping you to live.

The author of “The Little Prince” expresses in this poem the need for a friend who does not judge him, to support and respect you and to accept you unconditionally

4. Poem to a friend (Unknown)

I can’t give you solutions for all of life’s problems, nor do I have answers for your doubts or fears, but I can listen to you and share it with you.

I can not change your past nor your future. But when you need me I will be with you. I can’t stop you from stumbling. I can only offer you my hand so that you can hold on and not fall.

Your joys, your triumphs and your successes are not mine. But I sincerely enjoy when I see you happy. I do not judge the decisions you make in life. I limit myself to supporting you, stimulating you and helping you if you ask me.

I cannot set limits within which you must act, but I do offer you the space necessary to grow.

I can’t avoid your suffering when some sorrow breaks your heart, but I can cry with you and pick up the pieces to put it back together.

I can not tell you who you are, neither who you should be. I can only love you as you are and be your friend. These days I prayed for you… These days I began to remember my most precious friends.

I am a happy person: I have more friends than I imagined.

That’s what they tell me, they show me. It is what I feel for all of them.

I see the sparkle in their eyes, the spontaneous smile and the joy they feel when they see me.

And I also feel peace and joy when I see them and when we talk, whether in joy or serenity, these days I thought about my friends, among them, you appeared.

You were not up or down, or in the middle. You did not start nor finish the list. You were the number one nor the final number.

What I know is that you stood out for some quality that you transmitted and with which my life has been ennobled for a long time.

And I don’t pretend to be the first, second or third on your list either. It is enough that you just love me like a friend. Then I understood that we really are friends. I did what every friend does: I prayed… and thanked God for you. Thanks for being my friend

On this occasion it is expressed how much friendship should be valued, not as a position or competition to be the best or the worst but as a relationship of affection and sincere concern for each other This poem has been attributed to Jorge Luís Borges, but it is not the work of said author.

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5. Poem of friendship (Octavio Paz)

Friendship is a river and a ring. The river flows through the ring.

The ring is an island in the river. The river says: before there was no river, then only river.

Before and after: what erases friendship. Do you delete it? The river flows and the ring is formed.

Friendship erases time and thus frees us. It is a river that, as it flows, invents its rings.

Our footprints are erased in the sand of the river. In the sand we look for the river: where have you gone?

We live between oblivion and memory: this moment is an island fought by incessant time

This friendship poem reflects How this bond is built over time flowing and reinventing itself over time.

6. Friends who left us forever (Edgar Allan Poe)

Friends who forever left us, dear friends forever gone, out of Time and out of Space! For the soul nourished by sorrows, for the broken heart, perhaps

Although he is best known for his novels, Edgar Allan Poe also wrote various poems. In this short example we see how the author expresses the sadness that overcomes him when he contemplates how a friend is buried.

7. Friendship throughout (Jaime Gil de Biedma)

The days go by slowly and many times we were alone. But then there are happy moments to let each other be in friendship.

Look: it’s us.

A destiny skillfully guided the hours, and company sprang up. Nights came. To their love we lit words, words that we later abandoned to go up to more: we began to be the companions who know each other above the voice or the sign.

Now yes. The gentle words – those that no longer say things – can rise, float lightly over the air; because we are entangled in the world, packed with accumulated history, and the company we form is full, leafy with presences. Behind each one watches his house, the field, the distance.

But be quiet. I want to tell you something. I just want to say that we are all together. Sometimes, when speaking, someone forgets his arm on mine, and even though I am silent, I give thanks, because there is peace in the bodies and in us.

I want to tell you how we brought our lives here, to tell them. We talked for a long time with each other in the corner, for so many months! that we know each other well, and in memory joy is equal to sadness. For us, the pain is cute.

Oh the time! Everything is now understood.

This well-known poet of the 20th century speaks to us in this poem of the memory and longing for lost friendship what was shared and what the support of those who are our friends means.

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8. Poem 8 (John Burroughs)

The one who, when you leave, misses you with sadness The one who, upon your return, welcomes you with joy The one whose irritation never lets itself be noticed That is the one I call a friend.

He who gives sooner than asks, He who is the same today and tomorrow, He who will share your sorrow as well as your joy. That is who I call a friend.

The one who is always willing to help The one whose advice was always good The one who is not afraid to defend you when you are attacked That is who I call a friend.

This text is a fragment of a poem by the naturalist John Burroughs, who establishes different elements of what he considers, perhaps in an idealized way, friendship.

9. Friends (Julio Cortázar)

In tobacco, in coffee, in wine, at the edge of the night they rise like those voices that sing in the distance without knowing what, along the way.

Lightly brothers of destiny, dioscuros, pale shadows, they scare away the flies of my habits, they keep me afloat amidst so much whirlpool.

The dead speak more but in the ear, and the living are a warm hand and a roof, the sum of what is gained and what is lost.

Thus one day in the boat of shadow, from so much absence my chest will shelter this ancient tenderness that names them.

This well-known writer expresses in this poem his concept of friendship and different items that remind you of your friends from the past