9 Habits To Prevent Cancer (according To Science)

One of the most talked about diseases today is cancer, because according to the estimates of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), More than 200,000 cases of cancer are diagnosed in this Mediterranean country Furthermore, the World Health Organization (UN) states that in 2020 some 250,000 people will suffer from cancer in Spain, of which 2 thirds will be men.

This disease is one of the main causes of death in the world. There are different types of cancer, some of them more lethal than others.

    Habits to reduce the risk of suffering from cancer

    It is common to hear that mortality associated with cancer can be reduced with a positive attitude. However, as we explain in our article “Is it true that a positive attitude prevents cancer?”, this is not really the case.

    Cancer can appear due to a mixture of factors. Sometimes it is inevitable, but in many others it appears due to the habits we carry out. What can we do to reduce the risk of suffering from this disease?

    In the following lines you can find a list of habits that you should avoid to prevent the appearance of cancer.

    1. Avoid excessive sun exposure

    We all like to show off a nice tan, and summer is the ideal time to sunbathe. However, when we enjoy a day at the beach or relax in the pool We must take extreme precautions and sunbathe responsibly

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    If we expose ourselves to the sun’s rays for prolonged periods, it is necessary to use a quality protective cream, like the ones you can find in the list “The 10 best sun protection creams on the market”, because in recent decades, with the weakening of The ozone layer has increased the danger of UVA and UVB rays. Experts say that it is necessary to avoid sun exposure during the hours of the day with the most radiation, that is, between 12:00 and 16:00. To prevent skin cancer, we must use these tips.

    2. Don’t smoke

    One of the most harmful habits for health is smoking, which causes many diseases, including cancer The WHO estimates that 22% of cancer deaths have their origin in this bad habit. Quitting smoking is not easy, as we saw in our article “The two faces of tobacco dependence (chemical and psychological)”, but it is a wise choice, which is often difficult to make due to the cognitive dissonance we experience.

    Smoking, in addition to causing deaths from cancer, also causes heart attacks, cardiovascular problems, chronic fatigue… and many more conditions that are harmful to the body.

      3. Practice physical exercise

      Physical exercise is one of the healthiest habits that people can carry out Our cardiovascular health improves, we burn excess calories and it also helps prevent many diseases, including cancer.

      Carrying out 3 to 5 weekly sessions (30-60 minutes) a week is ideal to notice the benefits and prevent cancer.

        4. Drink less alcohol

        If tobacco is harmful to health and can cause cancer, so is alcohol when its consumption is not moderated. The liver and other areas of the body can notice the negative consequences of drinking this toxic substance which can cause cancer of the liver, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon and rectum.

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        Experts advise drinking a glass of wine or beer a day, but it is important to know that drinking alcohol during adolescence modifies the brain.

          5. Eat healthy

          A healthy diet is a basic pillar of a healthy life, but it is also key in cancer prevention. Being well nourished keeps the immune system functioning properly.

          Studies carried out on the positive effects of eating vegetables and fruits affirm that they are important in the fight against cancer, because they provide nutrients that help repair damaged cells. Therefore, it is necessary to consume at least five servings daily.

          Additionally, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, we should avoid excessive consumption of red meat and processed foods (for example, hot dogs) should be eaten rarely.

          6. Fight obesity

          Obesity is a big problem in Western societies, and the person who suffers from it not only suffers from the aesthetic effects, but also from serious health problems, for example, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Obesity has many causes, of which 30% are of genetic origin and 70% of environmental origin.

          Diet and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the development of this phenomenon.

            7. Carry out continuous checkups

            There are people who never carry out checkups to know their health status, especially if we have a history of cancer r in the family. While some types of cancer are more difficult to detect, others can be diagnosed with testing. For example, women should start having mammograms from the age of 40, although if they consider that they may be at risk, they should talk to their family doctor without fear.

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            The procedure is quick, around 20 minutes. The Spanish Society of Senology and Breast Pathology (SESPM) advises that women should have their first check-up from the age of 25.

            8. Protect yourself from carcinogenic substances

            If your job includes being in contact with potentially carcinogenic substances, You must take extreme precautions and not expose yourself unnecessarily to this harmful environment In addition, environments in which tobacco smoke is frequent can increase the risk of suffering from cancer by 35%. Being a passive smoker is also dangerous.

            9. Healthy lifestyle

            Sometimes cancer may not be avoided, but leading a healthy lifestyle, practicing physical exercise, eating healthy, sleeping 8 hours a day… is without a doubt the best way to avoid developing this disease.

            • Related article: “Mindfulness: this is how it helps cancer patients”