9 Keys To Knowing How To Treat A Narcissist

Do you think you are dealing with narcissistic people? What can we do to help them or face a relationship with them? Discover different tips to know how to treat a narcissist.

Keys to dealing with a narcissist

A narcissist is usually a person with an inflated self-image, who has a need to receive constant praise and a lack of empathy. Although a narcissistic woman or man seems confident in themselves, in reality, they are usually people with many insecurities. Currently, it is estimated that 5% of the population has narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), so it is likely that at some point in your life you will have to face a relationship with a person with this problem. So,how to treat a narcissist?

Main traits of a narcissist

On many occasions, people tend to use the word narcissist to describe self-centered people with little empathy. But it is relevant to remember that narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition that requires consultation with a mental health professional. In this way, the main traits of a narcissistic personality due to this disorder are the following:

  • Have an inflated ego
  • Need for constant praise
  • Take advantage of others
  • Not recognizing or caring about the needs of others

In addition to these features, the narcissistic people They tend to be very sensitive to criticism, even though they seem to have very high self-esteem.

What is it like dealing with a narcissist?

Typically, people who deal with narcissists often end up feeling worthless, devalued, and unappreciated. If you think you can have a relationship with a narcissistic woman or narcissistic man there are a series of signs that can help you identify this situation:

  • They try to isolate you
  • They tell you how to feel or act
  • Constantly challenges your reality or gaslights you (telling you that you make up memories)
  • They blame you for everything that can go wrong
  • Monitor your friends
  • Projects its imperfections on you
  • Gives little importance to your opinions and needs
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These are some features that can help you Identify the attitude of a narcissist

How to deal with a narcissist

How to deal with a narcissist?

If you identify with the signs we have mentioned, it is likely that you are dealing with a narcissistic woman or man In this case, we recommend that you take the following into account:

  1. Determine what type of narcissist you are dealing with: Two exists types of narcissists: the great and the vulnerable. The first is a person who is very confident, who constantly seeks to attract the attention of others. On the other hand, vulnerable narcissists are passive-aggressive people and tend to have low self-esteem. Keeping in mind which one you are dealing with will help you know how to behave around these people.
  2. Respond instead of react: Given the manipulations of the narcissistic people It is important to try not to react. So instead, try to focus on the issue at hand without allowing the deflections or projections that the narcissist is trying to create. Returning attention to the problem will prevent the narcissistic person from being able to monopolize the conversation or change the subject.
  3. Avoid direct confrontation: The narcissistic people They are often hypersensitive to criticism, so pointing out their behavior can cause them to lose control. On the other hand, if when trying to give a negative comment you mask it as a compliment with certain ‘defects’, it will help them become more aware of their attitudes.
  4. Demand action instead of promises: One of the traits of a narcissist The most common is precisely that they usually do not keep their promises. Thus, the best method to hold narcissists accountable is by reminding them, playing a little on their ego, how indispensable they will be during the event in question.
  5. Put the attention back on yourself: The best way to know how to help a narcissist is to try to make them see that they should not be the center of constant attention. In fact, usually narcissistic people They will always ask you for more and more. In these cases, you can break this spell by focusing on your needs, goals, and desires.
  6. Set and maintain firm boundaries: Before someone with a narcissistic personality Knowing how to treat them involves establishing certain limits. Narcissistic people often cross them, therefore, it is essential to be able to impose them on them.
  7. Remind yourself that it is not your fault: A narcissistic man or woman He/she will try to blame you for anything he/she thinks is not going his/her way. A narcissist may try to blame you for anything he thinks is not going his way. Remember that his boundaries are important, including limiting what he is responsible for in his life. When they try to blame you, you don’t have to accept it.
  8. Recognize when you need help: Deal with narcissistic people can end certain subtle abusive behaviors. In this way, you may end up being harmed by your relationship with these people. In these cases, if you cannot break the bond on a healthy basis, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist.
  9. Break up with the relationship if it is affecting you: The narcissistic men and women They end up being skilled manipulators and masters of deception. Therefore, a relationship with them can mean suffering from contempt, gaslighting or certain feelings of insecurity. In these cases, if you believe that your emotional health is being affected, the best decision is to leave this relationship behind.
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When should you stay away from narcissistic people?

When should you end your relationship with narcissistic people?

Some people with narcissistic personality traits They may end up having verbally or emotionally abusive attitudes. When the following forms of violence happen, it is a clear sign that you should walk away from this relationship:

  • Receive insults
  • Being condescending publicly humiliates you
  • Yells or threatens you
  • He is jealous and accuses you
  • You feel manipulated and controlled
  • You feel isolated
  • Your mental or physical health has been affected due to this relationship

As we see in some cases the relationships with narcissistic people They can end up affecting our mental and emotional health. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that we can help these people, but always keeping in mind that we must put ourselves first.