9 Psychological Meanings Of Crossed Arms

Do you know what crossing your arms can mean? What is the body language reading behind crossed arms? Discover the authentic psychological meaning of this gesture.

What is the meaning behind crossed arms?

At some point or another in various social situations, most people end up with crossed arms Although sometimes there does not have to be a meaning behind this gesture, the reality is that our body language of hands and arms says much more than we can imagine at first glance. Is there really a meaning behind crossed arms?

What is the meaning of standing with your arms crossed?

Our body language says more than we think. In this case, find a woman or man crossed arms can have different meanings. All of this will depend on the situation we are in. According to psychology and the study of body language, the main meanings of having arms linked are the following.

1. Self-hug

People are more likely to agree crossed arms in public than in private. This happens since self-hugging is comforting and induces a certain comfort when we are in front of others. This does not have to mean hostility, it is simply a way to feel more comfortable in front of or among others.

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2. Stress relief

When a person is very stressed, they can use crossing arms on the torso to be able to massage our arms with opposite hands. This behavior helps us calm down and calm down and for this reason, most people use it to calm their anxiety or excessive stress.

3. Mask an insecurity

On many occasions, people who feel insecure use these body gestures with crossed arms so as not to feel exposed in front of others.

Cross your arms

4. Anxiety and fear

When a person experiences a lot of fear or anxiety, crossing their arms is a very natural response to this distress. In these cases, when crossing your arms People may cover their neck dimple frequently. In cases where people touch their neck, this is usually an indication of tension, anxiety, insecurity or emotional distress.

5. Get closer to others

Another reason why a woman or man is with arms crossed It is simply to reflect the behavior of the person in front of them. In these cases, sometimes people do the same as their interlocutor because they feel very comfortable with the person in front of them.

6. Frustration

On other occasions, people who carry out a crossing of arms It can indicate that they are upset in front of the other person. These types of gestures are made as a method of self-control, that is, to control ourselves. A very clear example of this type of meaning of crossing arms happens when children are angry. In these cases, when someone has a crossed arms posture with their fists in a tense position, this indicates blocking behavior towards others due to repressed frustration or anger.

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7. Feeling of security

According to various studies, sometimes men and women use a posture of arms intertwined to see themselves bigger. This type of position in a hostile situation can mean an attempt to intimidate others.

8. Isolation

One of the meanings of crossed arms most widespread is that this position is synonymous with isolation. Although on many occasions popular beliefs do not come true, in this case it does happen. This is because crossed arms can help create a psychological and physical barrier from others. If you see that the person in front of you is distant and crosses his arms in front of you, it is very likely that he does not want to spend more time with you.

9. They have no meaning

Sometimes, especially when it’s cold, arms crossed They may not have any meaning.

Why cross your arms?

Do crossed arms give a bad impression?

As we see, on many occasions the crossing of arms It can be interpreted as a bad sign to others. According to various research, it has been shown that people feel more distant when they are arms crossed in front of others, especially when it is a situation in front of strangers. Despite this, everything is very interpretable at the moment. For this reason, body language cannot be understood except through a specific situation.

Why is our body language important?

Body language is one of the communications we use most in front of others. In fact, we say more through it than with words. For this reason, it is important to work on our security, self-esteem and everything inside us.

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The reason for this is that no matter how much we try to cover it up, our body posture or our gestures can tell others more than we would like. On many occasions, going to a professional psychologist will not only help you solve the problems associated with mental illnesses, but also combat the moments when insecurities betray you in front of others. Our body language is a reflection of what is inside us.