9 Ways To Deal With Lack Of Concentration Due To Anxiety

Why can we lose concentration due to anxiety? How to deal with this problem typical of an anxious disorder? Discover some tips to concentrate if you have anxiety.

Lack of concentration due to anxiety

The difficult to focus It is very common when you live with an anxiety problem. In fact, severe anxiety can cause people to lose all ability to pay attention to day-to-day tasks. Although loss of concentration is usually not the priority in people who suffer from anxiety, the reality is that this symptom can end up affecting the quality of your life. But what can we do to deal with these symptoms?

Why does lack of concentration due to anxiety happen?

Many of the symptoms of anxiety can make it difficult to concentrate on everyday tasks. In fact, the Difficulty concentrating is a very common symptom of anxiety

Although this symptom implies a lack of attention to certain tasks, people are able to concentrate, even though they do so on wrong thoughts and ideas. When a person is affected concentration due to anxiety your mind is so preoccupied that instead of paying attention to what is happening here and now, it wanders into the problems that the person may be facing.

For example, a person who is studying for an exam and suffers from anxiety may end up becoming obsessed with the possibility of failing to such an extent that this idea prevents him or her from concentrating on studying. This means that it does not mean that with anxiety you cannot pay attention, but rather that your brain is too busy focusing on your fears.

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How to deal with concentration problems due to anxiety?

If you feel that anxiety is causing you problems due to loss of concentration, it is important that you go to a mental health professional as soon as possible, as they will provide you with emotional treatment to manage your anxiety. Even so, if you want to improve your concentration, we recommend that you keep the following in mind:

  1. Try sensory stimulation: When we are anxious, thoughts about worries usually monopolize our attention. Therefore, if we want to put aside these types of ideas, it can be useful to try to do so through distractions in our physical space. A good way to do this is through music, as this can help you divert your attention from anxious thoughts and free you to focus on what you really need.
  2. Write your thoughts: Writing down our thoughts can also be a good way to get them out of your head. In fact, you can try writing down those thoughts that worry you for a few moments during the day and not return to them until another time when you can read them. This can help you detach yourself from your fears and focus on other more important things.
  3. Leave aside social networks: Our cell phone can be another source of anxiety. Therefore, if you experience a difficulty concentrating it is important that you try to put your device in ‘do not disturb’ mode so that you can pay attention to the task at hand. Concentration problems due to anxiety
  4. Manage your time with alarms: Schedule time to rest. This space should be given at least once every hour. This way, by having an alarm you will feel more motivated to focus on what you are doing.
  5. Divide your tasks: Most people may experience anxiety when faced with a large task. That is, if having a lot of work makes you anxious, try breaking it down into smaller tasks that feel much more manageable.
  6. Focus on your breathing: Breathing can be a very useful weapon to calm anxious thoughts. This is because when we are anxious or stressed, our breathing is usually shallower than usual. By doing deeper breathing exercises, we are giving our brain a message that there is no longer a danger.
  7. Change tasks: Naps losing concentration in one task, try working on something completely different. Novelty can help us relieve boredom and stimulate our attention. In most cases, it usually takes a few minutes for people to concentrate, so you should not repeatedly switch tasks.
  8. Exercise and eat well: Regular exercise accompanied by a good diet can help you relieve the symptoms of anxiety, which will also mean improving your ability to concentrate.
  9. Reframe your thoughts: In many cases, people with anxiety tend to have negative thought patterns about themselves. That is, anxiety also takes the form of binary, negative thinking or jumping to conclusions based mainly on emotions. These types of thoughts not only influence our lack of concentration, but can also end up affecting us personally and professionally. Therefore, you can try to rethink them in a more rational way, that is, questioning their veracity.
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The anxiety can cause concentration problems, in addition to making a person constantly question their decisions and attitudes. For this reason, it is crucial to try to deal with these feelings as soon as possible.