90 Questions To Get To Know Your Friends More And Better

Questions to get to know our friends better are a typical element of meetings between people with a close relationship with each other; In fact, there are some betrayals and rituals that make us go through these types of conversations almost without realizing it.

And this is for a good reason: maintaining friendships is only possible if we open ourselves honestly to those people and if we know that they are willing to do the same while feeling heard. This requires going beyond banal conversations about everyday life, and being able to discuss deep and personal topics, since this demonstrates commitment to that friendship relationship. Starting from this idea, let’s look at several questions to get to know your friends better with which you can strengthen those links.

Table of Contents

Why is it important to understand your friends well?

Friends become the most important people in our lives along with our family members They say that having a friend is having a treasure, and the truth is that there are things that you would only tell a good friend (even before your parents).

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Faithful and loyal friends last a lifetime, and they are always there to help you in bad times.

In this sense, having conversations in which you ask questions to get to know your friends better (and they ask you questions) offers these benefits:

Questions to get to know your friends better

If you want to know your friends more in depth, and have them share their concerns, thoughts and expectations with you, you can find below a list with several questions that will help you find out more about his life their hobbies, their tastes and their most unfathomable secrets.

1. Do you have any secrets that you haven’t told me?

We all have some kept secret that we will not share with almost anyone. If he tells you, it means you have a lot of confidence.

2. Tell me three musical bands that have marked you

Music is something that inspires us and motivates us As for musical tastes, each of us has our own. In addition, musical tastes say a lot about people, and this way you can get an idea of ​​what they are like.

3. What scares you?

Confessing your fears to someone is also a sign of trust. If he opens his or her heart to you, you can already be sure that you are important to him or her.

4. Where would you go on vacation?

This question is interesting in case one day you decide to go somewhere with him or her. This way you will know more or less if she shares the same tastes as you.

5. What would be your dream job?

Work is something very personal, and it is a very important part of a person’s life. When you work doing what you like you are happy.

6. If you could interview anyone, who would it be?

A way to know who inspires you in this life or if you have a character you would like to be like.

7. Do you have a favorite book? Which is it?

In the books that a person reads it is also possible to know what worries him or her. An adventure book, a psychology book… Let’s see what your friend answers.

8. What do you value most about our friendship?

Very useful information to know what your friend thinks of you. Surely, if you have a close relationship, he will like the way you are.

9. What does freedom mean to you?

This is one of those existential questions that will give you information about what his values ​​are and what he thinks about freedom.

10. Which historical figure would you like to have dinner with?

We have all noticed other people at some point in our lives. There are characters that have inspired us throughout our lives. For example, if you like poetry, perhaps you would eat with Pablo Neruda, and if you like basketball, with Michael Jordan.

11. If you ruled the world, what would you do to change it?

If your friend is a person with critical thinking, has a good heart and is interested in social issues, he or she surely has some ideas to make the world work better.

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12. What superpower would you have if you could choose?

A rare question that can help relieve tension and get creativity going.

13. Is there any item of clothing that you would never wear?

This question also requires the person to think and be creative when answering. The answers to this question can be very personal.

14. Do you often think about how you feel?

Emotionally intelligent people know their own emotions and therefore regulate them. But not everyone stops to reflect on their own thoughts or emotions.

15. Tell me four series that you like the most

In this way it is possible to know what their concerns and cultural tastes are. Maybe you like action or maybe humor.

16. What qualities do you value most in someone?

This question can be very personal, but it will undoubtedly help you get to know your friend better and give you feedback on what you like about someone and what you don’t.

17. How do you see the future?

Visualizing the future in one way or another provides information about someone’s aspirations, motivation and even self-confidence.

18. Sea or mountains?

There are people who prefer the mountains, because they like to ski or snow, for example. On the other hand, there are people who prefer the sun and the beach.

19. What is your bedroom like?

At certain ages the bedroom is the most personal place in the house, especially during adolescence.

20. What would you eat for your last dinner?

A way to know your food tastes, since if you had to choose your last delicacy, it would surely be what you enjoy the most.

21. Do you identify with any song?

Music makes us feel very strong emotions and is something very personal, which differs from one person to another.

22. What is the most embarrassing memory from your childhood?

We have all had good and bad times in our childhood. It depends on your friend if he wants to tell you (and if he has accepted it).

23. What is the most unpleasant mood for you?

With this question, your friend can express some concerns, fears or manias that he has and that probably embarrass him.

24. What is your favorite movie? Because?

Just like musical tastes or series, Movies can also provide information about what your tastes are For example, if you like romance or horror movies.

25. How would you describe me?

How your friend sees you can be interesting. Don’t be surprised if the idea you have of yourself is not the same as the one your friend has. However, if he is your friend it is for a reason.

26. Do you have any role models?

We have all been marked by someone, or have someone we would like to be like. A way to know how you would like to be.

27. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

We all had dreams and hopes during our childhood Sometimes they come true and sometimes they don’t.

28. What do you want most in this world?

Sometimes we have incomplete dreams or we are halfway to achieving them. It’s nice that your friend shares his goals and objectives with you.

29. Do you have a favorite place to live?

The answer to this question can provide you with information about whether the person is comfortable living where they live or wants to change their place of residence.

30. Is there something you think others think about you that isn’t true?

Your friend may think that others do not know what he is really like or have a wrong image of him. A question similar to the previous one, although in this case we are talking about a different facet of education: role model that follows.

31. If you got a tattoo, what would it be about?

Tattoos are in fashion and can mean something very personal. You may be surprised by his answer to this question.

32. What type of music do you like the most?

A question similar to the one about the music band, but more focused on musical genres and not so much on the artists that have influenced you.

33. What kind of people do you feel most sorry for?

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the place of another. This answer can give you information about whether or not your friend is an empath. .

34. If you were an animal… which one would you be?

This question can bring out how your friend sees himself and what virtues or defects stand out about him.

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35. Who is the most important person in your life?

The answer to this question cannot mean anything special either; but it can provide useful information in some cases, such as if your parents have separated.

36. What do you miss most about your childhood?

Childhood is a period of life that must be passed to become adults. With this question it is possible to know if you still have a childish mentality.

37. What is the strangest thing you have done on a date?

There can be very funny answers to this question, which is a good way to create a relaxed atmosphere.

38. Would you forgive infidelity?

Infidelity can be a very delicate moment in a couple’s life. With this question it is possible to know if you are a forgiving person or not.

39. What has been your best moment of your life?

We all go through good and bad times in life. Some of them we will remember forever.

40. Which fictional character do you most identify with?

Sometimes people can identify with some fictional characters that we consider to be role models.

41. Where would you go to live an adventure?

These types of questions aim to find out what the person is like and whether or not they have an adventurous mentality.

42. What aspect of life are you most passionate about?

One of the deepest questions with which to get to know a friend better, since it tells us about their priorities and fundamental values.

43. When did you realize that you were already an adult?

Indirectly, this question is a way to know if the person we are talking to is mature or if they still have a childish mentality.

44. Where would you go with me to spend a few days?

Surely, you and your friend have many things in common. This question is ideal for planning a trip together.

45. What kind of people would you be embarrassed to be seen with?

Some individuals think too much about the image they project to others, so they are responsible for always offering a good image. An answer that can bring out whether or not your friend is vain.

46 What four adjectives tell you what you are like?

On the one hand, this question aims to find out if the person knows themselves and whether or not they value themselves positively.

47. What would you like to achieve in this life?

Another of those questions that provide information about the person’s expectations and concerns for the future.

48. Are you a superstitious person?

How does your friend perceive reality? This question helps you find out.

49. Do you like to know what is happening in other countries?

To find out how curious your friend is and if he cares about issues happening in other places in the world.

50. What do you like most about yourself?

Again, a way to know how your friend sees himself and how he values ​​himself. It can say a lot about his self-esteem.

51. If you had to be on a reality show, what would it be about?

Not everyone is in favor of reality shows. A way to know what your friend thinks about it.

52. What type of people are most attractive to you?

As for physical attraction, there are tastes for everything. Do you share the same tastes with your friend? Let him or her be the one to tell you.

53. What does infidelity mean to you?

Infidelity is a delicate topic, but not everyone has the same opinion about it. There are people who have a liberal view of relationships and others who have a more conventional mentality.

54. In what situations would you be willing to lie?

We have all lied at some point, it is normal for human beings. Surely, when asked this question, you want to show a positive image of yourself. But he may confess to you what he really thinks.

55 How would you define your type of sense of humor?

Logically, there are people with a greater sense of humor than others, and there are also many types of humor: black humor, absurd… You probably already know your friend’s sense of humor, especially if he is one of those people who never stops making jokes. Although maybe he is a rather serious person and you need to ask him about this topic.

56. What talent would you like to have?

People have our virtues and our defects and, sometimes, we want things that we cannot have.

57. What has disappointed you the most in a friendship?

Knowing the emotionally painful experiences a friend has gone through in their personal relationships is a good way to understand them better.

58. What are you most proud of in this life?

There are times in a person’s life when one feels very happy for what they have achieved. Ask your friend to share that special moment with you.

59. And… what do you regret most?

The same can happen with the most unpleasant moment. It’s good that he opens his heart to you and tells you.

60. What is your greatest virtue and your greatest flaw?

A good question to know your friend’s self-image, both good and bad.

61. What frustrates you the most that you haven’t achieved?

A way to look back and evaluate failures.

62. How do you deal with anxiety?

Everyone has their tricks to try to manage anxiety, whether they work or not.

63. With what type of people do you feel most insecure or shy?

A question to know your vulnerable side.

64. To what extent would you go to achieve fame?

A way to know to what extent you value recognition from others.

65. Do you think friendships last forever?

A question to find out your point of view on friendships.

66. Have you ever declared yourself?

Being romantic and traditional does not have to be a bad thing, but this practice is quite outdated.

67. Would you hire a friend in your company?

It depends a lot on the personality and professional confidence that the friend in question inspires in us. A difficult question to answer.

68. Who is the friend you would most trust with a job that involved brute force?

Moving and other types of work may require a muscular and tireless person.

69. Can you trust a friend who never suggests making plans together?

There are friends who respond when you call them, but never take the initiative. What opinion do you have?

70. Who is the friend most likely to be knocked unconscious on a night out?

We all have a friend or acquaintance who doesn’t know how to control themselves.

71. Which of your friends has been detained by the police the most times?

You may be surprised by the number of times a friend has been summoned for committing an infraction.

72. What are, for you, the three most important values?

Values ​​are ideas that summarize a person’s ethics and this question helps explore them.

73. Would you rather have a great innate talent for an activity, or the ability to work hard?

In this question you can sense the way in which your friend understands personal development.

74. What do you think is the adjective that best defines you?

A way to summarize your personality in a minimalist way.

75. In what area of ​​your life do you think your creative side is most reflected?

Creativity does not always have to be reflected in very attractive works of art or actions that attract attention.

76. What would a society governed by you be like?

This question also helps you understand your friend’s values ​​and ethical scale.

77. What is love for you?

Since love is so important and complex at the same time, it is good to know how each person understands it.

78. What is your main irrational fear?

Almost all people develop a fear of something relatively harmless without being able to explain very well why (although not in all cases that fear is so intense as to be a phobia).

79. At what age do you think you started to be a mature person?

An opportunity to reflect on what psychological maturity is.

80. How would you like to be remembered when you are gone?

One of the most profound questions when getting to know someone, because it deals with the mark that each person wants to leave on others in the long term.

81. Which superhero do you identify with the most?

It can give us several clues about how you perceive yourself.

82. Do you prefer rainy or sunny days?

Yes, there are people who like it to rain more.

83. Do you have any hidden freckles anywhere on your body?

Who else has one of these small and benign spots in some corner of their skin.

84. What is the moment when you have been closest to death?

Some people have seen death very closely, and that usually changes their lives forever.

85. What did you think about me the first time you saw me?

A good way to better understand under what conditions your friendship was born.

86. Where would you go to relax for a few days?

A way to know how a person calms down Some may enjoy surfing somewhere secluded and others may prefer a beach resort.

87. Do you think it takes you a long time to show your fears and vulnerabilities to a friend?

This tells us about the “protective layers” that your friend maintains around him or her when he or she still doesn’t trust someone.

88. What is the ideal way you would like to spend your old age?

This is a way to project your aspirations into the future.

89. What does a political cause need to make you get involved in it?

Every person has an activist side, even if they are asleep.

90. Who has influenced you the most in this life?

Although throughout our lives we meet many people, we all have someone who has marked us. Someone who has changed us for the better.