‘I Feel Alone’: What To Do When You Are Sad Due To A Feeling Of Loneliness?

Why do I feel alone? What can we do when we start to feel alone and empty? Discover what is hidden behind this feeling of loneliness and how to combat it.

'I feel alone': What can I do?

Human beings are social animals. Therefore, it is normal for us to feel loneliness and sadness when we are really very isolated from others. By expressing feelings like ‘I feel alone ‘ either ‘I feel alone ‘, people are indicating that we notice how we are not connected with the rest of society.

This feeling is because our brains have adapted to rely on connections with others as a means to survive. However, with the pace of life we ​​currently maintain, many people have felt increasingly separated from the rest. As a result, there are more and more people expressing phrases like ‘I feel sad and alone ‘. What can we do about it?

Why do I feel alone?

As we have indicated, humans are very sociable beings. So much so that in most cases, people whose relationships are not going well begin to have a feeling of loneliness that is too deeply rooted in their lives. In the words of experts, the feel alone It can mean the following.

“The absence of social connection triggers the same primary alarms as hunger, thirst, and physical pain.”

John Cacioppo, neuroscientist

To the feel alone or lonely People should take this as a warning sign that there is a problem in our lives. On many occasions, when you feel alone this can lead to despair and even disorders such as depression.

‘I feel alone’, what’s wrong with me?

In most cases, when people express phrases like ‘m and I feel alone and empty ‘, this is also synonymous with thinking that there is something wrong with us. The more alone we feel, the more feelings that we are suffering from social rejection begin to arise in our minds.

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Thoughts related to ‘I feel alone ‘ or the ‘I feel alone ‘They are usually linked to a very critical inner voice that can lead the person to experience certain very self-destructive behaviors. In fact, when people have this inner critic, they often end up avoiding others and avoiding social connections, increasing the feeling of loneliness.

Normally, people who start saying ‘I am very alone They often have the belief that this is due to their poor social skills. In reality, different research has shown that the majority of people who feel these feelings of loneliness usually have adequate communication and relational skills.

On the contrary, when lonelier people have more ‘social pressure’, they begin to experience more anxiety. This means that they end up perceiving themselves as people with few social skills.

We must understand that loneliness is not quantified by the amount of time we spend alone, but by how we feel during these moments we spend with ourselves. Therefore, on many occasions, the feel alone or feeling alone It can trigger thoughts about our social desirability.

Reasons why you may feel alone

Why do I feel alone and empty?

There are several factors that can cause people to end up expressing phrases like ‘I feel alone and sad’ or ‘I feel alone and sad’ ‘. In these cases, when the feeling of loneliness is negative and also implies emptiness, it may be due to the following.

  • Genetics: In some cases the feeling of loneliness It may be determined by our genes. In fact, it appears that we can inherit the intensity of pain felt when a person feels socially isolated from others.
  • Around: Often the be alone in life It is caused by our environment. If a person lives in an isolated area or has moved to a new city, it is normal that we are more susceptible to feeling alone.
  • Circumstances: Going through a divorce or the loss of an important person in our lives can lead people to experience even the feeling of being alone surrounded by people.
  • Thoughts and attitudes: The way we think and how we perceive ourselves as well as the world around us can also lead us to experience loneliness.
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Apart from these causes, people can express feelings like ‘I feel empty and alone due to other psychological factors such as the experience of trauma or the attachment styles with which they have been raised.

‘I feel bad about being alone’: When is it a problem?

When a feeling of loneliness becomes chronic, this can translate into serious and harmful effects on both our physical and mental health. Among the most common we find the following:

  • Depression
  • Decreased sleep quality
  • Weakened health
  • Memory loss
  • Negative thoughts about yourself
  • Social anxiety

When a person starting to feel alone He often ends up perceiving the world around him as a threat that is beyond his control. Therefore, it is important to go to a mental health professional when faced with this feeling of loneliness.

What to do when you feel alone?

What to do when you feel alone and friendless?

There are some actions that we can include in our lives to avoid expressions like ‘I feel alone ‘. The attitudes that we will show you below will help you combat the feeling of loneliness.

  1. Challenge your inner critic: Normally, when a person gives a lot of strength to their inner critical voice, they tend to avoid the challenges that involve leaving their comfort zone. When you start to notice these attacks, it is vital that you stop them and prevent them from manipulating your behavior.
  2. Practice self-compassion: Self-compassion involves trying to treat ourselves the same way we would a friend. In this way, using this strategy we will not only combat loneliness but we will also be able to be more objective with what is happening around us.
  3. Take steps to free yourself from isolation: Before words like ‘mand I feel very alone ‘It is important that you try to develop a strategy to try to deal with this feeling of isolation. To do this, you can ask yourself: When do I feel most alone? When do I feel least alone? What activities do I enjoy the most? Is there someone I feel good spending time with? Once you answer these questions, you will be able to see what you can do to fight these types of sensations.
  4. Practice generosity: In many cases when a person begins to feeling alone surrounded by people or usually feeling alone with a partner, can lead you to experience a feeling of hopelessness. Through gratitude, that is, beginning to appreciate what we are and have, people can combat this frustration due to loneliness.
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A person who feel sad and alone It is the sign that there is a problem in your life that you must solve. In many cases, consultation with a mental health professional will be very helpful in dealing with these feelings. Life is to be shared with others.