Emotional Intelligence In Everyday Life

Emotional intelligence in everyday life

Sometimes, current problems are not due to a lack of resources but to poor management of our emotions

In this sense, it is worth noting that emotional intelligence contributes, according to several studies, to 80% of success in life. Only 20% gives us rational intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the way we face the world and ourselves, the best way to know ourselves and our environment. Is a set of skills that make the person relate better or worse with others and with themselves The importance of managing emotions is the basis of emotional intelligence if we can understand them, we can also modify them and even anticipate them.

For example, by knowing how to recognize emotion, managing it in time, we are able to stop states of depression, anxiety, anger, frustration… By being able to recognize emotions and understand them, we will be able to control them in ourselves and in the people we care about. surround us in our personal and work environment, which also means can become an excellent tool to help others

Numerous studies show that emotional intelligence is directly related to success and a sense of well-being. People with highly developed emotional intelligence adapt easily to their environment, learn quickly and know how to work very well in teams, which is why they are people with great social skills, highly motivated, creative, confident, with good self-esteem They deal with criticism very well and know how and when to say a timely and necessary “no”, in an assertive manner.

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There are many benefits of developing this ability, and that is why it is important to start training it from a young age. This will help us improve concentration and learning capacity, know ourselves better and develop great empathy with others, so our social relationships will be more satisfactory and we will be more motivated in general. Of course, it is a great help when faced with changes, since The fact of having more emotional intelligence will make the difference between being more or less resilient in the face of adversity

As it is something that directly affects our life and our well-being, even our mental health, we do not give it the importance it deserves, but perhaps we should pay even more attention to it than other issues such as learning languages, playing sports or studying, since it is be the basis for everything.

How to train emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence may be something innate to the person, but it is also something that can be trained from a young age or as an adult through different techniques and strategies.

It is easier to train when we are young, since at this stage we have a greater learning capacity and a much more open mind. We are more psychologically flexible.

With emotional intelligence training you can help little ones overcome typical tantrums, better tolerating failures and frustrations, get them used to focusing on finding solutions, instead of being blocked by a problem; to fight against fears, teaching them to manage their emotions, first detecting them, understanding them and then looking for a remedy through games.

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For them it will be a fun game, which as they grow will help them self-control, relax, pay more attention and achieve their goals, both in life and in the world of work.

The first thing is to identify the emotion in ourselves or in other people We are emotional beings from the moment we are born, and that is why it is important to know how to recognize them. It is also important to know how to connect with those emotions, not reject them, not repress them, because if we repress them they will manifest throughout our lives. As soon as you recognize an emotion, it is important that you accept it, because emotions are neither good nor bad, they are adaptive and are automatic when faced with a stimulus that occurs.

Each emotion prepares our body for a different kind of response For example, with anger the heart rate increases and adrenaline is triggered, to increase available energy; Thus the body is prepared for vigorous action. However, with fear the blood goes to the legs to be able to escape and your body begins to develop a general alert. Sometimes it can be a confusing emotion or the result of several emotions, but you must recognize the main emotion in each scenario. For example; Is it anger or anguish? Sometimes we seem angry and what we really are is worried or distressed. The emotion is immediate, it is instantaneous.

Be aware of the negative implications of the emotions you feel How does it hurt you to feel this way? Find out the cause, what was the triggering situation that makes you feel this way?

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Be aware of oneself, know emotions and manage them, recognize their emotions in others; empathy and thus manage relationships better. Ask, be interested in what happens to him. There is always a reason for everything, practice empathy.

Find the reason for that behavior in others or in yourself. Disconnect for at least a few hours. Technologically, socially and professionally. Try to leave your mind blank and relax. Dedicate yourself to yourself. Make decisions or look for solutions to avoid situations that generate that emotion.

Studying the strategy of how to do it can also be a positive thought. Learn to say no in a positive way by adding a kind alternative You can reject any proposal, without hurting someone else’s emotions. Keep your distance from people who generate a negative influence on you, if you can’t help them, stay away. Training your emotional skills today with emotional intelligence training is essential for the times we live in.