Video Game Addiction: Are Games Really Addictive?

Technology has flooded all areas of our lives. Should we let children play video games? Is there really a video game addiction? Find out.

Does video game addiction exist?

Currently, we are immersed in the era of new technologies. This entails a drastic change in the way we use our free time, both in children and adolescents and in adults. A few years ago leisure was based mainly on outdoor activities, however, today the videogames They have won the battle against traditional games. It is for this reason that we can increasingly find cases that lead to an addiction to video games or a certain dependence on them. But, are there really teenagers or children addicted to video games?

What is video game addiction?

The video game addiction It consists of the compulsive or uncontrolled use of video games, in such a way that this can cause problems in the life of the person who suffers from it. Increasingly, especially in the case of children, the obsession with the mobile phone, the console or the computer is more present.

Does video game addiction really exist?

Video games can be the perfect opportunity to enhance children’s attention span, concentration, teamwork, increased agility in solving problems and understanding of abstract concepts. In addition, some research teams are working on the use of the videogames to evaluate different abilities, including estimating general ability or g factor (IQ). Video games are capable of motivating and arousing the attention of those who use them, being a potential tool to be used in the school environment and in the family environment.

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The other side of this coin are the numerous studies on the disadvantages of video games Among the disadvantages, we find that they can reduce school performance, lead to a sedentary life, social exclusion, pro-violent behavior or behavioral disorders. Without a doubt, these problems are influenced by excessive usage time, the type of video game and whether the game is supervised by responsible adults.

What is video game addiction?

It is for this reason that on many occasions people wonder if they can really exist. video game addicts or if the most addictive games can be harmful or have negative consequences for the person who is constantly playing them.

Although research cannot substantiate most of arguments against video games Yes, it is true that there are some cases of addiction to video games in adults, adolescents or children.

In conclusion, video games, and new technologies in general, are neither beneficial nor harmful. It is the way we use them that will impact our lives in one way or another. Therefore, to make the most of the advantages and reduce the disadvantages, it is necessary for parents to supervise and guide both the time and the video game content that minors use.

When can we say that there is an addiction to video games?

Studies in this regard show that there is between 1% to 16% of people who may meet the criteria for video game addiction. However, the official definition of video game addiction varies depending on different organizations.

As with other addictions, the key to detecting video game addicts It is not only the time that is dedicated to them but the effects that they are having on the individual.

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In this way, when there is a video game addiction, this activity becomes the main way of facing the life of the person who suffers from it. So when someone is addicted to gambling he often ends up neglecting or disrupting the other areas of her life.

Keys to help someone who is addicted to video games

How to help someone who suffers from video game addiction?

There are a series of actions you can do to help a video game addict Despite this, it is always advisable to go to a professional psychologist in these cases.

1. Shape healthy use of screens and video games

Moderation is the key to enjoying the games without being addictive for children or adolescents. In these cases, the important thing is to try to have a balance between video games and reality.

2. Encourage social interactions outside the home

If your children spend the day with people playing video games, it is important that you try to foster other friendships that are not focused on a screen all day. Therefore, you can give your child a boost by signing him or her up for an extracurricular activity or a campus where screens are out of reach.

3. Get out into nature more

Disconnecting the screens is essential to be able to leave aside the video game addiction and to other technologies. A vacation in the countryside or at least going out one day a week for a walk in nature will undoubtedly be a good option in these cases.

Nowadays, both new technology and the videogames They have improved entertainment and even our quality of life. But, as with everything to be able to enjoy it in a healthy way, moderation is undoubtedly the key.

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