How To Concentrate To Study? 12 Tricks To Improve Your Memory

Are you one of those people who get distracted by a fly? Do you find it difficult to stay focused when you are working or studying? Discover the key to knowing how to concentrate to study.

Techniques to study faster and more effectively

Maintaining attention is difficult when you are not doing an attractive task and the activity can drag on over time because concentration is not adequate. Know how to concentrate to study Nowadays it is quite a merit due to the large number of distractions that accompany us everywhere. In this way, here we propose a series of tricks to study more effectively thanks to some secrets of psychology.

Tricks to study better

To help your brain concentrate Since focusing your attention on a single task, it is vital to have knowledge of the best ways to study or those methods to study that guarantee greater concentration. In this way, the best concentration techniques for studying will go hand in hand with these tips to learn to control your attention.

1. Create a comfortable space

In order to concentrate, the environment needs to be conducive. Therefore, if you can choose, try to make your workplace pleasant for you, that it is quiet, that it is spacious (that the desk or table is clear), that it has good lighting (ideally natural light), that you have everything you need at hand. hand (to prevent you from constantly getting up) and the seat is comfortable and tailored to you. It should be a place that inspires positive emotions in which you can concentrate without being distracted in any of its corners. Also, if you like working with music, make sure it is relaxing and, if possible, songs without lyrics. In these cases you can always opt for the music to concentrate and memorize that has already been selected through a playlist.

2. Eliminate distractors

You know yourself better than anyone and you know what makes you lose focus. If you know you get distracted by your phone, leave it in your bag or in another room with silent mode on (no vibrator) or directly on airplane mode. This will help you avoid distractions and you can focus on the task. When you take breaks, your cell phone will serve as positive reinforcement for having been focused all that time. Eliminating distractions will not only help you overcome difficulty concentrating but will also be the key to memorize faster and not spend too much time studying.

3. Always use the same space for the same purpose:

Whether to study or work, try to make your workplace always the same. If you study one day at the dining room table, another in your room, and another in the library, your concentration will not be the most appropriate because you will always be locating yourself. Likewise, if you work from home or in an office, try to always use the same table for the same purpose, that is, if you work at it, do not eat there or dedicate that space to any activity other than working. This way your brain will associate sitting in that chair and placing yourself in that space with working or studying. Through this connection it will be easier for your brain to focus on tasks that you have in front of you since you will have associated that space with mental effort.

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4. Prepare your brain

It is essential to get a good rest, play sports and eat well. If you have slept the necessary hours and have done a little exercise, as well as followed a good diet, it will be easier for your brain to concentrate to study hard Likewise, it is very important that your brain is well loaded with glucose and for this it is essential to have eaten something previously, preferably carbohydrates such as cereals and fruit at the beginning of the day.

Avoid eating large meals, as your body’s blood then concentrates in the stomach and attention to tasks decreases. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid coffee or energy drinks such as red-bull, since they activate so much that they make it difficult study and concentrate Furthermore, after periods of work or study it is good to do some physical activity to recharge your batteries. Doing sports during the week helps to increase concentration during study or work periods.

How to concentrate to study?

5. Take breaks periodically

The brain stops functioning optimally after 1 hour of concentration, and it is for this reason that breaks must be taken every 50 minutes. Rest is vital to be able to concentrate to study effectively, so you must keep it in mind in any of the methods to study that you implement during your day. Try to make the first break 5 minutes, and lengthen that break by a few minutes after each hour of study or work.

When you take 5 breaks, try to make it a minimum of half an hour to ensure that your brain is well oxygenated. During these periods of time, do activities that you like, drink water or juice, talk to someone or look at your cell phone. If you find it difficult to return to study or work after the break, set an alarm to remind you that your free time is over or download an application that is based on this. This point obviously cannot be done this way if you are at your job and do not distribute your time. Then try to alternate a task that requires great concentration with another that does not require much. This way you will allow your brain to take a little break. Breaks are the key to study quickly or work in a more effective way.

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6. First do one activity and then another

Sometimes we can be very chaotic and multitasking. That makes the concentration It is not suitable for any of the tasks we perform and we lose control, plus we need the positive reinforcement of seeing how we have finished something. Try to make a list (realistic, not one of those endless ones) and cross out the ones you finish.

This list tries to be ordered by degree of urgency and intersperse different tasks and do not start a task until you have finished another; That way you will be reinforced for the work done. However, if you get stuck with one activity, you can jump to another, but first take a short break. Creating a list, getting organized and crossing off what you do will be an ideal motivation that will help you get going. study and concentrate on any day.

7. Establish schedules and times for everything

Even if you have all day or several days to do something, divide or break down the task and set goals (this point must be finished by that time). Otherwise, the tendency is to postpone or prolong a task that could be finished much sooner or that all the work could accumulate at the last moment. In this way, one of the methods to concentrate It will be to propose an affordable schedule throughout your day and follow it. This is not only one of the best ways to study and memorize, but it will also be an effective way to manage your time so you can enjoy both studying and breaks.

8. Create your own mantra

Every time you see that you are getting distracted or stopping working on the task, come back to it with a word or short phrase that helps you, such as: “focus” or “come back” Or look for an image that you can take out and look at that will serve as an alarm (for example, a boomerang coming back or a stop sign). This is one of the tricks to study and concentrate into something that will be more useful to you. Quieting thoughts about the past and future and trying to focus on the present will be the key to memorizing faster or being more effective in your job.

9. Apply your emotions

Emotions are one of the most effective tools to concentrate on a task that requires effort. To do this, these will be your best vitamins to study or carry out your work. For this reason, one of the techniques to study better will be to develop a passion for everything we experience, whatever it may be. Seeing everything with the eyes of a child and putting enthusiasm into everything we do is one of the best ways to be able to concentrate to study or do any work. So let go of the negativity and learn to see the positive side of everything you do. Your attitude will not only be one of the best tricks for studying but will also make you enjoy these moments of your life.

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Tricks to learn to study

10. Find the meaning

Having a reason behind a task will also help you learn to focus. One of the techniques to study better It will be giving deep meaning to what you are doing. In this way, one of the methods to know how to memorize better is to try to apply what you are learning in your daily life or relate it to certain aspects of your daily life. This happens since in psychology it has been shown that there are different forms of mental processing that go from the most superficial to the deepest. Therefore, if you use something very superficial that you only remember at a specific moment, this information is more difficult to retain. By applying it to our life, you will be able to memorize it in a much deeper way.

11. Practice mindfulness

To concentrate to study better or apply the best memorization techniques quickly The most effective thing is to train your attention. To do this, you can try to be fully aware during different activities that you enjoy such as sports, playing music, or while reading. You can also practice it at any time and that will be the best way to concentrate better during study hours. This way you will not only have one of the best methods to concentrate at your fingertips, but on the other hand you will be able to enjoy many aspects of your daily life.

12. Learn to meditate

Meditation has become essential to our way of life. Thanks to her we have one of the best methods to concentrate and without a doubt it is one of the tools to overcome any difficulty concentrating. You can do it before study or work, but the key is to do it as many times as possible.

There are many ways to study and memorize, but to take advantage of these moments you must enjoy each one of them. Also, if you suffer from problems concentrating, you can always consult a professional psychologist to help you with it. In many cases, even though you have a task that you may not enjoy, your attitude will be vital to being able to concentrate to study and get the best out of both those moments and their results. We are in control of how we view the tasks we set ourselves.