Cerebral Palsy: Types, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The development of the human brain is a long and very complex process that begins during fetal development and continues throughout life. This organ and the entire nervous system are the bases from which the set of functions of our body is regulated, both at the level of basic functions of our organs and, for example, when it comes to allowing actions such as voluntary movement.

However, sometimes various problems occur during fetal development, during childbirth or during the first years of life in which brain development does not occur properly and ends up preventing different skills from being displayed or various functions being carried out. When these problems of cerebral origin generate the inability to carry out voluntary movement, we are talking about cerebral palsy

    What is cerebral palsy?

    Cerebral palsy is understood to be the medical condition in which the presence of brain alterations or lesions during brain development causes the development of movement capacity and psychomotor skills to be greatly limited. These limitations are generally congenital and represent a permanent alteration that alters processes such as learning.

    Movement problems, muscle rigidity, incoordination, tremors, hypotonia and hyperkinesia in the joints usually appear. This type of symptoms can be generalized or seen to a greater extent in the extremities or in a specific hemibody. In addition to that the lack or difficulties of motor control caused by cerebral palsy It can cause difficulties in feeding, breathing and excretion. Sometimes sensory perception is also affected.

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    It is common that delays appear in the development of the subject and that various milestones typical of individuals without this problem are either delayed or not overcome, given the existence of a problem in the central nervous system that hinders its correct maturation. May be accompanied by intellectual disability although it is not a symptom of this condition.

    The severity of this paralysis can be enormously variable, ranging from barely noticeable to severe disability for the subject who suffers from it, requiring constant support and care in the most serious cases.

      Types of cerebral palsy

      There is no single type of cerebral palsy, but this term encompasses different subtypes of problems. Some of the most common are the following.

      1. Spastic cerebral palsy

      One of the best known and most frequent forms, it is a type of cerebral palsy in which subjects suffer from a high level of muscle rigidity and big problems when it comes to mobilizing muscle groups.

      Tetraplegia may occur (although also diplegia, paraplegia, or hemiplegia), seizures, apraxias, high level of excitement and activation and spasticity. Abnormal postures and contractions, hypertonia and hyperflexibility are usually observed.

      2. Ataxic cerebral palsy

      Of the less frequent forms, it usually occurs in the form of lack of muscle tone, incoordination and lack of balance. Walking, in the case of those who have it, is difficult and presents a risk of falls. Hand-eye coordination also becomes complex as well as orientation.

      3. Dyskinetic cerebral palsy

      In this subtype of cerebral palsy, hypotonia and the presence of dystonic or choreic involuntary movements, often in the form of contraction. They are especially visible in the muscles of the face, which, together with the hearing problems that they also usually have, can generate great difficulties in the area of ​​communication.

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      Etiology (causes)

      The causes of cerebral palsy can be very varied, but are generally due to the presence of alterations or injuries during fetal development during childbirth or in the first years after birth.

      These alterations and lesions are usually congenital, but they can also be acquired throughout development. Some of the acquired disorders can be meningitis, encephalitis and intrauterine infections. Also cardiovascular accidents, trauma, or anoxia may occur during development or birth. On some occasions there have been cases of cerebral palsy resulting from abuse in the form of hitting or shaking babies.


      Although it is a condition that has no cure since it is caused by a chronic and irreversible injury, it is possible to perform various treatments from a multidisciplinary perspective that allows the individual strengthen and optimize your capabilities, create and improve communication and ultimately ensure that it reaches the highest level of development and well-being possible.

      At a medical level, very different interventions may be required depending on the difficulties that arise, from application of relaxing and anticonvulsant drugs to the use of surgery to treat joint deformities or place gastric tubes. At the level of prevention, it is necessary to take care of your diet during pregnancy (especially for conditions such as hypertension or diabetes) and avoid the consumption of substances such as alcohol or drugs.

      One of the strategies to use is occupational therapy, which allows adequate stimulation of the child. The use of physiotherapy and logotherapy is also required, so that movement and communication skills are reinforced as much as possible.

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      Another aspect to take into account, and one that requires greater attention, is education, since symptomatology greatly hinders normative learning. It is necessary to establish individualized plans for these children and provide them with the necessary support. It is necessary to stimulate these subjects and reinforce the basic functions and tasks of daily life, or educate the environment or caregivers in case they can’t take care of themselves.

      Psychoeducation is essential not only for the minor, but also for their families. It is also advisable to attend support groups where the child and family can meet and share experiences, thoughts, doubts and feelings.