7 Tips To Avoid Unemployment Depression

The unemployment rate is worrying in Spain, and in fact it is almost 20% of the population. This is one of the problems that most worries Spaniards, who since the economic crisis that began in 2008, have seen how job insecurity has become a reality in our country.

However, unemployment does not only have material consequences on purchasing power. It also carries a higher risk of suffering from depressive symptoms

Psychology and unemployment

Surely, the first thing that comes to mind when we lose work is the loss of income we suffer, and how financial problems can significantly alter our lives. The truth is that being unemployed not only affects our pockets, but it causes serious problems on a psychological level. Experts even talk about a phenomenon called “unemployment depression.”

The psychological consequences of being unemployed are not only suffered by the person who is unemployed, but also his family You can check it out in the article “Parental unemployment causes depression and anxiety in children, according to a study”, where psychologist Jonathan García-Allen delves into these consequences and how they affect the life of a person without a job.

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What is unemployment depression

Unemployment depression arises when the person has been unemployed for several months and he perceives that the situation is beyond him. The initial “shock” of being unemployed can be joined by repeated failed attempts to find employment.

The person’s self-esteem suffers, since the individual may experience that they are practically not called for job interviews despite having submitted thousands of resumes. This situation discourages the person, who feels guilt and failure for the path his life is taking.

Symptoms of this mental alteration

Unemployment depression presents a series of symptoms that we show you below.

1. Learned helplessness

Being unemployed for a long time can burn a person out so that their own resources are exhausted. Every day that passes without finding a job and not seeing results In the face of their efforts, it gives the message to individuals that no matter what they do, their situation will not change. This accumulation of frustrations can lead the individual to suffer learned helplessness.

2. Low self-esteem

This delicate situation leads the person to value themselves negatively, as they usually feel guilty even though the unemployment situation has a structural cause. Low self-esteem also affects your self-confidence and increasingly feels like a failed individual.

3. Somatic symptoms

Psychological affectation can cause physical symptoms. Headaches, sleeping difficulties, sexual problems upset stomach, etc., can be some of the consequences of unemployment depression.

4. Bad habits

Over time, the person becomes more and more detached. It is difficult for you to follow healthy habits, such as practicing physical exercise or eating poorly. In fact, you can end up use addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol to avoid facing reality and the problems that arise in your life.

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5. Other symptoms

Other symptoms such as anxiety, apathy, demotivation or aggressive behavior They can occur when a person suffers from depression due to unemployment.

What to do to prevent this very delicate situation

Being unemployed is a very stressful life event, since it has not only personal consequences, but also social ones. But what can we do to avoid falling into depression when we don’t have a job? Below you can find some tips.

1. Stay positive and don’t lose hope

Don’t let panic take over and stay positive. Maybe the options don’t appear right away, but if you keep looking for work, something may come up. On a personal level, stay active and continue practicing a hobby as it will help you disconnect and keep your mind busy.

2. Know yourself

You may not really know yourself in depth. Find out what you are good at so you have a better chance of success in your job search. Once you know who you are, then you can sell yourself better and possibly someone would be interested in hiring you

3. Control your expenses

Many times, depression due to unemployment appears due to the pace of life we ​​have. AND It is logical that financial worries lead us to suffer anxiety stress and depression.

There are cases in which it is not possible to remedy financial difficulties, but In other cases it is a matter of mentality Eliminate from your expenses everything that is not a priority in your life and adopt another way of thinking.

4. Seek help

Although the welfare state has suffered a great crisis, there is still government or local aid that can allow you to reduce the problems that have appeared at this delicate moment in your life. To the extent possible, exhaust this avenue.

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5. Train yourself

If you have the possibility of training… do it! Don’t waste your time standing still, be proactive not only in your job search but also in your personal development Nowadays it is not necessary to go to teaching centers, you can study online. So if you can financially afford it, you have no excuse not to continue training.

6. Surround yourself with your loved ones

In this delicate situation, it is a good time to surround yourself with the people who love you most. Maybe you need to tell them how you feel or just have pleasant moments. Count on them now that you need them.

7. Seek psychological help

Sometimes getting out of this situation of hopelessness is not easy, and it is necessary to receive psychological support. There are good professionals who can be of great help when you start to feel the downturn of this situation. You can find out about the best psychology clinics in the article “The 10 best psychology and psychotherapy clinics” may be useful to you.

Tips for finding work

If you want some tips for finding a job, in the article “I don’t have a job: 7 expert tips for finding it” you can discover the best strategies to get back to work after being unemployed.